After viewing some of the HILARIOUS and really disturbing Christmas card photos posted on Awkward Family Photos, I felt much better about ours this year!
See, it didn’t turn out bad at all!?
I am sure in 30 years the kids are going to ask why we made them wear that, and then we will have to remind them that we let them pick out what they wore!
But, I can’t stop looking at the bad ones!
Which brings me too the Freaky Friday giveaway!
Submit your BAD Christmas (or family photo) pictures today to win a $25 Amazon gift card! I will post them tonight and we will vote on the one that rivals some of the ones HERE! Just email me at
Are you up for it??? I am going to be making my Mom dig some out here in a little bit…
Ohh I saw a whole page of these this morning, probably the same page you did.