My friend Nathan from We Use Coupons had this interview I thought IHeartTheMarters would be interested in. I appreciate the shout out from him!
First how do you shop Wal-Mart’s doubles?
Every Sunday I get the newspaper will all the local store ads, I then go through each paper and their sales, match those sales up with my coupons and make my list out. Here I get our local Food land ad on Wednesday, which is nice because i get a few days to get my coupons ready to shop!
Do they have unlimited double coupons?
My Wal-mart does unlimited doubles, they double up to .99 they will price match and double a coupon as well.
Do they (the cashiers) have to double coupons manually, or are their registers set up to handle it automatically?
This is the hardest part, the registers are NOT set up to double coupons, it’s a very lengthy process at check out. The cashier has to take the the price matched item and then they ring it up less the coupon amount, then they scan the coupons.. For instance if i have a coupon for .50 and i am price matching Heinz ketchup to 1.99 they have to ring the ketchup up for 1.49 then they scan the coupon, so that is how they double.
Original Price: $2.39
Price Match Price: $1.99 (from Food Land sale ad)
Coupon is $.50
So Cashier enters into the register: $1.49 (which takes $.50 off manually for the double)
Then scans my coupon for $.50
Total for Ketchup: $.99
Does Wal-Mart double coupons that say ‘do not double’
No if the coupon stated DO NOT DOUBLE then they will not double that coupon.
How do the cashiers react? Do you feel they are aware of the policy?
The Cashiers are trained very well, they know the policy to a T. My Walmart has designated lanes with large signs above the lane that say “Coupon Specialist” and they have lanes that say “NO COUPONS” If you try to go down a lane that is NO coupons they will turn you away. The cashiers that run these lanes are trained and they are awesome they are efficient and know the policy very well.
If Wal-Mart doubled, regularly would you shop elsewhere?
In the last 4 weeks I really have not shopped anywhere else other than Walmart, I no longer have a need to. Walmart matches the prices of all other stores. They do NOT match after RR so I have hit Rite Aid and Walgreens, but Im finding Im not even as interested in going to other stores. One trip for all the deals. It’s wonderful!!
What has been your best Wal-Mart trip to date?
Im running about a 80% savings consistently, without having to buy large quantities of any one item, just a normal shopping trip with normal quantities and still hitting the 80% mark. Last week I got 171.00 before coupons after coupons was 37.00. I want to add this was a ALL FOOD TRIP, and I didnt purchase more than 10 of any one item, nor did i have overage on any of my items.
Here is a picture of a Walmart doubles receipt from another WUCkie
What types of coupons double, do they double $1 up to $2, which coupons double?
They double all manufacturer coupons up to .99.

Do you feel many consumers are aware of Wal-Mart doubling, is there a lot of signage?
Yes there are many signs in the store, as well as a large sign when you walk in the door that states “We will match ANY other competitors coupon policy” Here all our stores only double up to .50, however Walmart is doing even better, they are doubling up to .99.
Do you see many other customers taking advantage of the doubling at your Wal-Mart?
Yes binders and couponers have become a huge thing in this area, even more so since Walmart started doubling. I always run into other couponers.
If a coupon exceeds the value of a product when it doubles, do they give overage on the double?
They DO NOT give overage on any coupon that is doubled if the coupon itself is more than the the actual price at face value you are allowed overage, if once the coupon is doubled it is more, you simply just get the item for free.
Any final comments you’d like to share? Final Thoughts
The cashiers here are very well trained, and enjoy seeing you get a good deal, they go above and beyond. Just a few weeks ago when purex was on BOGO and I had coupons making them .47 cents a piece I was chatting with the cashier and stated that they only had 8 bottles on the shelf, at that point she called to the stock room and asked if there was any that were in the back and requested they bring me more bottles so I could use the remainder of my coupons.
I love shopping at Walmart, my big score this week was .49 milk for a gallon, as well as getting lots of bags of frozen birds eye vegetables for free !!!
I want to thank Tiann for spending the time to do this interview. I really am excited for the people who’s Walmarts double! I wish mine did!!
Wow, that would definitely be nice! Not the way they have to double, though. I think I’d just skip Qs all together at WM if that’s the way they continue to do it after they’re done testing. At our WM, with our AWFUL cashiers, it would be more trouble than it’s worth. BUT, that being said, I DO like the idea of COUPON lanes vs. no coupon lanes. That’s an excellent idea! I could still see the jerks around here getting behind you in the Coupon lane and complaining, though. I thought southern people were supposed to be friendly??
That method is simply because the registers are all programmed form corp. It would be auto if it went nationwide!
Awesome! If they did the Q lines and actually TRAINED our cashiers, I’d be thrilled!
I can’t say enough nice things about the coupon specialists. The ones that I’ve encountered are not only well-trained on the WM coupon policy, but are couponers themselves. That seems to make a huge difference. I always end up chatting about coupons and deals with the cashier while they’re ringing me up.
The process that they are using to double is a bit time consuming, but it’s definitely worth it. The first time I went, I have about 60 items and 50 coupons, all of which doubled. It took about 30 minutes to do my transaction. This was two or three days after they started, though. I’m sure they’re faster now. I haven’t done a big trip since then, just a bunch of smaller ones, but I have a trip planned for this weekend. I’m anxious to see how long that one will take.
I agree with Ashley, I would love the idea of a coupon lane! and walmart doubling? Never heard of in Alabama, plus the cashier’s are soooo RUDE and ignorant on the coupon policies that I hardly shop there anymore
It’s not worth my time and headache to get a “good deal” from there. Also when I price match an item and then have a coupon for it, they will NOT take the coupon even though I am purchasing the item. That’s why I’d rather go to Publix where they have BOGO’s and really good sale prices. Plus they let me stack coupons with one store coupon and one manufacturer and Walmart will Not do that. Wish I live in West Virginia where they do double coupons and also the cashiers are actually NICE and care about the customer. The ones here in AL are HORRIBLE!!!! Most of them do not acknowledge you, and if you do have a question? then they give you a LOOk, like you’re bothering them, go away! Doesn’t make me wanna go BACK!
