15 years ago today I made the best decision of my life, I married Tiffany Mary Davis. I have made many decisions and choices since then, some terrible some not so terrible. I just want her to know how truly lucky I feel to still have my best friend. Over the last 15 years we have shed many tears, laughs and memories. We have had 7 beautiful healthy children and I honestly believe she looks better today than she did in 1996. She is truly a great mother, sister, daughter, friend and wife. My goal everyday is to wake up and let you know how special you are to me, some days are more successful than others. You make me want to be better each day and not just so I don’t have to get yelled at:-) I hope that you look back at the last 15 years and can see all the good and let go of all the bad. I look forward to the next 15 years( except for our daughters dating and getting married part) with you and seeing all the great things our family accomplishes. You are truly a beautiful daughter of God and I love you very much!
Congratulations!!! And God bless you and your beautiful family for many years to come! Love from the Bobadilla family <3
Congrats to you both Paul. Have a wonderful anniversary and God Bless you and you family!!
Happy Anniversary!
Hope you two have a wonderful Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!! What a wonderful thing to do for your wife. May both of you enjoy many more years of a wonderful marriage!!
Congrats! Thanks for the great Walmart match ups all the time. You always do a great job.
Happy Annivarsary with many more to come!!!!! You 2 have a very beautiful family!
Congrats Have a wonderful Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Paul !!! Wish you many many more. And Thanks for all the
work you do…Enjoy your day ………
Congrats to the both of you! You are such great people, I hope you have an amazing anniversary!!!
aww too cute of you.. Congrats to both of you !!!
Have a wonderful Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!!
Congratulations! Best wishes for ya’ll. God will continue blessing your love and marriage.
Congrats my husband and I have been married for 4 years and I hope that we make it to 15 years just like you guys. Congrats again.
Happy Anniversary to you both! That was very well put into words.
Happy Anniversary to you both! Thanks for all of the hard work that you do. It is so appreciated!
How romantic! Congratulations
Happy Anniversary! More happy years to come…
Could that be any sweeter? :). Happy anniversary & God bless you and your family on your future journey together.
Awww happy anniversary! We just celebrated 17 years last week. It goes fast!
Hi i just wanted to say congrats! I noticed a link for this site for the first time today on wikedcooldeals.com. and I am so glad that i did. Love it! Thank you for all the Wally World deals!
Happy Anniversary!!
Awwwwww How sweet!!!!!……you two are a good looking couple, I wish you the best evening. I am new to this site and just realized that your lovely wife was also in the recent video you posted price matching at wal-mart (the video clip of the news report) How WONDERFUL that you both can be so skilled at couponing and raising 7 children…..2 difficult challenges to master and you two are doing it!!!!
“Happy Anniversary”
*Sniff* I have something in my eye
aw that brought a tear to my eye!! great job y’all.. congrats!
Happy Anniversary you two!!!! Has it been that long? Wow how time flies. It has been nice to reconnect. I still expect an email tomorrow with an update on some killer deals!!!
Aw Congratulations Paul and Tiffany!!! I saw y’all on Extreme Couponing (which i’m watching right now as we speak!) and i’ve got to say, y’all have the right idea with including your children in on the couponing. Not only does it teach them how to coupon but it teaches the value of a dollar and appreciate what you can get if you take the time to look for the deals. I appreciate your websites as well. You have helped me out at Wal-mart! Thanks a bunch!!!
Ok this is WAY too sweet! 🙂 Love it.
We just love you two so much and always wish you the best. Your a great fit for each other. Happy Anniversary. We miss seeing your family as often but know your close and always will be good friends. Keep up all the good work cause you two make a great team!
What a great post! Congratulations! (Paul, you look like the cat that ate the canary in this pic 😉
Happy Anniversary! I wanted to cry when I read this ~ it was so sweet.
Wow! Congratulations to you two and your beautiful large family! I hope to find a love as strong someday. Beautiful post!
Congratulations!! –
Congrats to you both! Hope the both of you enjoyed your anniversary. Your post was very sweet and thoughtful.
Congratulations you two! That was just a sweet post, what a great husband you must be! 🙂
Happy Anniversary!!!!!! That was sooooooooooo sweet, it brought tears to my eyes!
That’s beautiful!! Happy belated Anniversary Paul & Tiffany!
God bless you & your family.
{Hugs & Joy}
I hope you had a wonderful anniversary… kudos to 15 years 😉