This time of year can be very expensive but don’t worry I work with a group of really awesome bloggers that bring you the best deals, coupons, and ways to save money. Here at I Heart The Mart I am giving away a iTouch 32GB with Convertible Sports Shell Arm Band ($350 value!). Make sure to enter, I want one of you guys to win it!
Special Thanks to My local Walmart in The Woodlands, TX for helping to sponsor this giveaway!
To Enter:
1. Subscribe to my newsletter HERE.
2. Confirm you are a subscriber in the comments and also tell us how many kids you are getting ready for school!
3. *Optional* tell a friend on Facebook about my giveaway! I Hope you LIKE me too!
Also, be sure to enter for more awesome prizes with the other 14 participating bloggers! Click on each blog name to be directed to their unique giveaway.
Keep track of which ones you’ve entered by printing off this Back to School Giveaway Extravaganza Check List.
Subscriber to newsletter.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting my oldest (and last one in school) ready to go back on Aug. 11.
I love your newsletter! I keep referring people to it, as Walmart is starting to become more and more my favorite store! My son starts back to school in 2 weeks! EEEEK! We have most of our supplies and uniforms, just gotta get in the mental state for it!
I am a subscriber!! Woohoo!! And I am getting three kids ready for school, 1 is going into the 9th grade and 2 are going to college!! One more to go!!!
Been a subscriber for a while now & love it! I’m getting two middle-schoolers & two college students ready, whew…putting those coupons to work for sure!!
Been a subscriber for a while now & love it! I’m getting two middle-schoolers & two college students ready, whew…putting those coupons to work for sure!! Used the wrong email the first time…ooops. :0)
I am getting 4 kids ready from pre k through 11th grade
I subscribed and putting 1pm school
I subscribe to your newsletter! And this year is my oldests first year in school so I’m getting one ready for the very first time 🙂 Wish me luck!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting 3 kids ready for back to school, a senior, a sophmore and a 3rd grader!
I have a 13 year old starting 8th grade & a 4 year old going to pre-school. My 13 year old is begging for an ipod touch for her bday! Would love to win. Fingers crossed!
I follow you on Facebook and Google Reader…I love your website! It makes my Walmart shopping trips so much easier 🙂
I’m a new subscriber to your news letter. I’m not getting my kids ready for school because I have none. I am getting my self ready for college.
I’m new to couponing, but hope to learn a lot soon! I have one pre-schooler this year.
I am a subscriber to your newsletter. This year I will finally have only 2 schools to shuttle my 3 kids to. I will have a Senior in high shool, a freshman in high school and a 5th grader. 🙂 I LOVE your website. Makes my shopping that much easier…THANKS
I am following you as well! I hope above hope Walmart starts doubling
i subscribe to get email updates. this year i am getting 2 kids ready for school, plus myself as I am a teacher!
I subscribed to your e-mails and I get three grandbabies ready for school.
I’m a subscriber to your newsletter. I am getting a 4 year old ready for his first year of school in PreK and an 8 year old getting ready for 2nd grade.
I subscribed. So excited because this will be the first year one of my kids goes off to pre-k! Also quite nervous for him.
I subscribe to your newletter! I have 3 kids in high school. Senior, Sophomore and a Freshman.
1 🙂 wish i win 🙂 & i also subscribed..!!
I subscribe and I have 4 boys in school this year! Something like this would sure be nice, it would help out alot. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
I confirmed subscription to your newsletter.
I shared with my ccc friends.
I’m a subscriber (sung to Destiny Child’s “I’m a survivor”). We are getting ready a freshman (scary!!) and one just headed off to preschool! So our house is full of nerves and a teary eyed daddy 🙂
I subscribe and I am getting 3 kids ready for school this year: kindergarten, 3rd and 5th.
Subscribed to emails. Getting 3 kids ready for school year, I will be the proud parent of a 5tj grader, 4th grader and 1st grader! As well as getting them ready I work in the school district so I will be getting myself ready!
1 in middle school, who really wants this for his birthday.
confirmed newsletter and I have two children in school this year 5 and 8. schools supplies are getting expensive
i subscribed to your newsletter
I’m getting 2 ready for Back to Homeschooling! I’m a new email subscriber! carterchaosblog at gmail dot com
I’m subscribed! My husband and I are both attending college and we have 2 boys going back to school.
Subscribed to your newletter! This year I am getting 2 kids ready for school 🙂
Told several friends about your giveaway on Facebook!
I subscribe to email and told a friend about “I Heart the Mart”. I also have a 16 starting school this fall.
I subscribe via email and facebook. Im getting two kids ready for school, one being a kindergardner. Yayy
I’ve been getting your newsletter for months, I love it. My youngest of 4 daughers is starting kindergartrn this year!
I subscribed! Thanks fir the giveaway! We have 2 in school, but since we homeschool we have a smaller list. We have fun though, school supplies are almost as fun as office supplies, lol!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I have 2 children im getting ready, 10th grade and 7th. Thanks for all that you do for us!! I greatly appreciate the money you are saving me. It helps me pay for my kids tuition!! Thanks!!!
I’m getting two grandchildren ready for school. One for third grade the other for pre-school. I’m a subscriber to your newsletter!!!
Subscribing to your emails 🙂
I am getting SIX out of my 8 kids ready for school 🙂
I have an 8 year old gearing up for 3rd grade! We’ve been monitoring coupon inserts and this blog for great back to school deals so he can start the new year right with supplies, clothes and a great saving attitude to leave $$ for fun things like Disney 🙂 an iPod touch would definitely be appreciated in this household. He’s a little bummed how fast summer flew by! We heart the mart.
I subscribed! I have 2 kiddos in school now. We also homeschool, so we are always learning-even the babies! 🙂
I am getting 4 kids ready for school this year. For the first time I have a college student! The rest are entering 11th grade (dual enrolling at our local community college), 8th grade, and K. We homeschool which includes the additional expense of all books and curriculum.
I’ve subscribed to your newsletter for a while, as well as follow you on FB. As a Walmart Wife, I’m glad that not EVERyONE hates Walmart!
Oops – I’m preparing one girl for 8th grade 🙂
Shared to the giveaway 🙂
i subscribe to your newsletter and i am only getting one ready for school this year!
I am subscribe to your newsletter! I have 3 children & 2 of them are starting preschool!! 🙂 Thanks!
I am a new email subscriber.
Been getting your newsletter for months now and I love it. My youngest of 4 kids is starting school this year.
I subscribed via email and activated my sub. I have 4 children I am getting ready for school. 17 year old son in 2nd year of college, 13 year old son in 8th grade, 9 year old daughter going into 4th grade, and 7 year old going into 2nd grade. We are a homeschool family and love bargains!
I have two teenagers to get ready for school.
I am subscriber! 🙂 I LOVE your site! Check it several times daily. Also – my oldest is starting preschool this year! : )
Im a subscriber and I have 4 grandkids Im trying to help get ready for school…so just wanting to be a blessing to my kids and grandkids!
THanks for giving us the opportunity to win!!!
I will be getting my 7 year old granddaughter ready for the 2nd grade. I could sure use this. Thanks for letting me enter.
Email subscriber…we are getting 2 kids step-daughter is 13, and my son is 3 and will be starting pre-school! 🙂
i told my friend kalena about your site and your giveaway on facebook
I subscribed to your newsletter. I don’t have any kids to get ready for school yet. I love following your website. Thanks for all you do!!!
I am a subscriber and I am getting 3 kids ready for school this year…a 3rd grader, 1st grader and Kindergarten…Good thing I started early on supplies!!
I subscribed to the newsletter and like on FB.
I am preparing for my son to start preschool. 🙂
i get your emails and follow you on facebook..getting one kid ready for college
I subscribed to your newsletter! I have 3 kids I’m getting ready for this school yr! My youngest daughter will be starting Kindergarten this yr! She is one happy little girl 🙂 She is so ready to go to school with her brother and sister!
I subscribe to your newletter, I have one child going into 2nd grade!!
I am a new email subscriber.
I am a subscriber. This is my first year of getting a child ready for school. He is going to be in kindergarten.
I am a subscriber and I have my youngest only starting high school and my oldest starting college
I have one child to get ready for school.
I am a subscriber.
I am a subscriber! Only getting one little ready for school!
I’m now a subscriber! Getting 2 kids ready! One for his first year of college and one for her first year of high school!
Hi subscribed to the newsletter! I am getting my daughter ready for 5th grade! And my son is in daycare 3 days a week but we call it school. 🙂
Subscriber & getting my oldest ready for preschool!
I subscribe to your newsletter and I have two kids getting ready for school:)
I subscribe to your newsletter and I have one nephew and two nieces to help get ready for school.
I am a subscriber!! My toddler doesn’t go to school yet, but I like to purchase the cheap school supplies for crafts. I also purchase back packs and lunch boxes when they go on clearance for overnight stays at grandma’s house!
I am a new subscriber! My entire family is gearing up for school. My daughters are entering 4rth and 6th grades, I am a teacher and my husband is a principal!
I am a subscriber, and this year I am getting 4 kids ready to go back to school. One will be in 6th grade, the other in 5th grade, the other in Kindergarten and the other in Pre-K. Busy days lie ahead!
i am a subscriber to you email and i have have 4 boys getting ready for school, an 11th grader, a 5th grader, a 2nd grader and a preschooler.
I am already a subscriber. I am price matching, going to cvs and walgreens for the freebies, using overage. Plus my 10 year old first day of school is on his birthday so I gotta combine gifts with all the school supplies. Chaos!
I am a subscriber! I am getting one child ready for preschool!
I’ve subscribed and I’m getting 3 kids ready this year.
Got your newsletter and we’re getting 2 kids ready this year 🙂
i like you on FB
I subscribed and confirmed – “Your subscription is now active! “
I subscribe to your newletter and I have 3 kids starting at 3 different schools this year – elementary, middle school and high school. Yikes!!
I am getting 2 kids ready for school this year!
I am a subscriber and I am not quite getting ready any of my kids for school my oldest is just two!
Shared the giveaway!
I like you on FB & told a friend!
I am a new subscriber. I have 1 child going to school this year. He is very excited to be going and seeing all his friends. Thank you very much!!
Just subscribed!!!! I have a 7 year old starting 2nd Grade and a 5 year old starting Kindergarden! 🙂
I shared your page with my 388 friends – facebook name apple deals. thanks for the opportunity.
i told on FB and tagged you
I am already a fan! I have signed up for your newsletter and am sharing with friends! I am getting a little one ready for Pre-K and another for daycare. Thank you so much for this opportunity!!
Subscriber! 3 at 2 different schools.
I’m a subscriber and I’m getting 3 boys ready for school.
I subscribed to your newsletter
I am an email subscriber.
And I am getting 2 ready for school and havent even started! Yikes!! lol
I subscribed to your newsletter around 2 weeks ago, and it is great!!! I’ve shared the site with several other people and periodically forward the entire newsletter to other via e-mail. I have two kids, 12 & 7 years old. They are terrific kids and have been through a lot in the past few years, including dealing with me going to school out-of-state and then spending the past 6 – 8 weeks cramming for my licensing exam! It’s time for the focus to shift onto them & getting them ready for the new school year!
I shared the giveaway on fb. 😀
I’m an email subscriber! I’m getting 3 kids ready to back to school!
I subscribed to your newsletter. We’re getting 1 ready for prek. If he had been born 26 days earlier, he’d be getting ready for k.
