Photo Credit Savvy Student Shopper
People are reporting that their stores have hangtags around the Wisk for $1.50 off ANY size. If you can find these and your store has the 12 load size they are priced at $.97. FREE + overage!
Now, my store does not carry the 12 load size, but they did have the $2 hang tags on the $4.97 size, making them only $2.97! So keep your eyes out and see what you can find!
thanks a bunch i love wisk and i have 4 walmarts in my area ..
How are they still on the shelf at that price?
I stocked up on the 12 load size at Walgreens for 99 cents each, but the hangtags say $1.50 off the 75 oz. size. I did not see Wisk hangtags at my Walmart in central FL at all, though…
I agree with Jennifer, at our Walgreens the 12 load size was .99 cents and it had the $1.50 coupon for the 75 oz size. We didn’t have any of the tags at our Walmart in Waco, TX either.
I did this deal today! I was able to find $2.00 hangtags on other Wisk’s (larger ones) but the coupons were for $2.00 off ANY Wisk. Found the $0.97 ones on an end cap. Bought 10 of these & got $10.30 in overage to use for printer ink! I am donating all 10 to my local church.
what city are you in?
i live in chester county, pa
wow what area are you in? i cant wait to check my stores.
I am in the E.U.P of Michigan and for some reason I thought Wisk was priced higher than that…Guess I will have to check it out friday.
So, I guess some people believe that it is fine to take hang tags off product and use them for something else! Dang people!
I was just thinking the same thing. I don’t think it’s right to take a coupon off a product you are not buying. It is not fair to the purchaser of the product. How would you feel if someone took the peelies off of the product you were planning on buying?
chester county, pa
checked Davenport IA tonight and they had the tags but no tiny bottles 🙁
yeah, hangtags are supposedly (sp?) on the larger wisks….people are taking these off the larger sizes and using them on the smaller ones. Not sure if this is okay to do or not. I mean, sure they’re reporting them going through the register, but is this okay to do??? Not sure **shrug**
i found the .99 ones @ walgreens, but like the above post said it says 1.50 off of 75oz or larger… i didn’t find any tags at all when i went to WM.
I was able to use hangtags from other wisks on the smaller one. I had no problem using them. The coupons I found, state “$2.00 off ANY wisk product”. No size restrictions! The only beep at register, was “Valid Amount? $2.00?”. The cashier took off the full $2.00 because it state in their policy they are able too. As far as taking them from other wisks, I did not see a problem..only because I did not take all of them. They had an end cap with the larger wisks, as well as a ton in the laundry detergent they had alot. When I had saw the wisks with hangtags, I noticed a lot were already taken off the I guess other people did the same?
I do not believe it’s okay to take coupons (whether they be hang tags, peelies, etc.) off of one product and use it for another.
I TOTALLY AGREE! If you take a hangtag off of a product then buy that product! It’s not really yours unless your buying the product it’s attached to! Glad there are some other people out there who know the coupon courtusy code! They will get their BAD KARMA for stealing those! LOL!
Never knew it was against the law…but I guess apparently I am not the only one who had used hangtags off the larger ones for the smaller ones…
I don’t see how it’s a big deal to use them for the smaller ones, as long as you are using the coupon for the right product that is listed on the coupon (whether it has a size restriction, certain flavor, etc). In this case the $2.00 off coupons I found were off ANY size Wisk. My Walmart had the big Wisks on an end cap right near the small Wisks.
I’m not saying it’s against the law, just that…in my opinion….bad etiquette. Period. It is put on there for you to use after purchasing the product. I can’t imagine going in a store pulling peelies, hangtags, etc. and walking out of that store and going to another.
