I am getting a lot of questions about using competitor coupons at Walmart. I explain it in the video. There is a part that is a little edgy, so if you have a weak stomach be advised that I do talk about adding MFG coupon to a price match.
Do not think of a Walgreen’s “Coupon” that states a specific price for an item as a coupon. Walmart treats it as price matching.
It must state a specific price to be honored at Walmart. EX. $3.49 Water
They will not honor a $ amount off of an item. EX. $5 off Zyrtec
I hope this helps!
Thanks so much for this! I’m sharing this with my coupon cronies 😀
I love your site! I price matched for the first time tonight & it was smooth sailing! Thanks so much for explaining everything so well!
Hi,Paul,thanks for the video! I have only one question and I apologize if you have already answered this elsewhere on your site. Cvs runs out of stuff fast and instead of always asking for a raincheck,if I bring the ad to Wal-Mart and get a price match will they also allow a coupon off? I have heard of people saying that they won’t. Thanks for all of your hard work on this site!
Yes they will!
Thanks! I’m gonna put my Wal-Mart to the test!
I just went through the FAQS again after asking and saw that you do it all the time but have heard of others having problems,any update on if there is a policy on this? Thanks
I went to WalMart last night and tried to do the price match of the Stove Top Stuffing from CVS for 88 cents. They would not honor it.
Did they tell you why?
They said they were special rates for card holders only and they wouldn’t match those prices. That came from the manager as I requested the cashier to ask.
That is nonsense. they honor card prices. Now, they do have the right to ask to see your card, but really? They are free so why they even bother with that is just so we want to kick what I call ” a planet in our solar system”.
So what would be the next step? Ask them to call corporate, drop it, or try another time with another manager?
Please update after your trip from Walmart . I’m hoping you will be making the trip my Walmart… Love your site it has so much to offer!!! Thanks to all the hard work you have put in for us coupon shoppers! : )
Hey Paul…
I know which one you are going to. I live literally 2 seconds from it. Call me if you want company. Tiff has my number.
STAY AWAY FROM ALL THE OLD LADIES…they usually work on express lanes. THEY ARE MEAN and HATE COUPONS.
They may hate the extra work to scan the coupons. LOL
Hi! This is my first time writing a comment on your website 🙂
I have a question… I know CVS has upcoming deal on Dove Men+ deodorant for $0.99. I am planning to price match that at my Walmart (hopefully it will work…) Anyways, will they take Target coupons that is for Dove Men+ product? When I heard that they take competitor’s coupons that states $ amount off, I thought “oh great!” but now, I am not sure if they take my Target coupons… Could you help me??
I dont believe they will take those Target coupons, what is the wording on them?
Hmm.. Maybe I read it wrong…
It says $1 off Dove Men+ care Body Wash or Deodorant Offer valid at Target or Target.com
Thank you for helping 🙂
No, they will honor a price but not that coupon unless it is a MFG coupon.
It needed to list a specific price for the deodorant.
Thank you. So… CVS ad states $0.99 Men’s deodorant, so they will price match that, and I can use MQ to get them for free, right…??
Hey paul, is there a limit to how many items u can price match? I have
A lot I want to price match this week and feel it will take forever to check out
NO, I have price matched about 40 items in one shopping trip wihtout a problem
micaelA: I have price matched my entire order on several trips… sometimes they have to call over a manager to override something in their system, but seems to always work out fine (unless there is an issue with the price/ad)
So I have the CVS ad and would like to price match the Head and Shoulders at Walmart. Well they honor the “like paying” price after ECBs are given?
No, they will do the sale price before ECB
Since the new coupon policy & their stance on price matching. I have noticed the signs at the registers where I shop. Even though they do state no need to bring in the ad, some of the prices are not lowered accordingly to another competitor’s price. (I can see how that would be so time consuming) I went last night and with me I had ads from Walgreens, CVS, Big Lots, Dollar General & a local grocer HYVEE. I also had coupons for all priced matched items. I am getting tired of both drug stores being out of the weekly sale items in the week(hell, by Sun evening) So far, I have has smooth sailing with my check out process and I have saved a ton. It is much better to drive the 0.86 to my Walmart and get everything I wanted to buy for the week @ one store. THANKS PAUL.
thank you { appreciated }
My Wal-Mart does not accept in store coupons like the one you mentioned for the water. They only price match specific sale items like the dish soap. Is accepting in store sale coupons as price matching a new policy or one that individual store managers make? I know that individual stores determine which competitors they will price match based on distance/location so I was wondering if this was the same deal or if matching in store coupon specific prices was part of the new company wide price matching/coupon policy.
I have a great relationship with the Wal-Mart I use which is why I stay there instead of using another one that opened closer to our home. Sometimes we are all just confused and trying to figure new policies out together. I bring in ads the ladies don’t have and leave them at customer service for all to use and they tell me about items I may have missed so I don’t have the hassle that some of your other readers do. It was well worth the time to get to know the staff because it just makes everything easier. Like I told the cashiers, I appreciate the convenience of price matching too much to try to cheat. One of the front end CSM’s told me that a customer tried to price match because she had seen me do it several times, but she was just making up prices as she went along. The CSM asked her what stores she was price matching, the customer couldn’t tell her, but said that she noticed that I never showed the cashiers which ads I was using. Kathy told her that I left the ads for them to use and she had never found me trying to take advantage of the price matching policy when I first started shopping there. I felt great!
