Tiffany ran into Walmart this moring to check out the Nivea deal for me. You will get both the Mens and Womens $3 off coupons in the Red Plum!
I am pretty sure you will need to go today, they will be gone. Otherwise just wait a few days after they restock!
** You can get the Sunday early edition paper on Saturday withe the coupons in it.
How did you get your inserts already?
The Houston Chronicle has the “Early Sunday Edition” that comes on Saturday … not positive but I think this in place of a Saturday newspaper. The Sunday coupons are in it as well as the Sunday paper.
I noticed that you didn’t pay any taxes. I always have to pay tax after scan coupons. They add tax before coupons price, not after coupons. Is it just regional stuff or did I missing something?
We live in Texas and the manufacturers are supposed to pay sales tax, but some stores will try and charge you, like Dollar General.
I’m jealous!!
Question! You used coupons coming out tomorrow??? How did you already have Sunday’s paper???? I think I am missing something….
How did you get the coupons? I thought they didn’t come out till tomorrow.
Where did she get the coupons? The coupons are suppose to be out 4/17 in the inserts..
I’m headed to Walmart today. Wonder which one she went to. Hope she left some for me ๐
How can we go today, if the coupon is in Sunday’s paper?
Does TX not have sales tax? How interesting!
We do have sales tax, but not on coupons.
Is this coupon coming out this week or was it in a past paper? I haven’t used any nivea coupons recently but I’m not seeing this coupon in my binder……. Any ideas?
How did they get the coupons before Sunday?
I am wondering how you already have the coupons as they won’t come in until tomorrows paper?
I was just wondering the same thing….
I just live about 30 min. from Ya’ll and I will not be able to get my coupons until the paper tomorrow. How do Ya’ll already have them and how did you get away with no tax??? Cleveland Wal- Mart sure won’t let us do that! ๐
The early addition of Sunday’s paper. Call you local walmart and pay 2.00 or 3.00 a piece or you can wait until Sunday ant pay 3.00 for 2 or 2.00 for 2 at Dollar Tree
Does Walmart give rain checks? Does anyone know how long they will be on rollback for $3.00?
Did you all see what she said after that…you can get the Sunday early edition paper on Saturday with the coupons in them!
many papers offer a early edition sunday paper for purchase on saturday.
I get my red plum on wednesdays in the mail with ads and pizza coupons. Already went last night and got two for free! They already had little stock left.
I am so glad I looked at the site today! I just got back from WalMart and got 6 body washes for free. I live in MN and had to pay tax on the subtotal before coupons, so was just over a dollar. My WalMart also charges $3 for each bottle. With regional price differences, I was worried about that.
I read recently on another site that the early Sunday editions of major newspaprers that you get on Saturday usually have the same inserts and cost less. This is the first day I have done that but it worked great for me.
I get my papers a day early too in central Florida. Went and got mine tonight. My Walmart had plenty. I had to pay tax but still an awesome deal!! Thanks for posting!
How did u get ur paper in Central Florida. I am here also
Thank you so much for posting this. I got 4 today! ๐
By the way, my local paper comes on Wednesday’s and it has Sunday’s coupons then (so I get them 4 days early). Also, when I get the Washington Post, it arrives Saturday morning, sometimes Friday night.
I guess every area is just different.
I live in Texas also and we receive a “city newspaper” that includes the same inserts as the Sunday papers–so I have had the Nivea coupons since Tuesday night!
In our Saturday local paper, we get the Red Plum and PG inserts. I already went to Walmart and got my Nivea!
In Rhode Island, we get our RP in the mail on Wednesday or Thursday before the Sunday (can’t remember)… awesome to get it early, but that means I cannot get any extra RP unless I bug coworkers (which I do)…
I totally didn’t get the $3 coupon in my Jacksonville, FL paper!!! Goood thing I got a couple of the printable ones before they were gone ๐
It would be smarter to take those coupons to Rite Aid – Nivea is $3.99 – BUT – you get a $5 UPR when you spend $15….so you would only spend $1 OOP and get $5 back! ๐
shoot i got 5 papers today and when i came home and looked through i didnt even have the nivea coupon in it! now i got the paper for no reason!
My WalMart on NW 13th Street in Gainesville, FL has the Nivea bodywash priced at $4.79!
Our Sunday paper had NO coupon inserts! Can I get the RP coupon elsewhere?
I didn’t get the Nivea coupon either. ๐ I was so excited about this one too. Oh, well. I will try for another wonderful deal later.
I didn’t get a coupon in my paper either. There was a $2 and a $1 but no $3. BUMMER!!!
I live in the Houston area and my Walmart had the Nivea for $5.00 not $3.00. Which Walmart did you go to??
Sawdust or 242
my walmart was cleared out already on sunday! hopefully they get more in stock before the coupon expires.
We had two Sunday papers here in Minnesota both with RP inserts but only one of them had the coupon. And of course it was the more expensive paper. I bought a second one but am wondering why it isn’t in all of the RP inserts.
First time on this website, glad I found it, thanx channel 13, I live in houston, texas I usually get my sunday chronicle on saturday at kroger. I cut out my coupons and plan my trip saturday night and hit the stores early sunday morning, I bought 4 niveas, easter stuff, 2 lysol wipes and my 1ยข carefree and paid $3.79
when is the rollback gonna end?or how does rollback work?