Go! Free Floss Coupons at Walmart. Still Available!!
QUICK! Go HERE and print your free $1 off Reach Floss coupon and get free floss!
Reach Floss is priced at $.88 – $.97 all day long every day at Walmart. How ever many coupons you can print is how many you can get free! Remember to always hit your back button to get 2 coupons per computer to print. Go HERE to get yours!
Reach Floss: $.88
Total: Free +$.12 overage!
Why does it only print one barcode? Will it still work or is it a dead coupon?
well I guess I will not print any more coupons from coupons.com!!My walmart will no longer take them because with the single bar code on coupons it will not scan with their system.The mananger said with printables if it doesn’t scan they will no longer take it.So all the new coupons that will have only one bar code they will not take..Any one else having promblems with the new bar codes from coupons.com
ALL Printables are going to one barcode system. This isa Walmart Problem not a Coupons.com problem. I am working on trying to get it fixed. They have to cover the bottom(i think) part and use the scanner.
They tried coupon every way with reg scanner and hand held and neither would scan it,so my WM said they will not take them.Yeah I know it’s a walmart promblem,but I was told my Wm wasn’t planning to update the system either:(
Which location?
I live in Tn.in a Small town..The next Walmart is 25 minutes away..
Cashier had to use the hand held scanner with my printed coupons. She covered up the second half of the barcode…not the top. She only scanned the area under the numbers. hope this helps.
I printed off TWO of these last night at Smartsource.com and printed TWO at Coupons.com! You can print 4 of these babies! 🙂
i used coupons with the new bar codes at my walmart today with no problem. she used the hand scanner. lol, the one coupon that kept beeping was a manufacturer’s from the paper today at walgreens and the manager went ahead and put it through.
My Walmart scans the Databar codes with the hand held scanner and they go through just fine. My Walmart has this floss priced at $0.97 too.
I have a question. Which part of barcode do the cashier usually cover? Upper part of the barcode or lower part of the barcode? At my local Walmart, the cashier always tries to cover upper part of the barcode and doesn’t work it.
when printed these coupons off i had no problem. however when i went to the register to cehck out the cashier said i could only use 1 coupon because the fine print on the bottom said “one per customer” but in another sentence it said “no more than 4 coupons (of any kind) for the same product in the same transaction” so it contradicts itself???? Im lost?!?! Please help. THANKS IN ADVANCE!! ( it also states the same thing on the KY Jelly $3.00/1 product)
Hi I went to Walmart to get the floss deal today and my walmart says that their coupon policy has changed and they won’t give any more overage they will bring the price down to the price of the product but not over. They said they’ve gotten the word from their managers and there not budging. I had a talk with the walmart manager and she said that’s what there being told.
I asked if they were following the coupon policy printed by the cashier and they said yes when I pointed out the overage going to basket or cash she said she won’t do it not anymore. When I asked for the updated policy she said that was it but they were not following that part. Pretty frustrating Anyone else having these problems?
that is something to call corporate about. they do not have the option of not paying the overage. it is cosidered coupon fraud if they do.
I went to smartsource and didn’t find any. What zip code did you use?
i also printed 2 on couponsuzy.com and the ky jelly money maker is on there also
My walmart has been out of the KY for he last two weeks and is often out of the $1.97 shick disposable razors. Found 1 pack of razors yesterday.
Tammy. You and I both!! been going to walmart to get those two items you mentioned, and there is none. Its been about 2 1/2 weeks. I guess more and more people are using coupons.