Its about time for another giveaway. For 10 readers I have from Propel a gift pack that includes two 20oz bottles of Propel Zero, a Propel Zero t-shirt and 3 coupons for a free single-serve Propel Zero in a drawstring backpack.
Here’s the scoop:
- We’re giving away 3 million samples of new Propel Zero at Walmart stores across the country from March 19 to April 24.
- The Gift Kit consists of two 20oz bottles of Propel Zero, a Propel Zero t-shirt and 3 coupons for a free single-serve Propel Zero in a drawstring backpack.
Want to win a year supply? On April 29, Propel will select one winner at random from their Facebook page and the winner will win a year’s supply of Propel Zero!
What’s new about Propel Zero? We’ve taken out the calories while keeping the same great, natural fruit flavor, offering a great way for active women and men to replenish (vitamins C & E), energize (B vitamins) and protect (antioxidants) their bodies.
Want to win a years supply?
- Find Walmart sampling locations and dates here
- Snap a photo of yourself with your favorite Propel Zero flavor at a sampling event (or wherever you happen to be)
- “Like” Propel Zero on Facebook
- Upload your photo to the Propel Zero Facebook wall and answer the question: “I stay active by… ” (running, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking my dog for a walk, etc.)
- Tell us the name of the blogger you heard about the sampling from
- Check back, one lucky winner will be announced on April 29.
To enter to win:
- Like I heart the Mart on Facebook.
- Tell us what you did for spring break.
- I will draw 10 winners on Friday!
we havent had spring break yet.. but when we do we wont be doing anything special.. playing outside with the kids, going to the park, riding bikes ect.
Thank you for the chance to win.
oh and of course i already love i heart the mart on facebook.
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Spring break: Planted potatoes, turnips, cabbage, lettuce, strawberries, onions and swiss chard! Whew! 🙂
My family went to St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Kansas City which is the largest in the area. Then we visited Money Museum in the same area. The admission was free and had to enter with security gate because of federal building. I forgot I had my daughter’s sessurs (little kid size) but the guy was very nice to ok to take with me. The other guy who was inside of glass door was trying to teased me and pretend to be freaked out! He totally got me. 😉
Other than the date, I made hair bows all the time during break. I needed tons of them for selling at fundraising for disaster relief of victims in Japan. Last weekend, I sold every single bake items and most of craft items. Still donations are coming so hopefully I can send to them very soon. We didn’t spend tons of money during break but we did great fun as family.
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For spring break, my mom took the kids for several days and gave me a little downtime outside of work! My husband and I went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo to see Zac Brown.
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We haven’t had spring break yet here on the east coast, but when we do we will be celebrating our twins’ 5th birthday! Lots of fun stuff and hopefully lots of nice weather. Only two more weeks!
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We went to our local museum, the Strong Museum of Play. The kids love that place!
I don’t have kids so it was business as usual during spring break.
We took the kids to the Mavericks game twice (we were given the tickets) and went shopping for summer clothes!!
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I have already had my spring break but my kids have not. I went to the mountains with my husband for a weekend during my spring break with 4 other couples. It was really nice considering we haven’t ever done anything like that in 11 years of marriage. We never even had a honeymoon, lol.
We haven’t had ours yet either…but we are planning a trip to Zions.
Facebook follower already, loveloveloveit!!
We are taking a trrip to Reno this year with a side trip to San Fransisco. My girls have never left the southeast…or flown before. It will be an adventure!
We did a road trip with our 9 yr old and 10 month old ip to Washington dc. Along the way we stopped in st Augustine,FL. Savannah Georgia.
I worked through Spring Break! 🙁
I don’t get a spring break…and I am a teacher! We had one day off…we had Dr. appts, family pics and of course a trip to WALMART!
I worked during spring break! How fun!!! 😛
And I’m already a fan on Facebook! 😀
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I spent most of Spring Break organizing my stockpile!
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Now that I’m an adult with no children of my own, my spring break is non-existent. Oh how I miss it!!!
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No spring break for me. Hubby worked normal shift and our child is only 22mo so just normal days for us.
No spring break for me! But we did take our son to the park and enjoyed Saturday and Sunday together!