I subscribed by e-mail. I have ALL FOUR kids this year in school! Last one going to Kindergarten!! 🙂 What to do. What to do. 🙂
I have sent a ton of people to your website by the way. And Tiffany’s. 🙂
I subscribed for your newsletters by e-mail. I have 2 children of which i am getting one ready for her first year, kindergarten. She is very happy and so smart, i think she is definitely going to love it.
Subscribe to your mailing list. I have 3 kids to get ready for school this year, my 12 years old starting middle school, 10 years old going to the 5th grade and a 6 years old (that will be turning 7 in August) going into the 2nd grade. Thanks for the chance to win.
I subscribed! I have a 14 year old (9th grade) and a 9 year old (4th grade). I am also a student, going to start my fall semester at college next month!
I subscribe to your newsletter via email. I have two kids to get ready for school. My oldest is starting High School and my youngest is starting Middle School.
I subscribed to the newsletter. This year I have a 2nd grader, 4th grader and a 5th grader to get ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter. I have a 4th grader, 3rd grader and 1st grader to get ready this year.
I subscribed to your newsletter! I am not getting any kids ready for school, but I am getting my husband “the teacher” ready!
I’m getting one kid ready for school and my main focus is keeping her organized
I subscribed to your newsletter, liked your Facebook page & shared on Facebook 🙂
I have two kids to get ready for school 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am a teacher and I have 2 of my own kiddos going to school. One is 12 and going into the 7th grade, the other is 8 and going into the 3rd grade.
I subscribed. Ihave a second grader and a kindergartener.
Thanks for all you do.
I’m a subscriber. Getting 2 kids ready plus helping our neighbor girl ready too (since dad is very ill). Thanks for all your hard work. Love your site!!!
I am a newsletter subscriber and I have one son to get ready to start his first year in middle school!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I only have one girl, she misses school this year due to a late birthday but I have Kindergarden books that I will be homeschooling her so next year she is ahead of the game!
I am sending my daughter off to Kindergarten and my son off to preschool. My daughter is excited, I’m the one who is a nervous wreck. When I got the school supply list, I came and checked your blog and of course, got the best deals around thanks to you. Oh, and I subscribe too.
Subscriber to newsletter.
I subscribe to your newsletter! I am preparing my 4 yr old for VPK 🙂
I “like” you on facebook and shared this giveaway on my page!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I’m getting 2 kids ready this year. One in highschool and one in 2nd grade.
I am a subscriber. I have 1 kid that I am getting ready for school
I shared your giveaway on FB.
I am an e-mail subscriber, and I am helping hundreds of kids get ready for school by running a swap meet for kids clothes next month, and working at a back to school rally the week afterward.
I shared the giveaway on my page
I subscribed, but I don’t have any small children except for two grandchildren. One is 11 and the other is 3.
I am a subscriber and I am getting one 8 yr old ready for third grade. Your blog rocks!
I get your daily emails!
I’m a subscriber and follow you on facebook. I’m getting 2 ready for school, one 3rd grade and one preschool.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I don’t have any children, but I am currently in college and so is my fiance so we have a lot of expenses to cover.
I subscribe to your newsletter via email. Not only am I getting ready for school (2nd yr in college) but also help over 160 kids get ready by supplying my church with school supplies to be used in the religious education program. Thanks for the giveaway!
I signed up for your newsletter. This is my first year getting someone ready for school! My oldest son will start Kindergarten at the end of August.
Subscribed to your newsletter! This year I am getting 2 kids ready for school.
Just subscribed! This year I’ll be getting 2 kids ready for school!
I just subscribed to your newsletter for the first time. I have one getting ready for Kindergarten and another in daycare.
I am a subscriber, and I have 3 kids in school.
newsletter subscriber
I like/follow and commented on Facebook as Ricky Todd (
Following on FB and I am getting 3 children ready for school!
Signed up for Newsletter! No kids yet, be we are preparing! 😉
Subscribe and am not getting anyone ready until next year when my eldest starts preK!
subscribed, of course!! 🙂 I have five kids of my own and a step child, so six altogether! Ages 16, 12, 11, 9, 8, 4
I subscribe to your newsletter. And I have 2 boys to buy for this year. One, the oldest is starting high school this year!!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting 1 kid ready for school but have a 2 and 3 yr old that I’m thinking about homeschooling to give them a jump start for when they do go to school.
I subscribe to your newsletter! I am blessed with a 15 year old daughter that will be in 10th grade this year! Where has the time gone?
I follow you on facebook and also subscribe to your newsletter. This year, we are getting the WHOLE family ready to go back to school. Three young boys, 2 going into middle school and one into the 3rd grade. Mom and Dad are going back to school too!!!! Mom working towards her bachelors and dad towards his AA. YAY!!!!!
I am a subscriber! I’m hopefully getting two of my children ready for school soon – one 21 year-old who started down a difficult path during her senior year of high school but after hard work and a lot of soul-searching has made a huge recovery in her life and hopefully will be attending college very soon. The other is a 19 year-old who graduated from high school in June 2010 with a hair-dressing certificate but hasn’t been able to find employment in that field. Hopefully she too will decide, after taking a year off, to continue on to college to earn a second employable skill 🙂 Mom is praying that both will go on to higher education.
Subscribed… I am getting my oldest into Kindergaden… EEEEK Was at walmart this weekend shopping to get ready…
I’m an email subscriber.
I am a subscriber to your email newsletter with 2 children to get ready for school this year.
I subscribe to your email and im getting 2 ready to go back to school one into 8th and one into 7th. Cant wait lol.
i subscribe via email
I subscribe to your newsletter, and I have 5 kids to get ready for school this year, ages 6-16!!
I subscribe to your news letter.
Follow you onFacebook….getting 2 kids ready for school…6th grade and 7th grade.
I subscribed to your email notifications – I read your site daily anyway 🙂
I will have two kids in school this year. One will be a senior and one will be in eighth grade.
Thank you so much for such a fun and informative site I happily subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting 1 10 1/2 year old ready for school, might not sound like much but you don’t know my daughter! LOL
I am a subscriber and liked you on Facebook. I have two boys that I am getting ready to send back to school. A 12 year-old who will be off to the middle school for 7th grade and a 3 1/2 year old who will be off to HeadStart. Thanks for doing this, we appreciate all the savings you help us find.
I am subscribed. We are getting 2 kids ready for school.
I am subscribed, and we are getting 2 kids ready for school.
I subscribed to your emails. I love your site!
I already followed on Facebook, but I just subscribed to the newsletter as well! I have on child getting ready for school, she’s going in to 6th grade this year. (Middle school, ack!) And I’m starting college this year as well!
I subsribe to your daily emails
I’m a subscriber! I follow you on FB and here! I love your page! I have 3 kids getting ready t0o go into school!
I subcribe to your emails ! I have 2 kids I’m getting ready for school.
I subscribe to your email! I am getting two kids ready for school, one is 10 and she is definitely wanting an IPod Touch!
I have two little guys who are trying very hard to ignore mom and her “getting ready for school mode” mania. The fourth grader is in full denial, the kindergartner is trying really hard to not be excited, although I know he is! 🙂
I subcribed to your e-mails. I have a 14 year old son I am getting ready for school.
I subscribe via email
I am a fellow e-mail subscriber and Facebook follower. This year all 5 of my children will be attending school. I have two in elementary, one in middle, one in high school and a first time college student! Phew~
Just subscribed long time follower. I only have one boy going into 8th grade, my oldest will be a sophmore in college this year but her brains got her all she needed for college. YEAH!!! So this year we adopted a first grade class and will be donating some school supplies to that class to help out the teachers. I always pick up extra lilttle stuff whenever I see it on clearence and we pick a class to give it to…
I comfirmed
I have just 1 left to get ready for school!
I subscribe to your newsletter and like you on facebook, too!
There are three getting ready for school in our house again this year. One off to college next week for his second year, one starting his senior year in high school, and one beginning fourth grade. Oh, and there’s the little one, who just turns two next month. She’s not starting school, but she sure does keep me busy! They ALL do! 🙂
I subscribe to emails!!! I’m getting my 4 year old ready to start preschool! Shes so excited 🙂
I subscribed to your emails…I am getting 1 child ready for school…
I’m a subscriber and huge fan of what you do! I’m getting one second grader ready for school.
I subscribe to your Email newsletter !
I have 5 going back to school and my oldest is in his last year of High School,before going to the Navel Academy and then the Navy,is is so smart ! I would love to win this for him !
shared this on facebook
I follow on Facebook !
I subscribe to the newsletter and I am getting one ready to go back to college!
I SUBSCRIBED!! I love your website, i’m a dad, and i love saving money, and also getting free stuff! I have 1 daughter that will be starting school in August! Keep doing what your doing!
I am getting 1 off to school this year. Thanks for your blog and your wonderful giveaway!
Subscribe to newsletter
Subscribed to newsletter and I have me, 3 teens, and 2 toddlers that will be going to school!! I am a busy woman!!! lol…
Shared with my FB girlies!!
Subscribed to newsletter:)
Opps sorry. I have 1 child to get ready for school;)
I subscribe and I am getting ready to home school 4 kids this year Pre-K-8th grade.
I subscribed and have 3 children to get ready for school.
I suscribe to your newsletter and follow you on Facebook. I have 2 kids to get ready for school!!
I am a subscriber!! My baby is starting kindergarten in a couple of weeks:( Bitter/Sweat moment…I have 4 under the age of 5 so YES!! one out of the house..3 more to go! Just joking I love all my babies and the time i get with them and hate to see them grow up so fast! Love your site thanks for all you help!
I subscribed to emails. My daughter is not old enough for school yet; however we are getting my husband ready to go back to school. He is going back to college in the August. 🙂
I subscribed to the newsletter & I will be looking for you on FB.
I just subscribed! I have 1 going to school this year, my oldest is going to kindergarton. Sniff. Sniff.
I subscribe to your blog!
Would LOVE to win the i-pod for my youngest!!
I have 3 going to school soon! College Freshman girl 18, High School Freshman boy 14, and 4th grade boy 10!
Plus, Momma is a teacher looking for a new school to teach @!
Optional entry Shared on friends FB Wall!!
I’m a subscriber to your newsletter! 3 boys, 2 getting ready for college and one is a sophomore in high school.
i am a subscriber.
I already subscribe to your news letter.
I am a subscriber and am getting my granddaughter ready for school.
I am a NEW subscriber! yay. I have three kids starting school. girl in 11th grade, girl in 6th grade and (sniff, sniff) my baby boy starting kindergarten.
I am a subscriber to your newsletter. I have 2 going to school, 4th grade and kindergarten.
I subscribed to the newsletter and I have 2 children I have to get ready for school this year. 🙂
I am a subscriber and i love you and your wifes blogs. I have 3 kids going back to school. 14,12 boys and 6 year old princess .
I am a subscriber to your newsletter. I am not getting any children ready for scas my children are 2 and 6 weeks.
I shared your giveaway on facebook.
I subscribed! This year I have 3 in school, a 5th, a 7th and a 9th grader.
I’m subscribed. I’m getting 2 kids ready for back to school, including a Jr. High-er for the first time. 🙂
I’m a subscriber and I am getting my two girls ready for school!
I am now a happy subscriber! I have 3 kiddos that I am sending back to school this year…5th grader, 3rd grader, and 2nd grader…
I have subscribed to your newsletter
I liked you on facebook
I have 3 kids that I am getting ready for school.
I am a subscriber of your newsletter.
There are 2 children in our household that we are getting ready for school. Thanks!
Email subscriber
pavanco1 at embarqmail dot com
I subscribe and I have one going to college. Would love to win this for him.
I subscribe to your newsletter. I have two starting HS this year…ouch!!
Love your site! Getting a 12 year old ready for school!