What part of AL are you from?? I’m in Prattville.
I agree with Jessica!
WoW! I wish I could get the same experience and my local Wal-Mart with any coupons. I think our cashiers see us coming and make up their minds to be rude and difficult! I have not used a coupon and my Wal-Mart and not had to get a CS Rep to help the cashier.
At my WM we do get the overage on the double. So, if the item is .97 original price and I use a .75 coupon I get .53 in overage. I got $82 worth of items for $23 after coupons last week. It has been great and I hope WM keeps the doubles and makes it companywide. Mine doesn’t have the separate coupon lanes though. That would be REALLY great! I have to say I have shopped more there since they started this program and will continue to do so.
This would be excellent for Florida and states like Florida that doesn’t double coupon. Walmart will get a lot of customers is they do this nation wide. Prices for everything are going high and many people have turned to couponing. Nevertheless, couponers will only shop at places that will give the best deals. I think this would not only help us (couponers) but they will also gain so much from it as well. I just wish they would train cashiers on couponing even if they don’t pass it.
I live just outside of Austin, TX and have only had one issue with an employee when price matching. Before I even unload my basket I say that I’ll be price matching which is usually met with “ok, thank you for letting me know”. But one day after I said I would be price matching, the cashier told me that I needed to quit watching those shows. I quickly replied that I don’t and those deals aren’t realistic for us in Texas (we don’t have the same stores). Anywho, she was very meticulous about looking at the ad (even though I wasn’t required to have it). But like I said, I’ve only had 1 instance in since I started (2 months ago) price matching.
Love, love, love the idea of a coupon lane with a trained cashier!!! I put in the time and effort to follow coupon policies and rules, so should cashiers! It’s very frustrating to see the fabulous Walmart coupon tv ads only to get everything prepared for great savings to be treated like a criminal! Yes we are getting the deals, but folks we are earning them with our hard work! Could a cashier just do his/her job and scan, bag, scan? Why be angry at couponers! Oh I sure hope when Walmart decides to double coupons in my area that they make it a simple process. CAN YOU PLEASE TRAIN CASHIERS THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE ON PURCHASE VS TRANSACTION? PLEASE! I am tired of having to split my P&G coupons into 4 seperate transactions. Thank you
Several stores in the Charleston, SC area double coupons on a daily basis. Some only do $.60 or less but the majority of them do $.99 or less. I’ve found that I’m shopping more and more at Wal-Mart because price matching and double coupons up to $.99 can’t be beat!
Which Walmart in Charleston, SC? I will be going down there next week and would to check it out. I am unable to find a list or anything. Thanks
I wish my Wal-Mart had lanes designated for couponers. I find it difficult to cash out and almost every trip requires a visit from a manager
Yes to doubles. Yes to coupon lane. YES to Walmart going nation wide with double coupons.
As it stands now, my routine is:
Walmart 1st
Kroger 2nd
Value Mart 3rd (small local store)
I do this every Saturday. I don’t bother to price match an item that has a coupon, that includes $1 and up coupons. I figure if the other two stores double my coupons up to .99 why take that business from them and give it to Walmart. With that said, if Walmart doubled they would get all my business. Good bye Kroger! Hello Walmart. It would create a loyalty to one store that I curintly don’t have.
Walmart Corp. I sure hope you pop in an read our comments.
Will this possibly be available in Florida also? I sure wish Florida had double couponing!!!
I would travel the extra miles to the supercenters to get to the double coupon deal.I would love to have a one trip run instead of going to 2 or 3 other types of stores. PLEASE COME TO SOUTHERN ILLINOIS !!!! HURRY !
I have read several comments on different subjects on walmart on here and I see a pattern of people having trouble price matching and using a coupon why is that? I live in northwest Missouri and always price match and use coupons on those items and have NEVER had a problem, first of all that would be like the store that had the thing on sale telling you that you couldn’t use a q for that because it’s already on sale! and second it dosen’t anywhere in the coupon policy state you can’t price match and use a coupon, besides what good would it do for walmart to price match and not take q’s on top, it would defeat the pourpose of price matching!! why not just go to the store that has it on sale in the first place lol
I live in Delaware and Walmart is one of my favorite stores. Although they are not doubling at my store there are always good price match deals to be had. Fortunately for me, my walmart WILL price match after register rewards. The store manager told me if I was going to take the time to price match and do all of my shopping at the store, then she would take care of me. If I don’t see my favorite cashier I will grab the front end manager just to make sure everything goes smoothly. I am still hoping for our store to start doubling!!!
I think the coupon lane is not for the consumer, it is for the COMPPANY. It is so embrassing to be in lane with 50-60 coupons and the cashier take everything out of the bag to inspect it to make sure it is exactly what is on the coupon. I mean exactly, they will read every line on the coupon even the fine print and this takes for ever with several coupons. I hardly ever go to our Wal-mart in Kentucky.
I live in Maryland and have problems with the cahsier’s too. They wouldn’t let me use the $1 off the travel size tide, becuase it was travel size and I tried to explain that it did not say “excludes travel size”, then their next excuse was, it wasn’t in the picture. OMG – I hate my local WalMart and the terrible cashiers. They also refused to price match a Rite Aide price because it said with wellness card, even though their policy states they will match customer loyalty card prices. I have started traveling approx. 30 miles away to a supercenter in Virginia to coupon instead. Supercenter’s seem to be much better and give much less hassle with coupons.