If you EVER have purchased something online I hope that you are using Ebates! When you shop through Ebates they will pay you cash back on every purchase. They like to say Cash Back is Ebates tested, mother approved! For those not familiar with Ebates, we’re the largest online rebate site featuring over 1200 stores, thousands of coupons, and a constant stream of deals. Check them out daily for cash back increases, limited time offers, and fun tidbits featured on the Ebates blog. No matter what you’re shopping for, Ebates has got you covered! Sign up for FREE HERE!
Speaking of, enjoy these amazing and exclusive deals!
- Get a FREE 16-Piece Beauty Bag plus FREE Shipping with ANY $50 order. Enter code EBATESMOM at checkout. Go HERE to take a look.
- Save 30% off any $150+ Full-Price order at Ann Taylor. Code EBATES30. Go HERE to take a look.
- Save 10% off any purchase at JCPenney with Code EBATES10. Go HERE to take a look.
Win It:
One I Heart The Mart reader will win a $100 in their Ebates account!
How To Enter:
- You MUST be a member at Ebates. It is free. Sign up HERE.
- “Like” Ebates on Facebook
- Make sure to “like” me on Facebook, come back here and leave a comment.
Additional Entries:
If you want more chances to win, you can have additional entries, but you have to do the first one for the rest to count! That one is easy, just like me on Facebook.
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Check out what else you can win!
All 13 Bloggers are giving away $100 Cash from Ebates and $100 Gift Certificate to Hayneedle.com. In addition each blogger has the following giveaways exclusively at their blog.
Stockpiling Moms – Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Retail Value $129.99, $75.00 to Azulio.com, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
MoJo Savings –Johnston’s Cashmere Throw, Retail Value $100, Calvin Klein Leather Purse, Retail Value $120, (5) Envirosax Retail Value $6 each, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
We Use Coupons – 3 Days, 2 Nights at Beachfront Caravelle Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC, Retail Value $180, Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Retail Value $129.99, $75 Gift Certificate to Vera Bradley, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
Dealicious Finds – $100 Gift Certificate to Stella & Dot Jewelry, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $50 Gift Certificate to Sew Crazy Creating, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
A Few Shortcuts – $100 Molly Maids Gift Card, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, Popcorn Factory Spring Popcorn Tin, Ambrosia Candies Gift Basket, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Wicked Cool Deals – Kindle, Value $139, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Frugal Living and Having Fun –Kodak Easy Share Camera 3x Optical Zoom , 10 Mega Pixels, 2.5″ LCD (Blue) $80 Value, $100 Gift Card (Winners Choice of Kohl’s, JC Penny, Walmart or Target, $35.00 to KaBloom Flowers, $40 Gift Certificate to Shoe Mall (Free Shipping), $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
A Thrifty Mom – $118 in Products from Chef Wood Products, $50 Restaurant.com Gift Card, 40 Coupon Inserts (Value, $1850.00), $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
I Heart The Mart – Coach Purse, Retail Value, $275, 10 Coupon Inserts from Coupon Beat
Christian Clippers – Tassimo Bosch T20 Homebrewing Station, Black, Retail Value $129.99, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, Things Remembered Digital Photo Key Chain (Engraving Included), Retail Value $85, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Addicted To Saving – $100 Picaboo Gift Certificate, Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB, $50 FragranceNet.com Gift Certificate, $50 Coldwater Creek Gift Certificate, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Saving with Amy – 5 Snapily eGift Certificates, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $25 Amazon Gift Card, $20 Target eGift Card, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
Smart Couponing – $100 Macy’s Gift Card, Burberry Brit 3.3 oz Eau De Parfum, Retail Value, $90, $50 ProFlowers Gift Code, $15 Gift Certificate from Coupon Beat
I like Ebates and I heart the Mart on Facebook 🙂
I’d love to join! Thanks!
I would love to win! I found ebates through you and got my ALL YOU subscription! 🙂
I liked all the giveaway bloggers, thanks so much for all the efforts you put into this to make it easier for us! I have been on Ebates for years and currently am awaiting a $45.83 rebate check:)
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Lovin savin at the Mart!!!
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Love your blog!!! It has helped me save a great deal!!! Glad to see another guy love Walmart as much as my husband!!
Yea! I heart the mart and freebies!
already a member of ebates, and already ‘like’ you on FB
but I ‘liked’ ebates on FB just now 🙂
Done F.B. like your blog
I’ve been a member of Ebates since 2002, liked Ebates on Facebook and liked I Heart the Mart on FB too! Glad to add a guy’s blog to my money saving feed.
I’m subscribed in My Yahoo! reader!
I have “liked” I Heart the Mart for about a year now and just started using Ebates!! Waiting on my first check at the moment. I just love the savings and you bloggers who help me stretch my dollars so much further!! Please enter me in the contests, I followed the directions, lol!!
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I heart the mart and ebates.. I live at Walmart but wouldn’t go anywherfe else. Thanks for creating this blog..
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I follow you and your wife’s blog everyday. Thanks so much for all the hard work you do to help us save money everyday. I <3 the mart.
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Ditto to many. I found out about eBates through the AllYou deal. 🙂
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Fun…I want to win!
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This giveaway is awesome!
Already am a fan of ebates and I just liked your page today. Ebates is the bomb. I have money pending for May. Cha-ching.
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Love your site… as a Walmart shopper, you’re always giving me tons of ideas on ways to save!!
love ebates, save $$ shopping for things you were going to buy anyway!
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I was 53,085 liked on the site 🙂
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ebates the bomb….
I’ve been following your site/newsletters for about a month now; I love the deals and the newsletters remind me of the savings to watch for! Just joined Ebates two weeks ago, liked them and I Heart the Mart of Facebook. Thanks for helping my family save, save, save! 🙂
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i use ilovethemart for everything about couponing! i would give away any gift i recieved to my mother! 🙂
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Not sure if we’re supposed to do the “daily entry” thing here, so this is just in case.
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This would completely cover the new printer i have my eye through ebates.Thanx!!!
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I went and did everything you said to sdo to enter this contest.
So please enter me in all contest and sweepstakes.
I love your site and think that Wal Mart should be paying you!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya Guys
Donna Desahzo
You are in Donna! I think they should be paying us too, I would take a % of the grocery receipts from my readers. lol!
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i heart the mart is great i use it all the time!!!!
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Imma ebates member!! Love heart the mart!
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