Whoops! Sorry! Forgot to mention that I’m a subscriber in that last comment…Getting 12 year old boy ready for school!
I receive your emails and I am not getting any kids ready for school, but I am preparing myself for graduate school.
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
I just subcribed to your newsletter. I love your site. You have taught me how to successfully price match at Wal-mart. I getting 2 kids ready for school. One for pre-k and one for kinder.
I subscribe and love your site. Walmart is hard to work with and you make is much easier…….thanks
Hey Paul! I am 34 years old and I am going to school this is my 2nd year in college! We are also getting 5 children ready for school and we are barely chipping the ice as of now, lol. my oldest is going to the 10th grade, my 13 year old is going to the 7th grade, my only little girl is going to the 6th grade, my 8 year old is going to the 3rd grade and my baby is repeating the 1st grade:(.
I heard of your site from Hip2Save website and I have been hooked ever since. It is so much easier to come here then to spend hours looking for deals! I definitely want to thank you and let you know how much I and my family appreciate this! There have been times when we have not had the money to get simple things such as laundry detergent and now instead of cash I bring more coupons to the store.
I spoke to a cashier last night at the Mart and she said she did not have time to coupon. told her I have 5 children and that is why I do; she said she I have six children. I told her then you definitely need to be couponing. I also told her about your site and how you make it so easy to coupon. People say they do not have time, I say I do not have the money! Thanx Paul!
Hi. I’m a new subscriber and absolutely love your blog. This year I have a Junior and Senior in high school so yo can imagine the chaos in getting them ready for school.
Oh, and I have already subscribed!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am only getting one first-grader ready for school this year, but my son will be starting school in another year, too.
I have been an email follower for some time now.
I have 4 sons. 3have graduated from college. My youngest will be a sophmore in college..
I subscribed to the newsletter. I have a first grader and a freshman to get ready for school.
I am one of your facebook friends. I posted your giveaway on my facebook wall.
1-High School, 1- Middle School, and 1- Elementary School
I am an subscriber. I have a middle schooler, 2 high schoolers and my oldest is in college.
I am a subscriber and I have 1 teenager to get ready for school.
I love the newsletter!!! I am getting 2 kids ready for school this year.
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting 2 kids ready to go to back to school 7th grade and 4th grade. Got another 4 1/2 years before my youngest goes.
I did all three and would love to win! I am getting 2 kids and myself (college) ready for school!
I’ve subscribed and I’m getting two kids ready for school this year though some days it feels like I’m outfitting an army.
I subscribe to your newsletter and I am getting 1 ready for school. I love Walmart and I absolutely LOVE their pricematching local ads. I do have to say that is sooo much easier than running to every single store!! I hope I win!! 🙂
Subscribe to your newsletter! I don’t have kids yet, but I am preparing myself for school by buying a lot of cheap school supplies! Back to school shopping is like holiday shopping!
I just subscribed to your newsletter and I love it! I wish that I would have known about your newsletter before- it would have saved me thousands. I have 2 kids who are needing things to go back to school- a 1st grader and one who is in preschool, but will need new clothes, sneakers, etc. Love your newsletter!
Subscribed and LIKE you:D I have four kiddos that I’m getting ready to send off to school. My oldest will be in eighth grade and my baby is starting kindergarten. This is the first year that I’m doing this all on my own.
I subscribe to your newsletter; love your blog! I am getting two grandsons ready for school — ages 8 and 12 — for 3rd and 7th grades. The Mart is the “only” store here in our little town; don’t know what we’d do without it. Thanks for the give away!!
I subscribed to your newsletter! I have two kids going to college this year! $$$$$
Thanks to you Walmart is now my favorite store!
I subscribed to your newsletter, and have 4 kids to get ready!
I subscribed to your newsletter. We have 1 in school this year.
I am a subscriber. I have 2 going to school this year. One is going to 4th grade and I’m putting my middle child into Kinder =(
I subscribed to your e-mails & am getting two kids ready.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I have a little one who will be starting preschool 🙂
I subscribe to your newsletter. 🙂
I am getting 1 child ready for school this year. 🙂
I like you on FB and shared on my wall. 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m getting two kids ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter and like you on FB. I am getting 2 ready for school and help a host of other families who homeschool.
I am a new subscriber and I am getting ready twin boys who will going into 5th grade. I have an incoming freshman daughter and a junior daughter who is also dual enrolling in college.
I have 3 boys, one in 1st grade, 1 in TK and one in preschool.
I am a new subscriber I am getting one ready for school.
Subscribed to newsletter. I have 0 kids getting ready for school this year… Still too little!
Following on FB!
I am a new subscriber and have two kids to get ready for school (K and 3rd grade).
I am subscribed to your newsletter and a huge fan of your FB wall and website. This year I am getting my 14 year old ready for his first year in our Vocational school, and also getting our 6 year old ready for first grade. They are growing up way to fast.
I am a current email subscriber. I am getting 5 kids ready for school!! 2 teenage boys, and 2 pre teen girls and one first grader!!
I am a FB fan and shared on my FB wall (Becky Horn)
Signed up for email and already follow you on facebook. I have 5
children to get ready for school, pre k, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders.
AHHHHHH what am i doing on here i have things that need to be done, LOL.:-)
i subscribed and we are getting 4 kids (all girls)ready for school, one who is going into high school this year (scary).
Email Subscriber
larajarrette at gmail dot com
I subscribe by e-mail. YOu rock..
I subscribe by rrs feed by goggle reader as L. Keith; I have a daughter in college that I will be buying school supplies for.
facebook fan…have dau in college…money and supplies are always needed…Walmart and Kroger…my favorite.
I am subscribed to your email newsletter and I “like” you on facebook! Thanks for your wonderful information btw. I am getting three kids and myself ready to go back to school. I have a future 4th, 5th, and 7th grader. I myself am a senior graduating from college in December!!
Subscribed to newsletter. I have two kids going back to school.
Email subscriber
I subscribe to the newsletter. I have no biological children to get ready for school (as of yet) BUT I am a high school teacher at a small alternative school so I have to get my classroom ready and supplied for 135 kids 🙂
I have just subscribed to your newsletter by email! I’m getting my 2nd and 6th graders ready for school!
I just subscribed and confirmed for newsletter. I have one son age 10 and school can’t come fast enough!
I subscribed to your newsletter. I have one eight year old daughter to get ready for school.
Subscribe to Newsletter
I Subscribe to your newsletter and I am getting 1 kid ready for school (a junior)
I have one child getting ready for school
I subscribe be email. I getting my three nephews ready for school. Awesome prize.
I am an email subscriber
I subscribed to your emails!
I don’t have any kids to get ready for school, but I work at a school so I still pick up the deals on school supplies!
I subscribed to your blog through my email. I am getting myself ready for school. Will these days ever end…. Goodness!
I am a subscriber and learn a lot from you. Thank you!! I am getting 8 kids ready for school this year. 1 HS Senior, 2 8th graders, 1 7th grader, 1 in 6th and 1 in 5th, 2 in 3rd grade. August 22 is our start date here in Oak Ridge area of Conroe/The Woodlands.
A faithful heart the mart follower! shhh dont tell tiff. lol I am getting my FIRST and ONLY child, God blessed me with me, ready for Kindergarten. He was our surprise baby after 5 years of marriage and due to health he is my only. I will be taking lots of pictures on his first day of School. A Scrapbook must lol
I’m an email subscriber and I will be getting 1 ready for school this year 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m getting two ready for school and one more little one ready to go next year. I wish she could go this year.
I’m a email subscriber. I getting my nephews ready for school. Love to win this awesome prize.
I subscribe to your newsletter! I love it! I am trying to get two teenagers ready for school on Aug 8th! Thanks for all the deals!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I’m helping get 1 kid ready for back-to-school!
Hi. I subscribe to your newsletter, am a fan on FB and am getting myself ready to have 23 kids in kindergarten. 🙂 I’m a kindergarten teacher and would LOVE to have this to prepare myself, and later use with my class for fun and education!!
I subscribe to your feed.
I heart the Mart, and I LOVE!
I’m an email subscriber.
I subscribe to your (and your wife’s) newsletter! Thanks for all you do! I am only sending one back to school this year. Summer is going too fast for me!
Oops, forgot to add that I am getting 3 kids ready to go back to school. For my second entry, I shared on my FB page
I am a subscriber! Love Iheartthemart lots!!! We are getting 2 kids ready for school & we’ve sponsored two families thru our church so we will get them stocked up too! Thanks!
I’m an email subscriber!
Email subscriber
My son is starting pre-school this year. He is the only one so far…
Hello! I’m a subscriber! 🙂 I am getting four kid ready for school….We have an 11 grader, 8th grader…and have recently become guardians to our nieces: 1 is in 1st grade and the other preschool. Whew, we’ve got our hands full here! 🙂
I have been a subscriber for a while now! I am working on getting school supplies together for my youngest (7th grade)!
I subscribe to your newsletter! I have one child starting in aug, getting ready and shopping on school deals. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting my son ready for kindergarten!
I subscribe to your newsletter, I am getting 3 ready and about to lose my mind
I am a subscriber and I follow you on facebook. I have 3 in school this year – First grade, Fourth grade, and Fifth grade! Busy year I am sure!! But I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
I am a subscriber preparing 3 boys for school.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting three girls ready this year. 6th grade, 2nd grade and kindergarten!
Looking forward to all the good stuff! You have a new fan! I’m getting a 3rd grader and 5th grader ready for school. Would love that prize!
Follow you via email. I am getting two ready for school (preschool and toddler classes.)
I subscribed! I don’t have any kids in school yet, but my husband teaches high shool
I am a subscriber to your newsletter, and I follow you on Facebook!
We are getting six ready for school this year ~ 12th, 9th, 5th, 2nd, K, and Pre-K.
Thank you for all the deals! and Thank you for the chance to win this!!
email subscriber
My little will start grade 1 this fall.
I shared this on FB:
I subscribe to your newsletter! My daughter is only 11 yrs old and she has been bugging me for one of these gadgets………
I subscribe from work so I don’t miss anything!! I have two to get ready for school (9th & 12th), and one I’m showing how to write/color (he’s only 2).
i subscribe to your newsletter. i love your site i’m new to this and have learned alot. i have 2 kids i’m getting ready for school.
I like you on Facebook. I have started shopping early to make sure we find the things we need.
I subscribed via email. I am getting a 4th grader, 2nd grader and k-5 child ready. We have homeschooled up to this point so it is starting from almost scratch buying everything for these buys to go. On top of that, my 4th grader’s bday is next month and an iTouch is on his bday wish list so that would be extra awesome to win because of that. =)
I shared on my Facebook page Beyond Blessed.
I subscribed
I am a subscriber to emails and twitter updates. Getting 2 kids ready
I subscribed to your newsletter!!
I’m a subscriber. I’m shopping the sales for school!
Getting 3 ready for school.
Subscriber and I have 3 going back to school! 8th grader, 5th grader, and 3rd grader! YIKES!!!!!!! I would love to win the IPOD for my 8th grader his got stolen last year from school 🙁
i luv your blog!!! 3 kids going to school….my crazy world!!! 🙂
I am a new email subscriber and am getting 2 of my 3 kids ready for school!
I am getting one boy ready for school and 2 teachers ( me and my husband). I subscribe to your newletter already.
I subscribed to newsletter. I have one going to college and I am an art teacher.
I am subscriber of your newsletter. I am getting a middle schooler ready and a 1st grader!
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m getting my 4 year old son ready for Pre-K:)
I subscribed to your newsletter. Your website is so helpful. I’m getting my 12 yr old ready for 7th grade.
