We have been finding all these great pool deals and that is great but make sure you are protecting your skin. Print the $3.00 off 2 Coppertone Sunscreen before it disappears too to score this “HOT” deal on Coppertone! This coupon is for WaterBabies or Kids Coppertone 6oz or larger.
That’s not all, when you purchase $20 in Coppertone products after coupons and discounts you can submit for the Coppertone Rebate and receive a FREE Movie Ticket to Finding Dory (or any Disney movie currently playing in theaters). Purchase must be made May 15 – June 28, 2016 in 1 transaction (after coupons, discounts and taxes applied). Go to Coppertone.com/movie for complete details. Offer ends June 28, 2016. Fandango Promotional Code must be used by July 31, 2016.
::Here is a deal ideas::
Buy 4 WaterBabies or Kids Coppertone: $6.97 (27.88)
Use 2 $3.00 off any two Coppertone WaterBABIES Products
Use 1 $1.00 off Coppertone Product 3oz +
Total: $21.88
Submit for Rebate and score FREE Ticket to see Finding Dory (or any movie playing in theaters)
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