Easter Clearance at Walmart is in full force and ready for bargain shopping. This is when the savvy shoppers get the jump on next season, it is also a great time to stock up on the great easter candy. In my humble opinion Easter has the best seasonal candy. I love the Hershey and the Cadbury chocolate eggs. What’s your favorite Easter candy?
Am I the only one that hates Peeps?
No.. I also hate Peeps. YUCK!
i hate peeps also!
i went to check on the clearance today it’s about half of an isle there was hardly anything there just some plastic eggs and a few types of candy. not nearly as much as the stuff shown in your picture!
Ewww!! GROSS!! I hate Peeps too!! Those things make me sick.. …
we actually found chocolate, kisses and reeses peanut butter cups (individual and bags) left. not much else besides jelly beans , peeps (ugh).
You are not alone Peeps are so cheap because they are soooooo NASTY! 😛
I agree with you peeps are NASTY!!!!