There is a HUGE Malox coupon that you got in your Smart Source today!
You can find the Maalox Advanced Maximum Strength 90 Chewable Tablets for $4.52. Use the $5/1 Maalox Product, exp. 3-1-11 (SS 01/09/11), if your store allows overage you make $.48! Thanks RayAnne!
I went to Wal-Mart with my Maalox coupons. I had 7. I picked them up along with other items. When I got to the check-out, I was told I could only use one Maalox coupon. The cashier pointed out that the coupon said one coupon per transaction. I said I had 7 coupons and 7 items. Are they considered 7 transactions or only one? The cashier called the supervisor, and I was told that I had to have each bottle rung separately as separate transactions if I wanted to use the coupons. At this point I was so disgusted I told the cashier to void them all off the bill. I have never had this happen before. Has anyone else had any problems with this issue? Thanks
Yes, Penny. The coupon does state limit 1 per transaction so that’s exactly what it means. It’s rare that coupons will state this, but this one does. They were willing to ring all 7 up for you separately and I would have gratefully taken advantage of that. There are many meanies out there who would hardly be willing to even do that. Here’s a tip: Try to get where you have all of this knowledge yourself. We just don’t want to get too serious and bent out of shape and ever give couponing a bad reputation.
Thank you for clarifying that Ashley. It is really rare that you see that and I had not even looked at it that close. I would have never paid attention to it.
Sorry to hear that Penny! I used all 4 of my Maalox coupons with no problem. I had also picked up a few of the Reach Dental Floss and ProNamel Sensodyne and the cashier was really nice and even said that using those coupons was saving me money! I had to run back to WalMart last night to get me some of the MortinPMs, I noticed the same cashier was there so I went to checkout with her and when she scanned the $6/2 Motrin Qs, the cash register told her to enter the amount of the coupon. ( I had not seen this happen before ) and she looked over the coupon and I asked me if she enters the $6? I advised her yes because the coupons states Save $6 off of 2 and I pointed out that I had bought the 2 MotrinPMs. So she went ahead and entered the $6. I think I found myself a nice cashier who doesn’t mind coupons =)