There is a really special offer right now if you buy SPECIALLY MARKED( red scarf) International Delight, Horizon, Silk or Land O Lakes products at Walmart.( you can buy them anywhere they are sold, but this is IHTM :-). For each qualifying product you buy you can help $.50 get donated to either Toys for Tots or Coats for Kids. When you go to the Share your Delight website you can click on each brand and see which products qualify. Thanks, Jennifer for letting me know about this really awesome opportunity to help!
How to do it!
- Get Coupon listed below for product you want
- Go to Walmart and buy the product. (don’t forget your coupon)
- Click HERE and hit the “enter your UPC” button(1 per day)
- enter your UPC! Pick your Charity
- You have just donated $.50 to Toys for Tots or Coats for Kids and you are getting a $.55 off coupon for your next Purchase!
Here are a few coupons that help the cause.
International Delight:
$1/2 International Delight, exp. 12/31/11 (SS 11/13/11 R)
$0.55/1 International Delight Coffee Creamer printable
$0.55/1 International Delight viaUpromise Deposit
$0.55/1 International Delight Creamer printable
Silk Soymilk ( Holiday Flavors):
$1.25/1 Silk Half Gallon Milk printable
$1/1 Silk Soymilk or Almondmilk, exp. 3/31 (Kellogg’s Great Days)
$0.75/1 Silk Soymilk printable
Horizon EggNog:
$0.55/1 Horizon Organic Product printable
Land O Lakes Half & Half:
$.75 Off Land O Lakes Half & Half Printable: (you must sign up, great coupons though!)
Its the same UPC code on all the creamers I have purchased:
41271 02564
Plus I actually bought some, used them and tossed them thinking that it was automatic if you purchased the scarf bottles. So if you want to help and don’t have a upc, register and use the one above 🙂
Thank you Paul for posting this 🙂