I am a new subscriber! I have 3 to get ready for school, one in pre-k, one in 1st and one going into his first year of middle school!
I am an email subscriber and am helping get two kids ready to go back to school.
Already a newsletter subscriber thank you 🙂
I shared on facebook telling two of my friends (plus I like you on FB)!/permalink.php?story_fbid=185576658173888&id=100000639904616
I have subscribed to your newsletter and liked you on Facebook and told folks about it on Facebook. I am getting my 8 year old daughter ready for the 3rd grade and she is extremely tekkie and loves computers, ipads, game systems everything. This would be so great for her (and me too of course!)
I am subscribed to your newsletter and am getting 2 kids ready for back to school.
I shared the giveaway on my facebook wall!
I subscribe. We are getting one ready for school this year.
I subscribe! I have 2 little ones to get to school this year (:
I love your emails keeping me on track with the deals and steals of the shopping world. I have 3 boys (8th,6th,2nd grades) to get ready for school. Thank you for what you and your wife do to help us save money and time.
I have three great kids to get off to school!
I subscribed to your newsletter.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m preparing two young adult Sons to go back to College.
Just subscribed and we have 3 kids heading back to school this fall.
I subscribed to your e-mail. I have 1 child attending school. Thanks!
I signed up for your emails! I have one daughter.
I’m a new subscriber to your news letter. I have 2 kids to get ready for school a 5 & 6 year old
I subscribed to your newsletter and I’m getting myself ready for college.
I suscribe to your newsletter.
I am a new subscriber. I am shopping for my daughter who will be a freshman in college this August.
I am an email subscriber. I have one heading back to college. Thank you.
I subscribed to your newsletter, and I am getting my only “baby” ready for middle school…
I subscribed to your email newsletter. I will be getting 4 kids ready for school!
I subscribed to your newsletter and have 2 kids getting ready for school.
I am already a subscriber 🙂 I am getting my husband ready for school I have one daughter but she is under 2..
pick me pick me
I am a subscriber and I am getting my 2 sons ready for school.
I have been receiving your email newsletters for some time now! I love the information….not always helpful for me since my store always seems to be a lot more expensive than the prices listed on your site, but I have still gotten some really great deals! Thanks!
Oh, I have 2 left in school (out of 5) which I homeschool. This would be an awesome prize for me!
I am an email subscriber and follow you on Facebook.
I have 3 kids to get ready for school – 1 elementary, 1 middle school, and 1 high school.
Could really use this to schedule my day!
Oh, I definitely subscribe to your newsletter! Fan on Facebook and Twitter 🙂
Sadly, if this is the key to winning….I am not really getting any kids ready for school. I am too young for children, well I think so anyways! But, with my coupons and am getting a lot of school supplies for my sisters! 😀
I’ve been a subscriber for a while (you rock!)…getting 4 kiddos ready for school this year…hopefully for pretty close to free!! (Thanks to you, coupons, and some other great finds!) Thanks a million!
I have three children that I am getting ready for back to school they will be going into 1st, 3rd and 5th grade.
Getting my only ready for 2nd year of college and getting my class ready for all my other kiddos
i subscribed to the newsletter. i have 1 jr higher to get ready for school!
I subscribed to your newsletter!!!! Love your giveaway!!! Thanks!
I subscribe to your newsletter
Nicole Carter
I confirm I’m a subscriber and need to get 2 kids ready for school!
Nicole Carter
I like you on Facebook and shared!
Nicole Carter!/raventally/posts/137832659634330
I subscribed to the newsletter. I am getting 2 children ready for school.
I have my 16yr old going to 10th grade, my 7 yr old going to 1st grade, and ofcourse my 9mth old is not in school. Yes huge age difference between them all :0
I LOVE this site I have been following for over 2 months, thats when I heard about it 🙂 Thanks for joining in on the giveaways.
I subscribe to your email and I am getting 2 Grankids ready for school!
I subscribed to your newsletter and I have one very excited little girl to send to middle school in less than two weeks!!!!
I have a 3 year old that is going to go to preschool and a 13 year old that is getting ready to start 8th grade. And I am going to start back to work. Kinda freaking out I have been out of the loop for 4 years.
subscribed! I am getting 1 little 9 year old DIVA ready for school!
Wow. nice giveaway. I have 2 kids that I’m getting ready for school. One’s starting in the 5th grade the other in the 2nd.
I subscribed to your news letter, and i have 2 I am getting ready to go back to school 🙂
Subscribed via email
I subscribed via email. I have one child officially going back to school (2nd grade) but my little one (22 months) attends daycare/preschool and is getting ready to move up to the 2 year old room as well 🙂
I subscribed via email. I have one child officially going back to school (2nd grade) but my little one (22 months) attends daycare/preschool and is getting ready to move up to the 2 year old room as well 🙂
I am a subscriber and I have 2 boys to shop for…in a few years, it will be 3.
Shared the giveaway on FB!
I am a subscriber!! I am getting two kids ready to go back to school. Thanks you!
I subscribed to your news letter and I am already a fan on FB and I shared your giveaway on FB.
I have two girls to get ready for school, ages 8 and 3. My 3 yr old goes to a special needs school and she loves it.
I am a subscriber! My daughter is starting Kindergarten in the fall.
subscribed. I am getting 2 ready for school this year, One for 1st grade and one for pre-k.
I am a subscriber! i’m getting one ready for pre-school!
I subscreibed…and I’m getting one ready for school. She’s only two, but she’s ready to learn. : )
I have subscribed:) I have no children, I will be getting ready for college myself.
Email subscriber!! I have 1 that is getting ready for preschool!!! She is sooo excited!!
I subscribed! I’m not getting any kids ready for school, but I am getting myself ready for the fall semester.
I’m a subscriber!
email subscriber, 1 child getting ready for school
I subscribed and i am getting my 5 yr old ready for kinder and my 7 yr old ready for 2nd grade…
out of our 7 kids I’ll have 5 in school this year!
I subscribed via e-mail! I’m getting my 9 year old ready for back to school. He just came back from vacation with his grandpa and I didn’t get to spend his birthday with him (June 29th) . I am going to surprise him with the touch and saw this giveaway. If I can get the touch for free, that would really be awesome! Good luck on the giveaway, parents! This is an awesome offer 🙂
I subscribed! Thank you! I am getting our 5 kids ages 2-20 ready for all kinds of school! YAY!
I subscribed. I’m getting ready for school myself as I’m a teacher. 🙂
i subscribed via email….I only have a 10yr old to get ready this year but also have a 2 yr old going into a preschool/daycare soon.
I am a new email subscriber. I am gettting one ready for his last year in middle school and sending my first off to college all in the same week!!!!
I subscribe. I have 3 we are getting ready for school. Ages 6, 10, and 16. Thanks for this chance.
I liked you on facebook and subscribed via email. I get a fourteen year old and a seventeen year old ready for school.
I subscribed via email to your newsletter, and I am getting 2 sweet little girls ready for school to start on Aug. 8th. They’ll be in K4 and K5 this year 🙁
I just subscribed to your newletter! Thanks!
I subscribed to your newsletter!
I subscribed to your emails! and for me, no kids (yet)
But I am getting my boyfriend & I ready for college Fall quarter! , Men can be kids sometimes right? Just joking!
I subscribed to your emails. I’m getting 3 ready for back to school. (Although for one of them it is not “back” to school. It is his first time.)
I am a new subscriber
I am a subscriber and we have 2 kids to get ready to go to school this year and will probably do some ‘school’ work with our 2 yr old =)
I subscribed to your e mails. I am getting 2 kids ready his year. A girl in 1st and a boy in kinder. 🙂
i get your email i have 2 boys getting ready for school 1st grade and 4th grade
I am a fan and shared on my bf wall on FB
I subscribed and I’m prepping 2 for school–a 6th grader and a junior.
i already subscribe
I’m an existing subscriber for sure! I am getting 2 children ready for school. My baby is going into Kindergarten this year!! 🙁 so scary and sad. Thanks Paul!
I subscribe and am getting on ready for school and one ready for home preschool!
I subscribed and am getting ready 5 kids and 1 son in law!
I subscribe to the newsletter
I shared the giveawy on my facebook page and like you! I also subscribed to emails!
I signed up for e-mails. And no kids ready for school! Have a 4 month old:)
Signed up! I have two of my three children going to school this year!
Subscribed to the newsletter, already follow you on faceboook. I will be getting an 8 year old and a 3 year old ready for school, as well as getting my husband ready for work (lol) and myself for school (I am a teacher.) Whew!!
I subscribed to your newsletter!=)
I am sending 2 kids to school this year!
I subscribed.. Three kids getting ready for school..
I subscribe to emails and am getting 3 kids ready for school
I subscribe to your newsletter. This year I’ll have two kids in school – 4th grade and kindergarten. Yikes!
I am a subscriber !!!
I left out, getting one grandson ready for school, sorry
I do like you on FB and I shared with a friend !!
I subscribed to iheartthemart newsletter!! I’m getting my oldest son ready for school this year.
I subscribe already and I have 3 kids I’m getting ready for school!
I am a subscriber to you newsletter.
I am a subscriber and I have 2 girls to get ready for school.
Hello! I subscribed to your newsletter. I love both yours and Tiffany’s websites. I’m not getting any kids ready for school yet, I have a 19 month old 🙂
I subscribed…one to get ready for school here 🙂
Getting 2 ready for school! 1st year for my son!!
i just subscribed today, but i already follow on fb, love your blog! this year i am getting 6 children ready for school!
I’m a subscriber! I am getting two ready for Back to school, one in preschool and one second grader! Yay, finally some “mommy-time”!!!
Confirmed newsletter and I am getting 2 kids ready for school.
I subscribed to email. I have 2 boys going to school. One in elementary and one in middle school.
I subscribed to “I HEART THE MART”. I have 2 to get ready for school.
Thanks for all the great ideas and advice-I am slowly coming around to shopping at the Mart again 🙂 Loving the great deals!! My two stepkids are getting ready for 1st and 3rd grade and I am busy getting ready for my classroom to be finished so I can get moved in to teach another year of 5th grade!
I subscribed! I’m getting one ready for school & helping get my grandkids ready too!! Thanks for giveaway!
tlcrum06 @ att dot net
I subscribed to your newsletter…#soexcited
I’m a subscriber and Facebook follower 🙂 I’m getting 2 kids ready this year…one for his first year of Middle School…AhHhH!
I’m a subscriber and a fan on Facebook! I have no kids right now, I’m just 21, but I’m going back to school myself in August to continue working on a degree in Computer Science.
subscribed. Getting two high schoolers ready. My son would love the ipod.
i have a third grader and kindergarten!!!!!
oop forgot, i am a subscriber!!!!
I am getting my oldest son ready for school starting in August! Then I’ll be home all alone during the day with my newborn!
I subscribed to your newsletter!
I have 4 kids in school and I am getting the newsletter and a fan on fb. Hard to believe school starts on Aug 22 but I am not looking forward to all of the shopping I will be doing! And help will always come in handy!!!
I subscribed. I’m getting two ready for school. One is a senior!! Yikes.
I like you on facebook!
I am a suscriber ..Getting 2 kids ready for school a kindergartener and a 6th grader 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting 4 kids ready for school!
I liked you on FB!
I subscribed via email using my gmail account. I’m getting 2 boys ready for school this year!
1. Subscribe to my newsletter.
done! –
I shared your site/this giveaway with someone on FB.
I sub. to your emails: brownatural@gmaildotcom
I confirmed the email.
Also, I will be getting three kids ready for back to school.
