Last night at our daughters pageant
Since I often guest post and have the password to this site, I am going to take a second to say HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to Paul and all the Dads out there that might be reading today!
Hands down, the best quality that Paul has is being a great Dad! His children LOVE him unconditionally. As hard as he might be on them on occasion, I can see everyday the way that they look at him how much they love him. They trust him and feel safe with him. He adores them and they know it.
Paul has always wanted a big family with a lot of kids running around. He is AMAZING with the babies. I have them, then turn them over to him! If he could have nursed them they would have (I tease him all the time) and knows how to quiet a screaming infant like no one I have ever seen.
He can see when I have had a long day and need to NOT have kids hanging on me. He has pushed me out the door MANY times and told me not to come back until the kids are in bed. He sent me to Austin for a full day jewelry making class when I had a 3 month old nursing baby, KEPT the baby himself and told me to pump! My friends who met me there were SHOCKED that he was “brave” enough to keep the baby. He does it all the time!
I often travel and Paul loves the time he has with the kids when I am not there. Those who know us, see him all the time grocery shopping with 7 kids and taking them to dinner. He never asks for help if I am gone and does not need it in anyway.
One day a friend was over and asked a question to Paul and I about our “best friends.” Paul answered, “My wife is my best friend, after her is my oldest son Tucker, I love him more than I can possibly tell you.” Tucker was standing in the hall and heard Paul say this. Tucker smiled for weeks. The effect on him hearing his Dad say that, can not be measured. Paul would say this about all of his kids, but I am glad this boy heard him say that, I think it changed a lot of things for him that day.
Paul can be hard on the kids when he needs to be. “Wait until your Dad gets home” goes a long way in our house! But it is a good balance with us. We play “good cop, bad cop” well here! I admire Paul and they way that parents our kids, they know that he loves them no matter what they ever might do. They come to him with their problems and know he will help them find the answer. He can be spiritual when they need it and funny or stern when appropriate. He is an AMAZING Dad!
Happy Fathers Day to all you WONDERFUL men out there!
That is the most beautiful picture! I’m sure your daughter will cherish that picture always! Happy Fathers Day!
This is a beautiful picture. What a lovely family you and Tiffany have! Happy Father’s Day!
You are very blessed.
Wow, they really do exist! She that findeth a good man. husband, friend and father is blessed indeed!
Very touching!
Great picture!
Happy Fathers Day!
Tiffany that was AWESOME! It looks like he chose a great best friend too! You are both so blessed and I just thank you for sharing that with us.
Beautiful picture and a good dad is truly a blessing!
Tear jerker… amen..