OK people really? Who was the rocket scientist who priced the glue sticks at Walmart this year? Hmmmmm?
To the glue stick pricer person:
So you are telling me, that the wrapping that the 2 sticks comes in, is worth paying more than quadruple for? You realize I am going to have to UNWRAP them anyway right? Plus I am trying to save the environment by buying less packaging, so you are making this dilemma very difficult to decipher. I could also toss in the liquid glue for $.25 to make it more complicated….
I think I am going to go ahead and take the 5 STICKS FOR $.50, over the 2 STICKS FOR $.50. I asked my 4 year old and he agreed.
They don’t call me an “extreme couponer” for nothing!
LOL! I know right, I saw the same thing at mine. Gave me a laugh though.
lol, we had noticed the same thing, i laughed and told my daughter is pays to look around.
All I can say is…wow!!!
I noticed at my Walmart today that they had a box of 18 glue sticks for $9.88. Why not just buy 18 single ones for $1.80. Lol
Haha I saw this and I also ended up buying the 3 pack @ $0.25! Makes no sense!
I was looking for the .10 one at my local walmart but no luck.
is the two pack disappearing purple and the single stick plain white?
Isn’t the .50 bigger? Oh and I saw where they had 3 for .25
They are the same prices. The $.25 are generic.
My friend and I cracked up when we saw this last week. All she could say is “Really?” (long pause) “Really?”
I think it’s a way to make money on first time kindergarten parents (guilty!!!). A few years ago, I did not realize that my daughters school required 20 glue sticks to come with her on the first day. I had to run out and try and find those little buggers and then when I did find them I ended up paying about $0.89 each!!! Lesson learned!!!
So when the $0.10 sticks run out…and they will…parents will know they are getting a cruddy deal!
The 10 cent ones were sold out at both our Walmarts. Plus they were in a bin on top where it was really hard for a shorter adult (like myself!) to peak in and see if any were left on the bottom. I got the 25 cent 3 pack of the crazy art (or something?) brand.
All I can say is WOW! What are they thinking?
I work at Walmart, and helped set BTS, and I laughed when I set this up.
its real funny but if you didn`t look closely you could pay more than you should so it realy impt to read labels lol