2. Confirm you are a subscriber in the comments and also tell us how many kids you are getting ready for school!
My 3 year old son is starting preschool next week!
I follow you on facebook already and shared this post.
3. *Optional* tell a friend on Facebook about my giveaway! I Hope you LIKE me too!
I shared via message, and i also “like” you on FB 🙂
I told a friend on FB and I also Liked you.
Subscribe to email
forgot to add I am only getting 1 kid ready
I am a subscriber and have 1 son. (single mom).
I subscribed to your email, thanks. Please enter me for the iTouch. Could really use it to entertain kiddos in the doctors office! I am ramping up for school by getting supplies cheap and shopping garage sales for cool new clothes!
I am a subscriber!! Woohoo!! And I am getting two kids ready for school!
I subscribe to your newsletter. I have a 7 year old daughter starting 2nd grade and a 5 year old, special needs little boy, starting Kindergarten.
I am a subscriber and I have no kids..Just myself in college
I subscribed to the new letter, shared on my fb wall.
I have 2 teens heading back to school and a 4 year old that is in preschool
I am a new subscriber to your daily e-mails. I have one young boy to get ready for school this year. thanks
I subscribed and I have a son going into first grade and my daughter is going into 6th grade so two kids.
I am a new subscriber!
I have 2 kids getting ready for school. One in elementary and one in Jr. High! 🙂
I am a subscriber. This year its me thats getting ready for school.
I am an email subscriber and this year I am getting two kids ready for school. One for middle school and the other for grade school.
Subscribed… 2 kids
zero kids
Subscribed to your newsletter, sent by A thrifty Mom :). I have 2 boys to get ready for school this year, one in the 4th grade (who is Autistic) and one entering high school. Ready for the “fun” to begin.
Hello, I am a subscriber! I am getting two kids ready for school, hope I win=] Have a bless and wonderful day!
I subscribe via email & I “Like” you on facebook. I am preparing 2 Boys for Back to School, 1 will be entering 6th grade & the other is entering Kindergarten.
I subscribed and confirmed email. I am getting 2 kids ready for school.
Im a subscriber and Im getting 1 ready for school this year.
would luv to win this.
I am a subscriber. I am getting one child ready for school and possibly myself.
I subscribe to your newsletter
Getting 3 kids ready
I subscribe to your newsletter. I have a special needs daughter who just graduated and I could use the iPod touch so she will keep her hands off my iPhone!! It’s just like it and would be so great for both of us!! 😉
new subscriber..getting two ready for school….one to college, one to high school.
I am an email subscriber. I am getting ready for back to school for my four boys, ages, 12, 12, 10, and 5!
I am a subscriber to iheartthemart.
I have 3 adult sons, spent many, many years getting kids ready for school.
I would love to win the 32 GB iTouch.
Subscribed to newsletter. 0 kids.
I subscribed! And I am getting my husband ready to go back to school! 🙂
I am a subscriber. I have one student getting ready for school, but my husband and I are school teachers so I guess you can count the three of us… 🙂
I subscribed 🙂
& I have two nephews and a son of my own!
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting a 17 year old, (almost)14 year old and MYSELF (as I am a teacher) ready to go back to school!
I’m a subscriber. And I’m getting my oldest ready for school in 2 weeks!
Subscribed. I have two children my daughter is 8 and going into 3rd grade and my son is 6 and starting the 1st grade.
I am now a subscriber!
Ooops…1 kid!
I have 2 grandkids that my hubby and I prepare for school.Ugh!,I’m a subscriber
I’m a subscriber. I’m not getting any kids ready for school because I am without a child!! lol but I’m going to be going to college, so I guess if I’m a big kid I’m getting myself ready…
Im getting my last baby hes 5 ready for school my other 2 have made it though Im going to miss him terribly
I also subscribed to newletter.
I subscribed And have two kids to ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I subscribe to your newsletter and I like your FB Page. I actually recommend you out all of my coupons sites. I really like how your layout is and your posts.
I am getting an 8th grader ready for school and I also start my new semester on August 17th too.
i subscribe to your newsletter… I have one kid i will be getting ready for school..
I am a subscriber. My daughter is actually looking forward to going back to school and see all her friends. I am lucky so far she loves school. She will be in the first grade this year!! I also like you on Facebook
I’m a subscriber and I’m sending two this year, I have a SENIOR! I am not old!
I am a subscriber! I am getting 1 kid ready for school, but soon to be more:)
I’m a suscriber!! I’ve got 2 1/2 year old twin boys that I’m enrolling in a Mother’s Day Out program that starts in September!
I just signed up for your newsletter and I have four boys to get ready for school thats why I had to start couponing. Thank you.
I subscribe and am getting 2 children ready for school!
I shared your giveaway on Facebook.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
I am getting one child, myself, and my partner ready for school.
Subscribed to newsletter. I am getting 3 kids ready for college and my middle son just dropped his IPOD in the water. This would be so great to give to him to go off to college. He works 2 jobs just to be able to afford college and I don’t think a replacement IPOD is in his budget this year.
I am getting one ready for their senior year at Michigan State and one ready to start their freshman year of high school (where I work, tee hee). I am also a subscriber!
I subscribed to your newsletter! I’m getting 2 out of 3 of my boys ready for school in the fall. My 6 year old is going into the first grade and my 3 year old is starting preschool.
I signed up for your newsletter. I don’t have children but I do have 2 nieces and nephews that need school supplies! Thanks!
I already subscribe to your e-mails.
I have only one child left in school and she will be a junior in college.
I shared giveaway on fb –!/permalink.php?story_fbid=226807244027254&id=100000939396841
Subscription accomplished! I am getting 3 kids ready for school: 5th grader, 10th grader and 2nd yr college! I just found you a few days ago and have already recommended a few friends who have since “liked” you. 🙂
We have been taking reading and math classes to refresh them before the new year!
Great giveaway!!!
I am an email subscriber and I have 2 girls Im getting ready for school
I just subscribed to emails. I am getting 2 kids ready for elementary and one for preschool 🙂
I am an email subscriber.
I am a subscriber!!!! and i am getting a my 14 year old son ready for freshman year in high school!!! yikes!!! and my 11 year old daughter ready for 6th grade middle school!!! yikes again!!! they grow up so fast
I have subscribed to your email. I also have 4 kids to get ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter and I have two grandsons getting ready for school,
I subscribe to your email and I also have 4 children from pre-school to highschool plus myselft to get ready for school to start.
I’m getting three ready for school.
I am a subscriber to your newsletter and I have 2 kids to get ready for school.
I just signed up for your newsletter! I have one that is going to preschool.
I am subscriber to your newsletter
The “kid” I am getting ready for school is my husband who is returning to school.
I shared your great giveaway on my facebook wall
I am a subscriber and like you on fb. I help my two sisters get 3 kids ready for school!
Subscribed to the newsletter and we are getting 5 kids ready for school this year =)
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am actually not getting any kids ready to go to school. My little boy is only 4 months old. My husband is going back to college online. It’s not really “going back” since he’s been taking classes over the summer to.
I just subscribed to your newsletter. I’ll be getting 3 kids ready for school.
I have subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting two children ready for school this year – one going into fourth grade and one going into first grade. (One more still at home!)
I subscribed! I have two little ones. : )
I subscribe to your newsletter
I just signed up for your newsletter but have been a reader/follower for some time now. I have two children that I am getting ready for school – a daughter is 11 starting middle scholl this year and a son who is 7 starting second grade.
Good luck to all!
I suscribe to your newletter. I have 2 kids to get ready for school this year..6th and 7th grade. Atleast they will start at the same time this year.
Just subscribed, and I have 2 little ones in school.
I subscribe to your newsletter and I like you fb page. I am getting two ready this year for 2nd and K. I’m going to miss my baby girl!!! 🙁
I subscribed to your newsletter and I like you on Facebook. 2 kids going to school this year (for the first time!)
I am a subscriber and I’m getting 4 children ready for back to school.
I am a subscriber and I have 2 kids getting ready for school!
I subscribe to emails and i like you on facebook. I have 3 kids getting ready to go back to school. 12, 8 and 3!
I am a subscriber and three kids. 🙂
I am a subscriber and I have 4 kiddos that I am getting ready to go back to school!
i’m an email subscriber and i’m getting 1 ready for kindergarten
I subbed to your emails.
I have one in college and one entering high school. Next year I’ll be adding a kindergartener!
I liked you on Facebook
Subscribed today. I have 2 high schoolers.
Subscribed to your newsletter – so excited. I have been a fan on FB too. I have been getting ready for my 14 year old to go to high school. It feels like she just started school yesterday!
I am an email subscriber, and I am getting 3 children ready for school this year!!
I have subscribed to your e-mails and am getting 2 kids ready for school. A 9th grader and a 5th grader.
Subscriber to newsletter.
I have 2 kids going to school this year!
I follow you and your wife for a year now .you guys both are werful please keep on doing your blogs. I have three kids two of them will be in school
I am a subscriber and I am getting three kids ready for school a 1st grader, a 5th graders and a 7th grader
I am a subscriber, and I’m getting 2 kids ready or school (both who are DYING for an iPod touch)!
Hi…just subscribe to
your emails
a newbie
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m helping my sister get her 4 grandkids back to school
i subbed via email, though i’ve been a friend on facebook for a couple of weeks now…thanks for all you do for us coupon clippers!
only one! 🙂
No share button…or I don’t see it 🙂
Anyway shared your giveaway
I subscribed and I only have one child to get ready for school and it is her senior year!
Subscriber to newsletter & getting 2 kids ready for school
shared on facebook(
I subscribed 🙂 . We have 3 kids in college in my family. The oldest getting a bachelors degree in business management, the second oldest is studying to become a doctor and then her boyfriend who lives with us is studying to become a police officer.
I love your website. i have 2 kids going into middle school.
email subscriber and getting three girls ready for school
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
posted/shared on fb
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I’m a new subscriber to your newsletter. I’m not getting my kids ready for school because I have none.
I’m a new subscriber to your news letter. I’m not getting kids ready for school yet, I am getting my self ready for college.
i check ur blog daily! just subscribed for your email updates 🙂 getting 6 kids off to school is pretty expensive, so all ur daily deals really help my family save and have the savings to put towards things like this (back to school shopping) THANK U!!
I currently do not have any children, but I would love to win this for my nephew, Joshua, who is going back to school this fall.
I already subscribe to your feed via email. I’m getting my first child ready for kindergarten!
I am subscribed to your newsletters
I liked you on Facebook
Shared your Facebook info on my wall
Subscribe to newsletter… Down to ONE son going to school this year… junior high adds a lot of cost to the supplies!
I am a subscriber and I also ‘liked’ you on facebook. I have a 15 year old that will be going to be a Sophmore this year and a 13 year old that will be in 8th grade. My husband is also in school to get his degree in business finance and I will be heading back to school after getting laid off from my job of 10 years. School for me will only be a 3 month program for a certificate. I don’t think I could run a home and go to school for much longer. All the great couponing advice will help so much. Thank you.
I am subscribed to your daily email and I am a college student so I am getting myself ready this year.
Just subscribed to your newsletter and I have two kiddos getting geared up for back to school.
I get your email updates
I am getting my son ready for third grade this year
I SIGNED UP. I have two elementary school aged boys (6th and 5th grade) that we are trying to get ready for school……..
I’m a new subscriber. I am getting myself ready for college and I am trying to stock up on school supplies for a classroom, since I will be a fully fledged teacher next year! 😀
I subscribed to the newsletter! I am getting a middle schooler and a high schooler ready to start on Aug. 8. Plus I have 3 kids in their 20’s and a son in law going to college this semester. yikes!!