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Played outside and just relaxed!!!
Have not had a spring break yet but plan to do yard work and paint the house !
Have already Liked youy on facebook and love propel .. since I was advised that I am prediabetic this has been a lifesaver from sodas 🙂
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As for spring break… I had to work, although I did get a good run in on the beach with me dog!
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We did some things around the house and went on a day trip.
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We didn’t have a spring break so nothing special around here:-)
I like you on FB and for spring break I took a few days off with the kiddos.
We spent a day at the Water park of America. Did some couponing (they love it) and some cleaning.
I had to work, but will make up for it in August with a trip to The Strip!!
Like you on facebook. Did some spring cleaning around the house for spring break 🙂
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went to houston to visit my parents-last time for a while since i am six months pregnant.
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I worked on my thesis over spring break! Didn’t really get much done, though 🙂
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Had my nephews and neice for a few days over spring break and just hung out around the house having fun and getting outside
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Haven’t had spring break yet, but will starting Friday….going up to Atlanta 🙂
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For Spring Break, I went to visit my family, who live over three hours away. I had a great time.
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My daughter is in Preschool so this was her first Spring Break. We Planted a garden, went to the beach, got a dog(this I could have lived without but we rescued him from getting hit on a busy road. We also went to Busch Gardens. We spent too much money but She will be having another surgery at the close of the school year and miss out on most of her summer.
We had a staycation for Spring Break! Spent time with my husband & daughter and LOVED it!
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We stayed home and had a great time with our 3 year old.
Spring break? What is that? I still had to work!
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I have been liking you on facebook!! lol. For spring break we rented a cabin in Blue Ridge Mountains! We also went to Amoicola Falls (spelling??). Who says when you go on vacation you don’t exercise!!! 425 steps down = 425 steps up!!
Well spring break is at the end of April for us folks here in Pensacola Fl…and we are planning on going to the beach…having a good old family fun day…and of course on our way back we will hit some stores lol for a few deals…My daughter loves this stuff…and we got it free with overage with coupons at Publix…and my son just begged for more…lol and I told him I have to get more coupons for it… what a great give away…Love your site…and cant belive you are a guy using coupons…HELLTOTHEYEAHA>>>and that you love some Kid Rock..that makes you hot!!! just joking lol xoxoxo
spring break just started yesterday 🙂
We are staying home and catching up on time with each other
Since spring break has begun, we’ve gone to a friends of ours twins bday party. Yesterday went to our midwives dr appt and we’ve got 6 weeks to go til our new little girl is here, and after that we had a yummy dinner at the olive garden. Today the hubby just headed out to work. And when he gets home he has some more demo to do on the new master suite that we are trying to recreate. The boy and I will do somme subtracttio practice, he’s having a hard time with that. Perhaps watch a movie because its still raining in seattle for spring break and wait for tomorrow to come dothe same and wait for extreme couponing, YAY!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!
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I’m not a teacher and don’t have kids, so I don’t get a proper “spring break.” I do take vacations, though, and next weekend I’m heading to north Georgia to ride my bike on some hills. Or mountains if you’re a northern/Midwesterner like I am.
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Spring Break… ahhh, those were the days!
This Spring Break I have spent helping my Son work out and prepare to leave for USMC boot camp… he has lost a total of 50, yes… 50 pounds over the past few months! Propel Zero would sure help keep his calorie intake down!!
I worked during spring break!
hung out with my kids, and took them to swim practice. FUN stuff.
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THanks for all you do.
I follow on Facebook. Great Blog.
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No plans for spring break. Just looking forward to warmer weather and getting out in the yard to plant flowers and do some clean up.
For spring break, me and my hubby went down to Arizona to visit family. The sunshine and warm weather was fabulous!
No spring break here, but I’m getting married on April 30th and we’re going to Cabo for our honeymoon! 🙂
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Spring Break? What the heck is that and nope we haven’t had that yet : (
I started my spring cleaning during this spring break.
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For Spring Break all I did was take a much needed break from school.
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Spring break = spring cleaning 😉
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No spring break for me… Just work like normal.
For Spring Break this year, we stayed home. We enjoyed a lot of family time and also did some spring cleaning.