Right now on Coupons.com you can print 3 different coupons that are exclusive to Walmart. Go HERE to print them!
Kraft Coupons + Match-ups
Kraft just released $7 worth of coupons here. You have to login or register to access these. *NOTE: These coupons are only valid while supplies last, so print them while you can. Thanks Coupons and Deals
$1 off any Two Tubs of Cool Whip Whipped Topping
$1 off any Two Packages of any Oscar Mayer Bacon
$1 off any One Package of Maxwell House International Cafe or Maxwell House Coffee
$1 off any Two Packages of Baker’s Bar Products
$1 off any Two Nabisco Crackers (no exclusions)
$1 off any Two Packages of Kraft or Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese (Shredded or Chunk)
$1 off any Two Packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
These are the before coupon prices at my store:
Philadelphia Cream Cheese $2.00
Bakers Bar $2.18
Nabisco Crackers $1.98
Kraft Cheese Shredded $2.00
Oscar Mayer Bacon $3.48
Maxwell House Coffee $2.98
Cool Whip $.98
New Printable Coupons!
Nestle Nesquik for Under a $1!
There is a new Nestle Nesquik Coupon for $1.25 off 1 Nestle Nesquik Powder. This could make for some cheap chocolate milk! Prices vary depending on where you live, but you could score some for less than a $1! Don’t forget to check the hispanic sections to make the deal better!
Thanks to pennypinchnmom!
$1 for Kraft Shredded Cheese!
Photo Credit Adventures in Savings!
Currently, there are 2 different printable coupon links for $1 off Kraft cheese! That means from 1 computer you can print 4 coupons! HERE is the first one for Kraft shredded cheese with a touch of Philadelphia, and HERE is the second!
Some stores are reporting that the Kraft cheese is on Roll-back for $2, making them $1 after coupon! Which is my price point for 8oz. of shredded cheese!
$5 Leap Frog Coupon
Many people are finding the Tag books on Roll Back. Here is a printable $5 coupon for you incase you find some marked down!
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