If you haven’t already ventured in to your local Walmart store most have their Christmas & Holiday Clearance at 50% Off right now! That means trees, decor, wrapping paper, gift sets and more!
Christmas Large Signs $14.99
Elf on the Shelf Gift Sets $2.44
Christmas Themed Dog Toys $0.46
4ft Christmas Trees $12.50
Large Chrismas Tree Ball Ornament Sets $12.49
Be sure to check the Lawn & Garden Department for your holiday clearance first but also check the clearance aisle throughout your store! When you pick up items be sure to price check them at the machines throughout the store too as not all items are marked down yet. Some of the dog toys were still priced at $0.94 but some where only $0.47.
Cosmetic Gift Sets $2.44
Christmas Ornaments Start at $0.50 (The smaller 4pks are reg. $1)
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