This week you need to take a look at the Staples ad and check out the BIC round stic pens for $.01 each! I posted about them earlier HERE.
Buy 4 Bic Round Stic Pens: $0.04 (Price Match Staples ad 7/7-7/13)
Use TWO $1.50/2 Bic Stationary Products Coupon
Total: FREE + $2.96 MM!!
* It is up to your store if you need to have a $5 purchase or not. But really, to get 4 packs of pans, it will be easy to make a $5 purchase. ALSO, the coupon might give you a free pen and not the coupon, some people are reporting.
Check out the Avery dividers for only $.25!! Putting together a coupon binder?? Well you might want these!
We are ALWAYS on the lookout for deals on Sharpie markers and these are a GREAT price at Staples. Make sure to price match them at Walmart!
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