I’m a new email subscriber- I’m getting 2 ready for school-they aren’t mine, but I’m getting them ready!
I subscribed to your newsletter and am getting one daughter ready for homeschool.
Subscribed! 1 little one to get ready this year… Eeeeks!
I already subscribe to your newsletter yeah!! I am getting two kids ready for school this year.
I am a subscriber. Love both you & your wife!!! I have twin 14 yr old girls starting high school this year. Not sure I am ready for this, I know their dad is not!!! Would love to win for my girls!!! Thanks for all you do to keep us getting the best deals with our hard earned money.
I am a subscriber! You and Tiffany have been a lifesaver in our families budget this year. (or lack of one) The kids aren’t getting ready for school yet, but I am. This year has been so fun getting school supplies for so cheap. In past years, I shopped one sale maybe at Walgreens and Walmart. When school started the teachers list per child would cost well over $150 per kid. Bring it on Teachers, I ready for you this year! Thank you so much for all your hard work, you are a true blessing in our lives!
I am getting 6 ready for school, one of them will be a new teacher this year!
I subscribe and getting two ready soon!
I am a subscriber. I have a 7 year old son starting second grade and a 17 year old son entering his senior year. Talk about an interesting life! I am loving the high school thing and the way my son is growing into such a wonderful young man and the elementary thing of learning everything anew. Thanks for all of your information on saving my family money.
I am your subscriber! I have 1 kindergartener!
I subscribe via email. I have a son to get ready for college.
I subscribed to newsletter. I am getting 2 boys ready for school this year!
Subscriber via newsletter, like on FB. I am getting ready a 5th grader and a Senior.*tears* Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! I have shared on fb, twitter, and blogged it!
I look forward to your newsletters. Who doesn’t love to save money?
I subscribed! I am getting one ready for kindergarten and one ready for preschool.
I am a subscriber!! I just have one that I am getting ready for school~ he is starting Kindergarden!!!!!!
I’m getting 6 kids ready for school.
I’m also a subscriber.
I am a new email sunscriber and I am getting 2 kids ready to go back to school
Kimmie barnes
I am a happy subscriber to your newsletter. I have switched most of my shopping to Walmart with your help in price matching and q info.
Two kids to get ready for the big day 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter and I am getting two kids ready for school.
I just subscribed to your e-mail newsletter!
I’m a new email subscriber & I’m helping get 2 back to college.
I’m a subscriber getting one ready for middle school and one ready for Pre-K
Been a subscriber for a while and love it…. I have to thank you for making my busy life so much easier. I’m trying :s to get ready my 2 bambinos 🙂 for school, 2nd grade and pre-k.
I am getting 2 girls ready for school, my younger for her first day of preschool!
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m getting two kids ready for school, but I’m also getting myself ready to finish my last year at college!
I have subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting 4 out of 5 children ready for school this year! A senior, 1 in 3rd, and 2 in 5th. My baby still has a few years before she is in school.
I have subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting 4 out of 5 children ready for school this year! 1 is going to be a senior, 1 is going to 3rd, and 2 are going to 5th! Our baby still has a few years until she can go.
I have subscribed to the newsletter and I’m getting 4 kids ready for school.
Subscribed today. Met you and your wife in May at the coupon class(very nice/down to earth ppl). Have 2 children, but only getting 1 back & ready for school–which he hates =(
I already subscribe to your emails and I have a 1st grader this yr…thanks for the giveaway.
I am subscribed to the emails. I will be getting 3 kids ready for school this year.
I subscribed via email and I have to boys to get ready for Back to School 11 and 16.
I get your emails, and I am the student getting ready for school!
I subscribed!
Can’t wait to see all the savings I can get. Would LOVE to win the Itouch, always wanted one.
I like you on facebook.
i am getting myself and one grandson ready for school, much harder for this 53 year old grandma than the grandson though.
i am following via email
Oops…meant to say I am a subscriber.
subscribed through email
I only have one that im getting ready for school.
I am a subscriber. I am getting four kids ready for school.
I subscribe to your email. I just have the one kid (2yrs old), so just daycare right now, but it’s never too early to start preparing! :0)
I get your newsletter. I’m getting 3 ready to go to sschool. My oldest will be going to highschool this year. Wow. My youngest will be going into fifth grad.
I subscribed to your emails. I am getting my 2 children ready for school and preparing for 21 students, as well.
I am subscribed. I am getting 3 kids ready 2nd grade, first grade and pre-k
Also me and my husband are going back to finish college…lots of learning going on I our household…lol
I subscribe. Trying to get everything together for 4.
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting ready 3 kids back to school.
I signed up, and I’m getting my 1 and only child ready for her very first day of school. :’-(
subscribed and confirmed to receive your email. and i’m getting 1 son ready for school 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting 2 kids back to school and 1 teacher!
I am a subscriber getting my 11 year old off to 5th grade.
I subscribe. I’m getting myself ready for school this year, but no kids yet
I subscribe to the newsletter. I have one going back this year.
i’m on the email list. i have 3 kids!!
I subscribe via Email
kelseylouiseapley at gmail dot com
I subscribed to your e-mail
subscribe to blog via email
getting 2 kiddos ready for BTS
I subscribed to your newsletters! I have three kids to get ready for back to school.
I follow you on FB!
I subscribed via email 🙂 I have 1 little girl getting ready for school. 🙂
I subscribe to your emails
I subscribe to your newsletters andI am getting on ready for school
I subscribed to your emails. I am getting my two daughters (3rd & 4th grade) ready for school and I can’t believe that they start next week!! Where did summer go?
Like you on Facebook
Get your newsletter
I’m getting my two boys (12 and 13 yr olds) and my mother’s two foster girls (soon to be adopted 4 and 6 yr olds) ready for school
I am a new email subscriber and I have been verified to receive your newsletter. 🙂
I have no children.
email subscriber now
I subscribe to your AWESOME newsletter!!!
I subscribe to your AWESOME newsletter!!! I have 3 kiddos to get ready.
I am a new subscriber. Love your website! I have a pre-K and a fourth grader.
I am signed up for your e-mails and liked your page! I have no kids of my own to get ready, but I’d still like to win this! I am a preschool teacher.
I’ve subscribed via email. 🙂
I am a new subscriber to your e-mail and just found your blog tonight. Looking forward to exploring it. I have two young ladies getting ready for school.
Getting ready to send TWO kids off!!! one more left…….
I subscribe to your email and look forward to it !
Subscriber. I have 3 kids I’m getting ready!
i subsribe to your email andi am getting my oldest child ready for kindergarden
Are you kidding? I’ve been subscribed for a few months now and love your newsletter. Great for this almost exclusive WM shopper mom to 5 kids. I’m only getting 4 ready for school though; K-9. Your newsletter saves me a ton of time that is too precious with 2 through 14 year olds.
I get your newsletter
I subscribe via email. I have two kids to get ready for school. 16 and 8.
I follow on FB.
Subscribe and like on face book.. Loving it!
I am already a subscriber. I love your blog.:)
I made a comment to a friend on fb. I have 4 I am gettting ready for school. one in college, two in h.s. and one in middle school. I also like you on fb.
Subscribe to your email and this would be a great thing to pass on to our church for the kids to use.
Just subscribed, love the ideas shared. Have a 16 year starting college courses and a 13 year old starting 8th grade. Let the fun begin!!!
I am getting 3 kiddos ready for school this year. Is it just me or does the supply lists get longer and longer each year?
I like you on facebook. From all I am reading I can’t wait to get your news letter also.
I just subscribed! I am getting 2 children ready for back to school. My oldest will in 3rd and how sad that my baby is going to kindergarten!!!
i love your deals i check your website out daily i will be getting 3 kids ready for school this year
I subscribed to your newsletter. I am getting three children ready for school this year. They are going into third grade, second grade, and Kindergarten.
I am a subscriber!! I am getting my two girls, ages 9 and 7, ready for school (yeah!!!) and anxiously waiting for the day when it’s just me and my baby boy at home!!! 21 days til school…..but who is counting? (ME!!!!)
I am a subscriber and appreciate the time you put into your website, with a preschool and middle school child, I have to save all I can!
I am a subscriber. I am getting one little one ready for preschool.
I am a subscriber!! I’m getting one preschooler ready. 🙂
I like you on facebook and subscribe to the newsletter. My 11 year old daughter is ready to begin 7th grade this year.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I have two boys I am getting ready for school.
I subscribed to your email newsletter. I am getting 2 ready for back to school 🙂
I “liked” you on Facebook.
I have subscribed to your newsletter and I am getting myself ready for school.
I have subscribed and “liked”. I have an 8 and 4 year old to get a hep load of supplies for!
Already a subscriber…got two kids in grade school (1st and 5th) and a JR in high school. Ready or not, they’re going to school next week! Yahoo!
I subscribed – and confirmed. Getting my 2 girls ready – one for 8th and one for 3rd.
domima1098 at gmail dot com
I signed up for your newsletter and liked you on Facebook. I have two kids we’re getting ready for school.
I am an email subscriber.
I posted on giveaway FB
Dana J Valle
I subscribe your newsletter via email and I am getting one kid ready for school.
I subscribed to your email and the only kid i’m getting ready for school is myself. I’m a 20 year old student who’s not ready to go back to college so soon 🙂
I subscribe and I’m getting my 3rd grader ready for back to school!
I subscribed to your newsletter! I’m getting 3 kids ready for back to school.
I just signed up for your e-mails.
I liked you on facebook! My son would be in heaven if we won this. He is constantly borrowing both of his sister’s itouches!
I am an email subscriber I am down to only getting one child ready for school, the older ones take care of themselves
I love it when I get an a notification that I have a new email and its your newsletter while I am in shopping at Wal-mart! Keeps me up to date on the latest deals. I am getting 1 child ready back to college, 1 that will be a senior in high school, 1 that is going into 5th grade and 1 that is going into 3rd grade! Can think of so many uses for an iTouch! Thanks Wal-mart too!
I love your website! I am a subscriber and I have a wonderful very tech savvy little one I am getting ready for school!!!!
I am subscriber and 1st, 3rd,4th grade. And have 31mos girl and expecting #5 baby in next 2wks.
I already subscribe to your news letter!!!
I am the mom of a 6month old but helping my siblings get ready for college, 4th grade, and 2nd grade
Hi!! luv your page!!! First one i go to when looking for good deals!! i buy school supplies every year for my 8yr old niece and 11 yr old nephew..since they were in kinder…since i have no children of my own yet!!
I’m subscriber, I’m getting two kids ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am new to all these great blogs and sites and I can just imagine all the money I will soon be saving going toward my college fund. Yes, MINE (at 34 Im going back to achieve my life-long dream, an elementary school art teacher) I have a daughter that goes back to school on the 18th and turns 8 on the 19th of August, so Im alittle stretched this time of year. All of your deals and the other bloggers are gonna be my lifesavers..Thanks so much for having the passion to help others save money. Just think, your helping people save money that they can use toward achieving life long dreams and I think that is something very special..Thanks so much!
I subscribed to your newsletter! I have a 10 year old going into 4th grade at the end of August!
Signed up for emails! Thank you for the give away!
I share you on my facebook regularly.
and i have 2 kiddos in school
I subscribe and I am preparing my preschooler for her first year…so sad and exciting all at the same time!
Check your facebook page everyday and now subscribe to your emails!! I’m getting my 6 year old ready for 1st grade, my husband ready to finish college(finally, and yes he is like a child! lol) and I will be starting next year!! Yay!!
I’m a subscriber, and have a small handful of kids.
