My wife found this new job chart system and posted it on her site. I had a chance to mess around with it earlier today because we having a family meeting tonight to teach the kids how to use it and to get everyone on schedule for the school year. It is really cool and I like that I can check on them and their progress from my phone. Take a look below at the details. Did I mention it is FREE?
I have a really cool new FREE job chart system if you are looking for one, called My Job Chart. We are using it here, we just got started yesterday and we are actually having a family meeting tonight to lay it all out for the kids. I already added the kids in, complete with their pictures and set up the jobs and rewards sections.
My Job Chart is the free, easy to use, online chore chart and reward system for organizing and motivating your kids to learn first hand how to Save, Share and Spend.
Here are a couple of suggestions as you set up your job chart:
1. Keep it simple. Start off with just a few of the most important chores first. This will build confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
2. Check out the Manage Rewards area. This is where you will be able to set up savings accounts, select charities to share with and enable rewards in the spend area that will motivate your kids to work hard!.
It took me about 10 minutes to get the kids set up and jobs assigned. It is super easy and they have a bunch already ready to go. I was able to add specific jobs for our home in for the kids as well. You can choose AM or PM, and which days of the week, and even a one time job.
I was also able to do some jobs for the kids all at once, such as read scriptures, and make bed so I didn’t have to go in 7 times and add the same thing.
Once you have their jobs assigned, you can check each child out and see the jobs and assign a value for each one. They already have all theirs assigned a value, you can change it of course or leave it.
Then the kids can get on and check the box when they are done with the job. You can choose to have a text message or email alert when this happens if you want.
You can also PRINT the job chart and hang it somewhere if you don’t want them on the computer.
They can see their progress and earn points for the jobs that are done. Then they can redeem them for any of the rewards you want to make available. The preinstalled ones are there to help you get ideas of what you want to offer. They also have a point value that you can change or leave as they have marked.
Then the kids can learn to save up their points, and spend them as they want.
I am really loving this idea! It is a great way to teach the kids to work, save and spend wisely. My big kids will like logging in and doing the chart from the computer where my little ones will like the printout. Plus it is completely FREE!
Check out My Job Chart HERE!
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