We are seeing a LOT more B2S deals! I want to make it as easy as possible for you, and so I did what most smart guys do and had my wife make me a spread sheet like the one she uses each for our kids. So that I can look cool and offer it to you guys to print free. I am really awesome that way 🙂
Seriously, it works. We spend about $80 a year on 6 kids school supplies by doing the following:
- Print the Back To School Supply ListÂ
- Get your kids school supply lists
- Add the items into the spreadsheet (one sheet for ALL your kids)
- Watch the sales for the next 5-6 weeks
- If it is less then Walmarts price at any store, buy it.
- If it is the same as Walmarts price wait a few weeks and see if it goes lower anywhere
- About a week before your school starts, the things you are still missing, buy them at Walmart
- Cross off items as you get them, so you are not overbuying
Thats it. Easy.
I am going to be posting ANY deal that I find, or that you see and email me, Â that we can price match at Walmart each week.
- If you buy a little each week you can save a LOT of money.
- Not get stuck right before school spending a bunch of money.
- Don’t wait until the say before and everything is sold out.
This is basically what our sheet looks like. Except that my wife laminates ours (she is just that way) Â and it is on the fridge.
We combine all the kids supply lists into one sheet. Add the # of each item that we need. If there are certain folder colors they need we make a note. We cross off what we bought. The Walmart prices are listed as a reference in case we are in another store and are wondering if something is a good deal.
There is space at the bottom because I am assuming you might have different items your school is requiring. Or you can always just make one up that works for you better. But this is a method my wife has been using for a long time and it works.
Go HERE to print yours. Once you are there, just right click and select print to get it.
Let us know if you have a system that works!
allyou.com has a $2/1 printable for zebra 5 pack pens, on sale for $1 this week at staples, PM at Walmart n get em for free!!!!!! on second page of the AY exclusive coupons
This is great! In my area, our elementary school (and also Kroger) sell pre-packaged supplies for each grade based on the lists from the school. They are ridiculously expensive and people buy them like crazy. Seriously?! They’re like $60-$80 PER CHILD. Supplies shouldn’t cost anywhere near that unless you wait till the last minute. I am loving Walmart’s price matching. Yesterday, they let me price match the Avery binders and the dividers which were $3 and $3.79 at my Walmart, but $1 and .01 at Staples. My Walmart is about a mile from home, Staples is about a 20 minute drive. No brainer! Thanks, Walmart! (and iheartthemart, too!)
Also really watch prices. Our walmart had two expo dry erase markers for 1.97 but the four pack was 2.50!! And glue sticks were 10 cents separately but more if you bought in packs! Also, I try to keep a list of what things cost each year and where I got it so the next yeat I know what prices to look for. I also buy extras now so when teachers ask for more supplies in January, I have them and they are much cheaper now. I also get the lists from the next few years my daughters will be in and stock up on some items now or when school supplies go on clearance in September, especially big items like binders and folders.
I love that idea of buying for the next few years! I have never thought to do this but I will be doing that this year! Thanks! 🙂 Love iheartthemart! 🙂
Great reminder about stocking up now. I do the same. It’s amazing how pricy all these supplies are mid-way through the year:)
Another thing to consider….. If you find a great price on supplies that are on a teacher’s “MOST WANTED” list, buy a few extra. These things make a VERY appreciated gift (maybe at Christmas time???). I’ve taught school for 24 years – my MOST WANTED
OOPS – I hit submit by accident!
My MOST WANTED list would include
Expo markers
My Walmart was out of the .10 glue sticks so I asked for a raincheck. They looked at me like I was crazy. I then asked a cust svc supv who advised I can just come back and get them when they have them back in, at the same price. No ad, no form needed. Not sure about that…I got her name…
You should be ok. They will have them until school starts.
I clicked on the part above where it says click here to download the list and it took me to some google page – no clue why it sent me there but i would really love to see the walmart price list
Try this one!
Thank you so much for this list. With 6 kids, youngest starting Kindergarten and oldest starting college, I can use all the help I can get. THANK YOU!!!!
When will the 2015 list be available?