I subscribed to your emails and I have 3 boys. They are my TLC, Travis, Luke and Cody.
i subscribed and i am preparing a third-grader, a kindergartener and a preschooler!
I subscribed to your email. 🙂 I am a “kid” myself, turning 18 on August 5th. So I really don’t have any kids to get ready for school yet, but I want some cute little chubbykins to love! 😛
I subscribe and I am getting 2 children ready for school
Receiving Email Updates!!! Getting 1 kid ready for school!!!
I like you on Facebook. The adventure begins…. I am sending my oldest to Kindergarten this year!
Getting 1 ready for college. I subscribed via email. 🙂
I signed up for your newsletter. I am getting 2 kids ready for school.
I’m a subscriber through email. Instead of getting kids ready for school, I’m getting my husband ready.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I’m getting 3 of my 4 kiddies ready for school. 🙂
Subscribed to your newsletter! I have 4 children in school and look to get good deals and help from anywhere I can!
I subscribed to your newsletter! I’m preparing 1 child for back to school.
I love your blog. I have 3 boys to get ready for school
I love your site, have your newsletter and check in every day. I have 5 grandchildren that I help get ready to school.
I am getting email and twitter and I am getting 4 kids ready for school. It is a happy and sad time as my oldest daughter will be a senior this year.
I tell people all the time – my favorite is in the store when people stand at watch the saving then ask how I DO IT I always tell them about this site.
I subscribed to your newsletter and am getting 1 child ready to go back to school.
I subscribed to your emails
I am not so ready for the school supply shopping, but I have to be soon. Have 3 kiddos and it’s gonna be crazy. They get excited about going shopping for it, but me…..Not so much. I wish everyone luck!!!
New subscriber!!!! Yea!!! 🙂
I subscribe to your newsletter by email
I’m getting my 11 year old ready for her first day of middle school
I am subscribing and i have 5 children in school this year. One will be a Junior in High School and one will be starting Kindergarten so i get do do this lovely process alllllll over again…lol…..oh and of course 3 in between =)
I subscribe to your newsletter.
i liked you on facebook and shared your giveaway
I have one picky teenage son to get ready for school this year.
Email subscriber…we are getting 2 kids ready fro school … My oldest is in Middle school and youngest in Elementary
signed up for the newsletter! Also liked you on facebook! I only have 1 child. His name is David and he is 7 years old. He will be joining the 2nd grade in 2 weeks! I’m more excited than him lol 🙂
Shared with my friend Teresa L Shively
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I have 3 to get ready this year. 2 middle schoolers and a JR in High School
I subscribe to you and I like you on facebook. I am getting 3 kids ready to go back to school.
I also “like” you on Facebook
I subscribe to your email! I will be getting 2 of my 5 children ready for school this year. (one in high school and the other in college) Thank you!
Newsletter sign up
Two kids, 17 yr old and 13 yr old
I subscribe to your e-mail. Thanks!
I’m getting one child ready for elementary school, and one ready for his first year of preschool!
hmmm just subscribed to your newsletter, and i feel like i have won the giveaway now 🙂 anyways i have one son going to school now
I am a subscriber and I am getting two kids ready for school.
Subscribe via email. My sister and I are getting ready for college!
I’m subscribed to your lettter! 😀 I’m actually getting my daughter ready for school along with myself. (Finally finishing my degree!)
I just subscribed to your newsletter and shared the giveaway with all my friends. I have 2 kids to get ready for school!
I love this cite…. I am getting a nine year old little princess ready for school…its a new school this year so I cant tell who is more nervous me or her!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I am a newsletter subscriber. I am getting 3 ready for school, 1 ready for college and 1 for junior high and 1 for kindergarten.
I just subscribed today, I never knew this site existed! I have 4 kids going to school, 2 in college, 1 in Jr. high and 1 still in elementary. I need all the savings I can get! Thanks!
I subscribe via email.
I “love” you on FB. I have 2 daughters that I help get ready for school.
Subscribed toy our newsletter
I am getting 1 child ready for school but it feels like I am getting 4 ready with all the things he needs…
Thank you
My daughter’s are getting ready by starting to get back on schedule for bed time. Also, went out to get school supplies and they have their backpacks ready.
I subscribed today. I am getting 2 kids ready to go back to school in a whole new state. One in middle school and one in elementary.
I am getting ready a 16 YO boy and a 7 YO girl for school!
I’m a subscriber. I’m getting myself ready!
I subscribed and I am getting 2 kids ready for school!
I subscribe to your emails.
Neither of my girls are going to school this year but my 2 year old loves to see “big yellow school buses!”
I am a friend of yours on Facebook!
I’m an email subscriber!!
I just have one little guy to get ready for school this year!!
I am now a subscriber and i am getting none of my own children ready for school but I am looking for great deals so that I can donate supplies “)
Subscribed to newsletter and liked Facebook page! I’m getting two kids ready for school!
I just subscribed to your email newsletter. Today I registered my daughter for kindergarten. Yikes! The first baby is getting ready to go to school, and I’m already a mess! I still don’t understand why she needs 12 glue sticks and 4 packs of crayons….
Anyway, I’ve shared your contest on my Facebook wall as well. Fingers crossed!
newsletter subscriber. I’m getting DD1 ready for school.
shared on FB
jessiekatie S
I subscribe to your newsletter! I am getting two kids ready for 2nd and 5th grade.
i subscribed to your newsletter!! My daughter is getting ready to start kindergarten its her first time going to school !! WOOHOO:)
Already Love your newletter; already like your facebook; last child in last year of school. I haven’t been to Walmart in years until I found your site! Now I’m there every week earning savings of up to 41% so far (I’m learning alot) Keep up the great work you do!!!
I subscribed via email. I am getting two kids ready for school. A third grader *sigh* and a preschooler, who’s super excited 🙂
hi im new and i did subscribe to the newsletter and im gonna post this on my fb wall for my friends to see i will have 3 people going to school this yr my oldest is going to kindergarten and my husband and I are both going back to school in the fall
I like you on FB, and I told my bf about the awesome Back to school givaways 🙂 Thank you!
I subscribed to your newsletter and I have one getting ready for her freshman year of college and one for school (he’s in transition class at the local ISD)
Oh my gosh!! This would be so amazing to win. I’ve had my eye on one of these for awhile now, but when it comes to spending money, I try to take care of the family before my own wants/needs. I still have an old motorola flip phone as my cellphone, lol, while the rest of the family has the newer stuff 😉 I’d love to try this iPod, and okay, yes I would share it too! Thanks so much! I’m a subscriber.
I have 1 child to get ready.
I told a friend about your Facebook too! (Amber H) Oh and I forgot to say this in my previous comment, I have 2 kiddos that I’m taking care of needing to get off to school.
I subscribed to the newsletter. I am getting 1 child ready for school this year.
2 kids! Which is all I can handle. I don’t know how you moms of large families do it! I subscribed to your newsletter for the first time.
I have just subscribed to receive your emails. I have 4 kids I need to get ready for school this year!
I just liked you on FB.
I subscribe to your feed, also getting 4 awesome kids off to school soon. Thank you I Heart the Mart… love your blog!
I just subscribed! 😉 I have 2 middle school kids and one in elementary.
I’m a new subscriber to your news letter.
No kids ready for school.
Like you on FB and posted on my wall.
I subscribed to your newsletter. Not getting any kids ready for school but sure would love to win! 🙂
Just signed up for you emails
I am getting just one ready for school
I am a subscriber… I have three great nieces I help to get ready for school
I just subscribed to your newsletter. I am send 3 girls to school!!!
like you on Facebook
posted giveaway
I suscribed to your newsletter and I am getting two grandchildren ready for school.
I subscribed! Actually, this is my first year with NO kids to get ready for school…however, my daughter is a teacher so there is still lots to prepare for!
I just subscribed to your emails. I have 1 daughter who is going to 11th grade.
I subscribed to your newsletter. I have one going into fifth grade and I am getting ready to start back to college in the fall.
I am now a subscriber,…but I am not getting any kiddies ready for school…YET! Hubby and I hope to start our family in the coming year! =)
Oh! Lol…I guess I should have said that even though I’m not getting any kiddies ready for school…I AM STILL in school!! My last semester is this Fall working for my BS in Elementary Education. =)
Hey, I don’t have any kids but am a kid going away to college.
I am a new newsletter subscriber (kitty32504 at cox dot net)! And I do not have small children, but I am trying to help my daughter with supplies as she gets ready to go back to college after taking time off to have a baby (my 1st grandchild)!
I already “like” your Facebook page (Dara Nix) and I shared this giveaway with ALL my Facebook friends:
I am a new subscriber. I am getting two girls ready to start school next week. I know that my teen would LOVE to have an i-anything. It’s hard to keep up with what everyone else has these days. I’m still trying to figure out how everyone can afford to buy their kids all these expensive electronics. A free giveaway sure would be awesome. Thank you!
I subscribe to your newsletter and I am getting myself back to school.
Email subscriber
Iam getting a 1st and 6th grader ready
robinblankenship at gmail dot com
Subscribed to your emails.
Getting one child and one husband ready for school in the fall.
I’m a new subscriber and I’m only getting myself ready 🙂
Signed up for your newsletter.
I’m getting ready to go back to school in August.
I have been a subscriber for some time now & I LOVE IT!!
I have referred numerous friends to this site too.
I have 3 children…a 2 year old baby girl, a 7 year old son going into 2nd grade this year and a 5 year old son starting kindergarten this year. I am also enrolled in school working towards an associates in applied science….it’s gonna be a busy year!!! 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter today. I have 3 sons getting ready to go back to school.
I subscribe to your newsletter and am getting ready two kids for school – middles & elementary!
I receive your newsletter via email
I like you on face book
I just subscribed but have been following for quite some time – I am preparing for a 1st grader and a preschooler!!!
I would LOVE to win this!!! My was dropped and broke the screen :o(( I’m currently in school trying to get my BSN, while working full time and putting 2 kids through Penn State and I still have 1 child in high school.
I am getting my only child ready for school this year. Subscribed to your newsletter.
I subscribed. I only have 2 but its still expensive and my 12 year old would love to have this!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribe to your emails! I am getting one little sweetie ready for school!
Subscriber & I have 4 going back to school, one graduate, & one still at home!
I just subscribed!! Awesome!!! I need all the help I can get saving money!! Thank you!!!
I am a currently getting six children ready for school 🙂
(Two in preschool, one in elementary, two in middle and one in highschool who is also dual enrolled in college)
Eight if you count my husband and myself. (We are both teachers too!!)
I’m a new email subscriber. I’m getting THREE kids (ages 16, 12 and 6) ready for back to school plus myself too!!
I follow you on FB and shared the giveaway
I subscribe to your newsletter. I have three of my own as well as myself. I am a special needs preschool teacher. I would love to win this iTouch so I can give it to a 5 year old student I teach so she can communicate with her mother, family and friends. Her family cannot afford one and she cannot speak. If she had one it would change her entire world as there is an app that she could use to make it speak for her. Crossing my fingers for her.
I like you on facebook and subscribed to your daily emails. I have three personal children that I am getting ready for school, but I have to purchase for them as well as a class of about 20 kindergarteners.
I’m a new subscriber, yay!! I have a 12year old girl going on 20, that’s getting ready for 7th grade, oh the process !! loL!
I subscribe by email and am only getting my daughter ready!
I am a new subscriber. I have 2 girls and 1 boy to do back to school shopping for this year !