That is great. The deal is they are responsible to have the ads. They absolutely are supposed to take competitor coupons as long as they name a specific price. It is in black and white. Back to the Old Dog new tricks.
has anyone done price match at walgreens this week to get the 12 pk. coke products for $2.60?
Not yet, but that is a GREAT deal!
i thought so too! can’t wait to try it tomorrow, i will report back 🙂
I took the walgreens ad for the 12pk of coke for $2.60 and had no problem–they did it as a comp. ad. It was a great deal I thought!
**I should have added that I took the ad to WALMART–and they honored the price–no problem 🙂
we used that coupon at our walmart and they had no problem accepting it i got a nother one this week so we are gonna go back and get more! good luck!!
Paul…I go to the Walmart that I think you were speaking about in your video…Woodlands Pkwy & FM 2978? They seem to know absolutely nothing about their coupon policy. I had a Randall’s ad several weeks ago and I wanted to use it to price match one of their coupons in the ad. A customer service manger told me that she had never heard of anyone wanting to do that before. I was floored. I didn’t have my coupon policy with me and what a mistake that was.
In my opinion, every cashier and manager in the Walmart company should be required to go through a coupon policy training class, whether they are new hires or existing employees. If Walmart truly wants to get into the price matching game, this should be mandatory.
Thank you for the video! I am really glad you posted it because there was a deal I was interested in and wasnt sure would be possible….To double tripple check…KMart has a store coupon for Purex 50oz liquid for $1.99…I can bring that in, price match it (cuz its really a store sale?) and then bring the manufact coupon for $1.00 from RP 3/13…and pay only .99 cents at walmart? I heart coupons 🙂
Hi Paul!
I have price matched the Rite Aid sales ad a few times at my local Walmart and they allowed me to use coupons along with price matching…even on BOGO deals. Yesterday I had some awesome freebies and money-makers!! Whenever I think I may have an issue I ask the checker to call over a supervisor or manager to confirm the coupon & price matching policy, for myself as well as the checker (they all seem to have their “own” acceptance policy!?!?). Each time I have done this the manager confirmed they will price match AND accept a coupon toward each price matched item. I was also able to use the $.01 Carefree Target coupon and my store rings competitors in-ad coupons in as ‘vendor coupons’ instead of price matching it.
I think I might spend some time on the phone with Walmart corporate office to make sure my store is following the rules…I would HATE for Walmart to change their policy….AGAIN!!
LOVE your site by the way!!! Keep up the amazing work!
Thanks to this, I was able to get $53+ worth of merchandise for $2.72 cents out of pocket! Pretty impressive! they had to call a CS manager over because my last coupon would give me overage and well…They told me they couldn’t give overage and I said “Oh yes you can!” LOL
Thank you for taking the time to post this—it answered so many questions I had about price matching! And I agree that Walmart really needs to train their employees on these policies–most of them are not at all familiar with it.
this video helped, thanks! but i’m still a little confused since on their coupon policy they talk about competitor coupons and manufactures coupons. then, on their guidelines and limitations they say only one coupon per item, so should this still be interpreted as one competitotors or one manufactures?
This video as helped. Yeup, I am still confused as well. I am new to couponing. I brought in a Safeway coupon for Freschetta Pizza 3.99. The cashier deducted it from the sale price of $5.89 without any questions. I told my sister n law about the deal, she went her Walmart and they said they will only pricematch.
I just wanted to say I love your site! I have learned so much from it.. My walmart so far has been pretty great about price matching and accepting coupons, We used a coke coupon from the walgreens paper it said manufacturers coupon on it so we got 5 12 packs 2.60 a piece, and one of our local small supermarkets had thier little debbie snack cakes the big packs which are 3.00 a box here for 0.98cents which they were shocked about but glad to price match on, also there are several coupons for the past couple weeks for airwick freshmatic starter kits for 4.00 off and they are 4.98 at walmart so you get them for .98 cents so we have been really trying to rack up on the savings! thanks for all the info!!
Paul, I am having a problem with the printed coupons because they dont say manufactor Coupon on them anymore.. My walmart will not take them now.. Do you have any suggestions?
I haen’t seen that yet. If they start with a 9 they are MFG. they should be able to tell by that.
My walmart does not accept competor coupons from the stores that are not in our area such as wall greens.
They will only price match from stores in the area… 🙁
This is from the Walmart ad match policy site.
“•We do not require customers to have the ad with them to honor a competitor’s ad.”
If that’s the case, then why do they take comp. coupons?
Scenario: BOGO at Walgreens ad says buy 1 at 4.99 get one free, with price match I can get these at walmart for this price, my question is though can I use 2 coupons on these since I have two coupons or can I only use one coupon?
Okay, so I was watching your video about Walmart taking competitor coupons. I have a Kmart coupon that was in their ad where I can get either a 6 pack roll of Brawny paper towels or a 12 pack roll of Quilten Northern toilet paper for $5.49. Will they expect this type of coupon as long as their is a scan code? Thanks 🙂
Thank you fot this awesome information.