There is a coupon that came out a while back for $1.00 off Organic Root Stimulator. There are no size restrictions and can be used on the bottles pictured above that I found in the Travel/ Trial Section. Not every Walmart is going to carry this size but if yours does this is a great product (according to the incredibly funny woman I talked to at Walmart) She wanted to know “Boy, whatcha lookin at that for? Your hair don’t need that stuff!” She went on to tell me that “this is the good stuff”. I still don’t know exactly what Root Stimulator does, but this stuff does it great!!
Organic Root Stimulator: $.97
$1.00 off Organic Root Stimulator
Total: FREE + $.03 overage (before tax)
LOL @ that lady! 🙂 That’s funny.
Great deal, but the coupon is for relaxer kits. That is different from the oil!
Doesn’t the coupon say for “RELAXER” not HAIR LOTION? How are we going to use this coupon on the product pitcutured above?
Hey Paul! This coupon is for relaxers. Which is a completely different thing–Relaxers are a type of chemical system that comes in a box. It’s almost like a perm, but for people who want their hair straight.
OMG too funny!
the product doesn’t match the coupon… so how’s this deal suppose to work??
yep its for a relaxer!