There are a ton of new baby coupons out this morning and I am a little sad that these AWESOME Pampers coupons weren’t out yesterday for the Kroger Deal, but you can still use them at Dollar General. Note I said at Dollar General not to Price Match at Walmart. In fact, I am about 90% sure that the Walmart price is $8.97 for the Pampers bags everyday, so it is probably a better deal there!
There is also a great deal at Target on the jumbo packs for $34.99 that will score you a $10 Gift card when you buy two boxes. That will give you a total of $7 off when you print and use 2 of the $2.00 off ONE Pampers Easy Ups Trainers
I only see a 1.50 for swaddlers do you know what zip code you were under?
our dollar general now has signs with “ad correction” on them saying the boxed diapers are NOT included in the $6.50 sale, just the bagged diapers. you wouldn’t believe how many times people have torn the signs down though trying to say they weren’t there and demanding the sale price. a lady had done it while i was there getting the dog treats.