CLICK HERE if you missed me on Fox News. They did a news story for Houstonians that would like to donate to the victims of the Tornado in Joplin, MO.
If you are in the Houston area, and want to donate items to be taken to Joplin MO and surrounding communities, you can bring them up to The Woodlands and we will be personally delivering them over Father’s Day weekend.
In Houston:
- The Woodlands Christian Church 1202 North Millbend Dr. The Woodlands 77380
If you want to mail items, I suggest packing it in a medium, Flat Rate Box from the Postal Service. We have a church in Springfield MO working with us as a mail point, where we can then sort the items and get them out. This is where we will need YOU if you are in the area!
Where to mail packages:
- Address to: Coupon-Aid (care of the Vineyard Church) 634 W. Wall | Springfield, MO 65806
There are no weight restrictions, so pack this box as full as you can! The total cost to mail no matter how heavy is $10.95. I fit a ton of great stuff in one!
As part of the trip I will be organizing a work day on Saturday June 18th and Sunday Father’s Day. If you are anywhere near there and would like to join us in helping out please keep checking the site. I will add details on needed items and supplies as I get more information.
You guys are awesome! I don’t live to far from Springfield and I am ready to help when you get to Springfield!!!!
Sounds great Stephanie!
Can’t wait to see what supplies are needed, will send whatever I can!
picked up a Flat Rate box today and am working on filling it up.
awesome, i am going to send out a box tomorrow!
I live in MD but would love to ship some items. How long do we have to send it to your church? I would love to get it together over the weekend and ship it early next week.
Thank you for posting this! I live in Arizona, but have been looking for a way to help. I will be sending a box out this weekend or Monday! Does that leave enough time?
My Fiance is currently unemployed and a Volunteer Firefighter and EMT (Medic). He works 911 volunteer on the weekends. He could go to Joplin to help as aman power and with all his experience, but We are trying to find a group for him to join to be able to volunteer there. If anyone with information could please contact me.
I will get back with you when the method of transportion becomes clearer as to what we need.
I live in missouri and have found this info on how anyone can help the people of Joplin. Here is a link to some helpful information
I live in FL, but am shipping out a bunch of stuff tomorrow! God bless you all who are organizing it.
it has not gotten out very much on the natual news but the town i live in (roundup montana) is flooded in and has been for 5 days now! we are going to need help! anyone is more then welcome to go to our facebook page called roundup knows! and you can see what our town is going through
Thank you so much for the address and man-power ~ I’m sending a couple packages from Massachusetts and praying for everyone ♥