Ive been a subcriber for a few months now and LOVE you’re blog! I have one stepson getting ready for school and my son may possibly be starting as soon as he turns 4 in november 🙂
I am getting my first born ready for KINDERGARTEN! I can’t believe it! I am also getting myself and my husband ready, as we are both teachers (it’s our 8th year!). 🙂
I just confirmed my subscription to your emails.
I have 2 boys getting ready for school.
Existing I Heart to Mart email subscriber
I have a daughter who will be going back to college this fall.
Shared I heart the mart on facebook and told my sister about giveaway.
I follow your feed and subscribe to your newsletter! I’m getting my husband ready to go back to school! He’s a teacher and we always had to buy a lot of school supplies!
Just subscribed! Getting 5 kids ready for school in the fall.
I have 3 kids I’m getting ready for back to school in a few weeks.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
I like you on facebook!
email and facebook follower
I subscribed. I have 2 little men who will be getting ready for school soon. 🙁 Colin is going into K5, and Aidan will be in FIRST! I can’t stand it!
I will be getting 1 ready to go to Mother’s Day Out and my newborn I will take to work with me.
I subscribe to your emails.
I am a confirmed email subscriber. One child is getting ready for school, as is one mommy.
I subscribed via email for your newsletter. I LOVE all the deals you post! I have 3 that going back to school in September 🙂
I subscribe to I Heart the Mart newsletter! I am getting two kids off to school this year 🙂
I subscribe and I am helping get my two grandchildren ready for school, One in first grade and the other is going to head start 5 days a week and preschool 4 days a week. The younger one is speech delayed and has mild cp, so he also does speech privately two days a week.
I am now a subscriber and I’m getting 2 ready for school.
I am a subscriber to your newsletter. I have 2 children getting ready for school!
I also shared on facebook!
Thanks for all you and Tiffany do!
just subscribed! thanks so much for chance! I have 2 kids but both are younger, and not quite to school age yet 🙂
subscription confirmed!!
im homeschooling my pre-k little guy 🙂
I subscribe, and my little one might be going to to pre-k.
I subscribe by e-mail.
I have 3 children in school this year.
I subscribe via email and confirmed.
I am getting my only child ZOE who is 11 and going into 6th grade ready.
I am a subscriber.I have one in college and a nephew I buy for.
I am a newsletter subsciber! I am getting 3 kids ready for school! 🙂
email subscriber and confirmed. I am getting 3 kiddos ready for school this year.
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
I shared with friends on fb and I also like you on fb
Ericka K
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
I subscribed to your newsletter. I have one child getting ready for school ! Here’s to hoping I win.
I have one child getting ready to go back to school.
I subscribe and I’m helping my sister get her 3 little ones eady for school!
I am now a subscriber! I am getting 2 kiddos ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter and enjoy seeing and hearing about your kids. I have nine grandchildren that I help to get ready for school with supplies and cloths. Information on walmarts deals come in very helpful this time of year.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
I am getting one fabulous nephew ready for his first year of middle school. I have subscribed to your newsletter but have followed you through other sites.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I am a subscriber. Getting 2 kids ready for school.
I subscribe to your email.
I’m getting two kids ready for school.
I am now a subscriber and I am super excited! I am getting my husband ready to teach school.
Signed up for the email and shared on Facebook. Getting my one and only ready!
As a high school teacher, I am trying to prepare 150 students for school. I signed up for your e-mail.
I am a new e-mail subscriber
I confirmed my e-mail subscription and I have 4 children, (we homeschool) 1 going into 6th grade, into 1st, 1 into prek and 1 is 4 mos old 🙂
I told a fb friend about this giveaway! Crossing my fingers 🙂
I’m a new email subscriber but I like you on fb. I’m getting myself ready for school with 22 new second graders!
Thanks for the entry. I get your newsletter. Helping to get my Grandson ready for school with your tips.
Isubscribed, and I am getting myself ready for school, on my own this year as a college student, and need all the help couponing can give me! (:
I never knew how much I loved Walmart until I found your site!! I am preparing 4 kids total for back to school. One middle schooler, one elementery and two at daycare that YES, need supplies!! Love your site. You rock!!
New email subscriber. I’m getting my 13 soon to be 14-year old daughter ready for school. I’m excited about school starting, she’s not. 🙂
I liked you on facebook and shared this giveaway on my wall.
im now getting your emails and im getting 2 step kids ready for school
shared the giveaway on my FB
I am NOW an email subscriber and I am getting 3 kiddos ready for BTS! 2 teen girls and 1 Pre-School boy 🙂
I have subscribed. I have one special needs girl.
I am helping out my 2 daughters get my 5 grandkids outfitted for school!
I subscribed by email and I’m getting one kid ready for school!
I’m getting one 14 year old boy ready! He’s a handful though! We’ve not gotten him a phone, but have been seriously considering it lately. This might be just the motivation I need! Thanks so much! I’m a newsletter subscriber!
I subscribe to your newsletter, thanks 🙂
I confirm that I am a subscriber to your blog and I am getting three boys ready for schoolt his fall along with expecting a baby this Sept. 🙂
I shared this on FB and I also liked you on FB! (Helen L.)
I am now a subscriber. I am not getting either of my two daughters ready for school as of yet for Kadence Lorelei is 20 months old and Keian Melodi is 1 months old.
have two grandchildren in high school and help my daughter get them ready for school to start in the fall.
I am an email subscriber and i am getting three children ready for school this year ages 3,7 and 10.
Facebook shared and i am a fan.
Just subscribed and can’t wait to start all the deals. I have 2 children I am getting ready for school .
I am subscribed and i have 3 kids to get ready for school.
i subscribe to your newsletter :D.
I am a subscriber, you have been my friend and friended my other friends on FB!! I am getting my son and 2 grandchildren ready for school – I could use this to block out the noise!! LOL..Good Luck Everyone!!
I “liked” & shared you on Facebook!
I am an email subscriber to the newsletter!
I am a new email subscriber. no kids but love a good deal 🙂
I am your newest email subscriber! I have three children getting ready for school this fall! We are a proud homeschooling family 🙂
I receive email from you
I like you on FB
I have two in school! Both of my girls are in college – that costs even more!
I subscribe and i’m get’n 4 children ready for BTS! That leaves me 2 at home….HELP!!!! Thanks for the giveaway =)
I am getting 3 kids ready for back to school…1st grade, 4th grade, and 7th grade. I also like you in FB!
Hello, I only have one son that I am getting ready for back to school. He is 3, on the autism spectrum, and considered non-verbal. We are hoping to win the Ipod touch as there is a program called tap-to-talk that should help my son with his expressive language considerably! thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Hello, I subscribed and only have one son that I am getting ready for back to school. He is 3, on the autism spectrum, and considered non-verbal. We are hoping to win the Ipod touch as there is a program called tap-to-talk that should help my son with his expressive language considerably! thanks for the chance to win
I subscribed to your newsletter. I only have one kid I’m getting ready for school, but she’s a teenager so between the clothes, the calculators and everything else, I wish I had 3 school age children, lol.
It’s official, I’m now a subscriber!
Oh, yeah…I forgot to tell you how many kids I’m getting ready for school this year.
Only 1 this year!
I subscribed! thanx for this great giveaway!!
I’m getting two girls ready for school this year! 11 and 13! My Divas!!
I subscribe and I have 2 kids to get ready for back to school (the best time of the year!!!).
I shared with my friends on FB!!
I subscribe. This year my daughter is still too young for school, so we aren’t getting anyone ready for school yet.
I subscribe to your newsletter, and I am getting 2 kids ready for school this year. Not as many as some, but still 1 too many (jk).
I love your newsletter and have saved alot of money. Thank you I am getting three kids ready for school 10, 8 and 6. Traci Hower
I am a new email subscriber
I have three kids to get ready for school….they are in 7th, 8th, and 10th.
I am already subscribing to “I Heart the Mart” =) I am getting myself ready for Back to School.
“Liked” on FB!
Hello, I subscribed to your email. I am getting my oldest three ready for grade school. 1st, 3rd and 5th grade. Thank you for the chance to win.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
I have 2 kids to get ready for school. My daughter will be in 8th grade, son starting college.
Shared this give away on my facebook wall with all my friends.
I am now an email subscriber. I am getting 3 children ready to start back to school. A senior, a freshman, and a 1st grader. 🙂
Hi – Thank you so much for this contest. I am getting two ready for school. We homeschool both of them. Our older daughter is 12 and in 7th grade. Our younger daughter is 9 and has Down syndrome.
I am hoping to win the iPod Touch for my 9 yr. old who had an 8G iTouch for 9 months with a ton of educational apps on it before it broke in April when she plugged it in to charge it. She broke the charging prongs and killed the memory board on it. It is not repairable. 🙁 She was devastated and we have been unable to purchase another as my husband is only employed 2 days a week outside the home which pays the monthly bills. She keeps asking us when she is going to be able to go on her account again. It has been 3 months since it broke.
We had several hundred speech, fine motor skills, math, reading, coloring, puzzle, memory games, and interactive book apps on it for her. We also had apps that helped her with social situations.
Thank you again. I am crossing my fingers and toes for this one. Have a great weekend! 🙂
p.s. I was already a fan of your FB page, subscribed to your newsletter, and also shared with friends today.
I subscribe to your newsletter. I am getting 2 teenagers ready (it was so much easier when they were in Elementary School)
Fixed! I subscribed via email! I am getting 6 kids ready for school! Yikes!
I am already a FB fan and shared with everyone today!
I have 2 kiddos but only one I’m getting ready for school. He’s is 10 & going to be starting 5th grade, the princess of the fam is only 2 hehehee. Thanks Iheartthemart!!! I also attended one of your wife’s classes, you guys were great & very informative thank you again. 🙂
I am an email subscriber and I have 3 going to school this year.
I’m a newsletter subscriber!
I already like you on Facebook and share your posts often, actually. I enjoyed reading the little blurb about your family on MoneySavingMom recently, too!
I subscribe. I’m getting myself ready, but I have one kid who won’t be going for a while.
I have been a subscriber to your email for a month or more now. I am getting college kids (3) ready for school.
Sorry that was I subscribe to your newsletter. I also posted on my facebook about your page.
I am an email subscriber
I help get a niece and nephew ready for school!!/iheartthemart/posts/199020586822841
facebook share-I am one of your fans-last name Beck
Hey Paul!! LOVE this site and have been subsribed to your emails for awhile now~~great information!
I have 2 kiddos to get ready for school this year….and your giveaway item is on one of their “wish lists” too! What a super deal that would be! 🙂
Oh, of course, I like you on facebook too!
i subscribe to your newsletter i have 2 kids getting ready for school.
I subscribe to your newsletter and I have liked you on FB for a while now! I love all your info!! I’m not getting any of my kids ready for school yet, I have a toddler and one on the way! 🙂
I’m a fan on FB and shared you today.
I have been subscribed to your email for quite some time & I am preparing 800+ kids for school. I am a registrar for my local school district 🙂
Thank you!!!
i subscribe to your newsletter and shared you today…i won and bought ipad touch for my grandsons but now i want to win one for me..i don’t have any “gadgets” and have been trying so hard to win the touch ot ipad…everyone has them so now it is my turn..please pick me
I subscribed! Woot! I have 3 kids. I homeschool one of schooling age, I homeschool another that is Preschool and my middle child goes to public school for all the good services he gets there. Thanks for sharing all the deals. 🙂
I’m a confirmed email subscriber (same email as comment/profile)
I like you on Facebook and shared your giveaway with my friends.
Get your newsletter
I’m getting one child ready for school
I am a newsletter subscriber and I’m getting 1 child ready for school!
Subscribe to your newsletter.
Confirmed subscriber….very sadly only helping one child get ready for school nowadays.