While this deal may not be as awesome you can still save big bucks with the $2.00/1 Luvs Diaper Coupon HERE and a brand new $3.00 Ibotta Offer you can stack with it to save $5.00 on ONE box of Luvs Diapers! (Please note that not all Ibotta Accounts may have this offer)
Luvs Box Diapers $15.97
Use $2.00/1 Luvs Diaper Coupon
Redeem $3.00 Ibotta Offer
Total: $10.97
Don’t use Luvs Diapers but still want to save on your diapers at the store? Have no fear, I Heart the Mart is here with Pampers and Huggies Diapers Coupons too!
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