I know at some point several of you have reported that Country Crock Spread was on sale, which is great. For my stores we haven’t been that lucky. However, with this $.75/1 Country Crock Spread you can get it for under $1! Not everything can be free, and the next best thing is Under $1!
Buy Country Crock $1.74
Use $.75/1 Country Crock Spread
Total: $.99 after coupon!!
If you buy the peppridge farm cinnamon raisin bread (I use it for breakfast toast on the go :P) there is a “Peelie” for $1 off country crock 🙂 Just thought I would let you know about that as well. It would make it only 74 cents then at your store EVEN BETTER!
There’s no size exclusion on this coupon, so I think it would work with the smaller tubs of Country Crock Honey Spread. Those are priced at $1.12 at my Wal-Mart and taste great on hot rolls and biscuits!! Just $0.37 after coupon.
There was a $1 off from the All You a while back too!
Ooh, thanks! I love the honey spread on biscuits!
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