It’s not a bad deal to use the coupon on a smaller size. It’s bad to remove it from the product and not purchase the product you removed it from. At least, that is my opinion. That is stealing coupons from the people that were going to buy that product. Would you want someone to come ahead of you and remove coupons? As another couponer, I wouldn’t think you would like that if it happened to you. Just my .02. 🙂
No – you are supposed to get the coupon by buying the larger size. Some ppl have the coupon on the smaller sizes. I’m anxious to check my store! 🙂 There was a printable $2/1 – 45oz coupon a little bit ago…
im looking forward to checking my walmart today, i doubt they have it though i live in a small town and they tend to never have the good deals lol but a girl can hope 🙂
I also live in a small town, and my WalMart never has the good deals either. They really don’t have competition since the only grocery store sales prices are even more expensive then WalMart’s every day prices.
I checked my WalMart and we don’t have it on sale 🙁
I checked two walmart in katy and i found the hang tags but not the small wisk? Has anyone had any luck?
Stuart didn’t have wisk at that size, they did however have peellys for $2.00 off any size.
checked one walmart in chicopee mass today .. no small bottles they did have hangtags on the 32 load bottles but not many.. thinking of calling the other 3 stores.. i was excited about this but now im bummed love wisk been using it since i wa slittle.. and my grandparents swore by it.. but its so darn expensive..
I didn’t find any mini bottles in WI 🙁 maybe they just don’t have them yet but will.
The Walmart in Maple Grove, MN didn’t have the .97 12 load size, however they did have $2.00/any & $2.00/cold water hang tags! 🙂 I actually do coupon for a shelter, so I was hoping to get the deal, oh well. I took a hang tag or two and will wait to see if we get an end cap with the pictured deal, or maybe take it Walgreens and use it there. I don’t think it’s wrong.
I envy you guys. I never find these deals at my walmart. I live in a fairly large city in Cali & had no luck. So sad…
Can I use the $2/1 any wisk 50oz or larger on this $.97 wisk?
It would leave me with a $1.03 overage right?
Michael.. no you cant because those 97 cent wisk bottles aren’t 50oz.
They a few $2.00 hang tags left, and I snagged a few, but then a walmart worker asked me if I needed help. I said, no thanks and moved along. After that, the entire restock team was working in the aisle. So I grabbed some .97 cent bottles and moved along. I was able to get 5 little bottles, a pair of yoga pants for my daughter, bread and mens deodorant (coupon of course) for $2.00. The cashier wasn’t thrilled, gave me a dirty look or two, but rang me up without issue.
Later that afternoon, I went to the other walmart in our area. They had the hang tags, but no .97 cent bottles. My friend and I asked for them (they were no longer on an end rack as they had been a day or two before). The workers told us they were outta stock (we wondered if they had taken them off the floor).
None the less, I have more hang tags for another time.
Thanks for this incredible heads up!
Jen what area are you in?
Southern Maryland. St. Mary’s County has the $2.00 hang tags, but the Calvert County Walmart has the .97 cent bottles.
What’s a hang-tag?
a coupon that is on the product tied on by a rubber band around the “neck”. pickles jars usually have them too.
How does Price Matching work on an ad like Kroger. EX. Cool Whip 1.39
but is .89 if you buy 10 participating items?
they are matching the bottom line price in most cases.
Is that a good deal without a coupon?
Just my opinion, but if you are going to take a hangtag from the larger bottle…at least buy two small bottles using one $2.oo hangtag. I realize it’s not “against the law” to do this, but it seems shady to make that much of a profit on a coupon that was on another product.
Like I said…just my opinion.
Tish, I totally understand where you are coming from. I see it as no differnet than using coupons on travel items, they have pictures of the larger products. The bottme line is that the maufacturer is gettng you to buy their product, hoping you like it and will buy it again. It wasn’t on another product, it was on a different sized product. Again, I get where you are coming from, but if they only wanted you to uy a certain product they are more than able to exclude or make size restrictions. Thanks for the comment.
I just found $2/1 any size Wisk tonight at my Walmart. They had them sitting in front of the larger bottles. I didn’t see any small bottles, but these don’t expires for another month plus so I’ll hang on to them for a bit.