It’s Friday and time for I Heart the Mart’s Freaky Friday Giveaway! If this is your first one, where have you been? Each week I look for a silly or ridiculous product that makes me laugh and give it away here to you! Ok to be fair I have taken a few weeks off because we were giving away some crazy good prizes with some other awesome blogs.
This week is going to be real FREAKY, I posted this picture of Andie giving Batman the business end of a super deadly Karate chop and two things happened. A. You super keen I Heart the Marters noticed I was pushing a red cart and gave me the business. B. You went nuts for this Batman Cuddle Pillow.
I wouldn’t necessarily associate Batman with cuddling but I am guessing their are some Christian Bale fans out their that it has crossed your mind. Anyway, I secretly bought a second Batman Cuddle Pillow, because you don’t want Andie to hunt you down if I send you hers and I am giving it away today.
PS if you really want Spiderman I can make that happen!
A: Follow me on Twitter @iheartthemart (I am trying to get better at Twitter, right now I am a Twit)
B. Leave a comment here telling me you are a follower ( you can tweet me too) and Tell me who you think the best Batman has been.
My Favorite is still Michael Keaton!
You have until Midnight Pacific Time on Saturday to Enter! Like and share this with all your friends so they can enter too! Well, and score great deals!
I follow I HEART THE MART on Facebook 🙂 Best Batman of all time is Michael Keaton of course!!! My son would love the Batman Pillow friend, we just bought him a Batman mask at Wal-Mart this week
Michael Keaton and yes I am following 😉
I’m following you on Twitter! My boys would LOVE this Batman pillow! All about superheros! My favorite Batman has to be Christian Bale. Love the new movies!
I’m following (@aguilarsara92) and my favorite would have to be Christian Bale.
Just signed up to follow you and the best batman was Adam West! 🙂 old school all the way!
Holy Guacamole Batman, you went Waaaayyyyy Back!
I follow your blog. My favorite batman is Michael Keaton.
I follow you on twitter and facebook. My 2 year old would have so much fun with this! @LisaLan24739414
Yes I’m following and acting wise I think Keaton has it, but I just a soft spot in my heart for crazy people so Christian Bale is my favorite. Something about the way he screamed “SWEAR TO ME” in Batman Begins makes my knees weak. LOL
Adam West did it best….:) I’m @forkncrazy on twitter….:) and following you….lol 🙂
I follow iheartthemart on Facebook and Twitter (I’m also a huge mylitter fan!) Hands down Michael Keaton!!
I haven’t joined the twitter world.. but follow you closely on facebook! I love all the great info! And I totally agree .. Micheal Keaton was the best batman ever!
I follow you on Facebook. And Michael Keaton ha been the best batman by far in my opinion 🙂
I’m a fan of all the batmen… there’s something about men in black – even if it’s a tight jumpsuit! 😉
I’m a FB follower.
I follow you on Facebook! Michael Keaton is the best batman!!
I am a fb follower, I can’t get into the groove of Twitter. I like val Kilmer, not bc he is a “good” actor, but bc I think he is sexy. I know, I’m weird. Lol. I would love the Spiderman only bc my daughter knows who that is, but beggers can’t be choosers right lol.
I’m following you on twitter! Best Batman for me is Christian Bale. BUT the best Bruce Wayne is George Clooney….even though the movie itself was awful! lol My 2 year old daughter is a huge Batman fan…thankyouverymuchdaddy. 🙂
I haven’t gotten into Twitter yet, but I follow you on FB. And in my opinion Michael Keaton is the best Batman.
Got you on Twitter and FB. Michael Keaton is the best batman by far!!!! I think everybody agrees 🙂
I followed you on twitter, and I think Christian Bale is the best 😉
I have to agree with everyone else about Michael Keaton (But I have to agree with Leslie too).
I see Andie has both Batman and Spiderman…I’m guessing she put Spiderman back?? She is soooo adorable…I know she has you wrapped around her little finger..LOL
My son loves Batman.
I follow you on facebook (I don’t have a twitter account). But Michael Keaton all the way!
Batman is the best!!! I love the bat symbol in the air. I follow you on FB
I agree with you Michael Keaton is the best Batman of all time. A little crazy and dark. He also has the sexiest lips in that mask!! I follow you on FB.
I would really like batman. I’m thinking ahead for the holidays! : )
..and I follow you on FB!
