If you’re looking for a super easy craft that even Dad and the kids can make for Teachers or Mother’s Day this is one for you. All these supplies can be purchased at your local Walmart or other big box store near you. Once you figure out if your clay pot painting or not this craft takes literally under 10 minutes to complete.
You will need:
- Dum Dum Suckers $2.50
- 4″ Styrofoam Balls $2.97
- 4″ Clay Pot $1.97
- Mini Clay Pot $0.34 (Optional)
- Spray Paint $1.97-$3.86 (Optional)
Step 1: If you are spray painting your clay pots, I suggest laying the top down. Depending on what type of spray paint may depend on how long it takes to dry. You may need more than one coat depending on the color you are using as well.
Step 2: Place the 4″ Styrfoam ball into the top of the clay pot. Start your Dum Dum by placing the first row right along the top of the clay pot. You will only stick the sucker into the ball until the paper starts on the sucker.
Step 3: The next row you will go on top of the existing row. You will place your suckers in the next row in the space where the suckers meet as shown in the images above. (It’s easier to show than the explain).
Step 4: Keep making your rows as shown in step 3 until your Styrofoam ball is full. You can add a bow or ribbon along the rim of the clay pot to add a special splash of color too.
You can also make Mini Dum Dum Trees with only a few suckers and a much smaller pot. The mini clay pots are only $0.34 each at Walmart!
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