Lunch boxes at Walmart come in every size and kind. From the insulated and fancy to brown paper bags. We go for insulated and try to reuse from the year before but sometimes they just don’t make it.
You can expect to pay anywhere from $3.97 – up to $15 for a lunch box just depending on what it is made of and what they have inside.
I found the camo backpack ones above for $8.97, they are insulated and are really cool. They look like a miniature backpack, complete with straps and everything.
I tried to talk the little man into the camo one, but he is die hard Batman. The simple screen printed character lunch boxes are $5.92, they are insulated but not well. However, the “cool” factor is what is important if you are 4. Plus, his mean old Mom wouldn’t let him get one at all because “he has a perfectly good nice one I bought at Pottery Barn last year for only $6 with his name on it” see if we take her with us again 🙂
Back again each year, are the Artic Zone lunch boxes for $6.96. Every year these boxes/bags have coupons inside (for the person who buys the lunch box/bag!) or a magazine rebate. They also have the California Innovationsbrand for $6.97 that have the same coupons and deals. You might be able to find the small $3.96 bags (for preschool kids) if your store is carrying them.
I should have taken a picture of the coupons so I could remember what they were, but I was not really impressed with them this year. I also could have been distracted by the birthday girl hanging on my leg, begging for a bouncy ball.
This is what was in them last year:
Save $1 wyb any Scotch Pop Up Tape
Save $5 wyb Scotch Thermal Laminator
Save $1 wyb any Scotch Fasteners
Save $1 wyb Scotch Restickable Shapes or Strips
Save $1 wyb Post It Super Sticky Pack
Save $1 wyb Scotch Brand Scissors
Save $.50 wyb Scotch masking tape
There is also another book inside that contains promo codes and more food coupons. Plus, there is the option of getting Family Circle magazine for $5.99 for one year and $11.98 for two years.
What are your kids getting for lunch boxes this year? Bags or Boxes? Insulated or not?
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