Our kids play with Playdoh almost every day, it is one of their favorite times of the day. I used to dread Playdoh time and would actually hide it from them because I didn’t want to clean up the mess and I got really frustrated when they mixed the colors.
I am not sure what happened, but one day it just kinda clicked for me and I realized what a moron I was being. It literally takes 5 minutes to put away 10 cans of Play-doh, I bought to myself “Really Paul, you don’t waste 5 minutes on something stupid that you could put aside to clean up some playdoh.” How many times a day do we do something like that, I know for me it is too often.
As for mixing the colors, WHO FREAKING CARES!! They don’t. Why should I? It can be a little frustrating when I want to make a green dinosaur and he is now a rainbow and not ferocious at all, but I just have to deal with it!
I guess the bottom line is that I need to re-prioritize my time a little bit, ever happen to you?
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