I would have to say that Christian Bale has been the best batman of all time! I follow you on facebook and twitter 🙂
I’m following on Twitter as PracticalMommy2. Christian Bale was the best in my opinion. Could be just because I love his voice… 🙂
I am following youuu 🙂 Christian Bale 🙂
I agree about Michael Keaton too…….best and hottest ever!!!! I follow you on facebook and twitter!!!!
I just started following you today on Facebook – so excited! I agree with Michael Keaton as the best Batman but Christian Bale is a REALLY close second. 🙂
I followed you on twitter and for me the best Batman EVER has to be Mr George Clooney!
I’m not on twitter but I do follow you on Facebook. 🙂 My six year old son loves superheroes. 🙂
Following you on tweeter (brendagzzg), Christian Bale he just sounds and looks so sexy….lol
I fillow u on twitter (@crperez1). I think Bale is the best because he is actually tall and seems more like a batman than keaton or Kilmer, althought Clooney was great in it as well, or maybe just cuz hes one of my fave actors.
I’m following you on FB AND now Twitter…although I am a Twit on Twitter too…I have NO IDEA how it works, lol.
My favorite Batman is of course the HANDSOME Christian Bale 🙂
I am now following on Twitter! Michael Keaton was a good one!
I just started twitter and now follow you! I also love Michael K.
I am following you on twitter (leahbohdeah). I think Michael Keaton is the best. Mainly because he is wearing the best version of the costume, keeping true to the yellow belt and bat. I prefer Spiderman over batman though since Spiderman is my boyfriend’s favorite hero
I follow u on twitter. Christian bale..thank u
I’m a follower. Michael Keaton, for sure.
I am a Twitter follower. Christian Bale is my favorite Batman. My 7 year old son is crazy about Lego Batman.
I like Christian Bale as Batman. My son loves Batman. This would be a cool surprise for him.
I follow you on Facebook. I don’t have twitter.
I follow you on fb, but I don’t have a Twitter account.
I am soooooo a Michael keaton barman fan!
Fun giveaway, thanks!!
I think Michael Keaton was the best batman too. I have a 4 year old who loves superheroes and would love to have this! Thank you!
I follow you on FB (I do not have a twitter account) The best batman is Michael Keaton.
Im a follower….and Christian Bale!
Christian Bale, but Michael Keaton made me laugh. Definately following you.
I’m a follower! Christian Bale!
I am now following you on twitter, and Michael Keeton was definitely the best batman!
Im a follower! Michael keaton. Should would love pillow. My little boy has a birthday coming up!
I follow on twitter @aliciaz! Christian Bale was the best!
Following u….christian
I am a fan of George Clooney!
I follow you on facebook.. and val kilmer.
I follow you on facebook.
I am following you on twitter! My daughter loves batman!
I am a follower. My Favorite Batman is Michael Keaton!
I’m a follower on twitter @gmt121977. Fav is Adam West.
I am a follower. My fav was Christian Bale.
Im a follower and My Fav is Michael Keaton- Who btw I named my son (Keaton) after!!! lol 🙂
I am a new follower- would have to pick Michael Keaton.
If I win this- it is going in hubby’s stocking or will give it to him for his birthday- he will think it is great.
I am following on twitter. 😉 Christian bale;)
I’m a new follower! I agree, Michael Keaton was definately the best.
What a fun giveaway! My 2 year old grandson loves Batman. If I won, this would be a cool surprise for him!
I follow you by email, don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account.
I’m now following you on Twitter! Michael Keaton is definitely my favorite Batman! And Jack Nicholsen was the best Joker! Batman was the first movie I saw him in, and ever since then he freaks me out!
twitter follower (cistran)
I like Christian Bale
The only batman worth mentioning is Michael Keaton!
I follow you on Twitter as aprilbluetx
I don’t tweet but you should still give me something..i’ve been following you everyother way forever! LOOK BEHIND YOU… lol.
That’s funny! The restraining order is nothing personal.
I’m a follower.
My favorite Batman is Christian Bale… he had me at “Newsies ” 🙂
I follow you on Twitter (@mrsgiveaways)
I liked Michael Keaton as Batman.
I am still remembering the Batman of the comics. My 4-year old grandson would love Spiderman for his birthday in October.
Following you on twitter, Michael Keaton was my fav. also. 🙂
I agree Michael Keaton was the best and my son loooves Spiderman 🙂