If you have Allergies or just like making money to take product out of stores, you are going to love this deal. In today’s Smart Source we received a $6 off one 5ct that will make for some Free Zyrtec plus $.73 overage. The coupon is good for 1 week only!
Zyrtec 5ct: $5.27
$6/1 Zyrtec Product, exp. 5/5/13 (SS 04/28/13)
Or use Save $6.00 on any (1) Zyrtec® 5 ct
Total: Free + $0.73 Overage
There is also a coupon on smartsouce.com (expires 5/27)
Well I had a bad experience with this coupon at my walmart. I messaged you on Facebook.
do you know how much the 25 ct is cause i have a coupon that is for
25 ct or larger for $7 off and it expires today
Every time there is a good deal like the Zyrtec one, the coupon expires the same day and shortly after you post this great deal. This has happened on other items lately, so if its not going to last more than a few hours, don’t bother, I had just got all coupons from my Sunday paper, went to the Smart Source site, and wasted all that time when it was not there & then on email message said that it had expired!\
Debbie, the only thing that has expired is that they are out of prints on the Smart Source site. If you have your coupons from the Sunday paper you can still use them. Why would you not be able to? Take them into Walmart and go get your Zyrtec!
The paper manufacture’s coupon clearly reads “up to $6”. Therefore, the cashier has the right to mark down the coupon to Wal-Mart’s selling price. This is not necessarily an overage scenerio.
it does, but it also says that the MFG will reimburse the retailer full face value. it would be bad luck to get a cashier that wouldn’t honor the overage, esp. since there is no write in price. good eyes!
Got mine just fine refer to Walmart’s policy please
If coupon value ($6) exceeds the price of the item ($5.27), the excess may be given to the customer as cash or applied toward the basket purchase.
The value is up to 6.00 that being said Wal-Mart must accept the face value of the coupon. Now if it read free up to 6.00 then the coupon would be adjusted down.