I have heard that this coupon prints out as a Target Only coupon. I guess if you want the deal price match it at Target and get it there.
There is a new $1 off Colgate Pro Relief you can print HERE. I know we don’t use toothpaste unless it is free, but many of you have to have specific kinds and you might as well have a coupon if you have to buy it!
Colgate Pro-Relief $3.97
Use $1 off printable HERE
Total: $2.97
That coupon says redeemable only at Target.
At my wal-mart they have an end cap with 1.00 off coupons!
The coupon say’s Only redeemable at Target,Does walmart accept coupons that say that?
My Wal-mart accepts other stores coupons…instead of scanning the coupon, they take it off the price like they do when you have a competitor ad. Hope this helps!!
some stores do, but it is not the policy so I can’t post to do it that way.
That is strange….at my WM they just scan it. But maybe Target coupons are different than Wags coupons as far as scanning goes.