Let’s Start by saying that if you have a Kroger that doubles, then obviously do this deal there, you will only pay $.23 each.
Chex Mix is on Sale for $.99 when you buy 10 participating items. Combine this with the $0.75/2 Chex Mix, exp. 9/1/12 (SS 07/08/12 R) and you will score and awesome deal on my favorite snack food!
Chex Mix: $.99
$0.75/2 Chex Mix, exp. 9/1/12 (SS 07/08/12 R)
Total: $.61 each
I didn’t know where else to post my question–but I tried to match the Staples ad at Walmart for the $.01 cent deals and they wouldn’t allow it saying it was “gimmick ad” and they don’t accept those. It said you must spend $5 to get that price so they said that wording made it not acceptable. Just wondering if the official policy addresses this for price matching? Thanks!
The only thing I have ever found in their policy that may be a reason why they said you can’t do that is …
We DO NOT match the price in the following types of competitor ads:
Items that require a separate purchase to get the ad price
example: “Buy [item A] to get [item B] for $C”
Basically meaning Item A would be spending the $5 to get Item B which would be the school supplies and C would be the 1 cent
Not sure though, I don’t do much ad matching because it’s always a hassle at my walmart
No, this is a YMMV, I have not had an issue and I have tried this at many Walmart stores.
Our stores double here (memphis), but these are on sale for 1.49 with the mega deal. (1.99 if you don’t buy 10 things) I’d rather have lower sale prices and no doubles. We usually come out paying more than what I see on other websites.