Let’s face it and say it’s that time of year that may cause war between households but it’s also the time of year for the guys to step up their game with all the outdoor games we may be playing with football fever in the air right? Unilever has some of the most amazing smelling products you can imagine out there and they cover everything from lotion to deodorant. Right now Unilever has teamed up with Walmart to share all about these MENS personal care products so you can stock up for your husband, son, or other family member that might need to “take care of their turf”.
You can see all the Unilever Products in the Take Care of Your Turf Program HERE
We headed to our local Walmart and grabbed some of our favorite Unilever Products featured in the Take Care of Your Turf products and of course you can’t just by all this smell good and not buy a brand new shower poof right? Even those bad boys are cheap at Walmart too! We now have something for the shower and on the go when we’re rushing to get to that tailgate or cookout party.
If you check out your local Walmart store you’ll find tons and tons of items in the HBA section (Health & Beauty Aid) and more and more of these products are also for men which is great to see! There are no longer just two scents in products but a plethora. What’s great about the Unilever Products at Walmart like the Axe Body Spray, Suave Mens Shampoo, and the Dove Men + Care Body Wash is they are AFFORDABLE and a great value. That HUGE bottle of Suave for Men that is MULTI PURPOSE (you know we like shortcuts and easy right?) was under $3.00 I think.
All I’m saying guys, is there is NO reason to be stinky this football season whether you’re outside playing a catch football game or in a crowded room watching your favorites teams running the field, Unilever has got your back!
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