Here is your list of all the best grocery store Price Match and Coupon Match Up Deals. I hope I am covering at least 2-3 stores that are in your area between this list and the drug stores. Click Here to see all the Kroger affilliates and HERE to see the Safeway affilliates. The sister stores should have very similar ads. Prices do vary by region but the scale of savings should be very close!
Special Thanks to Kristi from Frugally Thrifty for the Fiesta, Foodtown and Brookshire Brothers Matchups!
Kraft BBQ sauce (.50 off Walgreens coupon). I did not think WalMart accepted competitors coupons for cents/dollars off. Thought it had to specify a price.??????
Becky: The coupon is .50 off 1 Kraft BBQ sauce. They do accept competitors coupons.
My WM says they can’t PM and use another stores coupon together its either or. Well I just get off the phone w/ a mgr at another one near me and he says yes he is pretty sure you can do that. So what’s your take Paul?! 🙂
I tried to use a Dollar General coupon for 1.50 off toilet paper. Our Walmart would not accept it. Competitors coupons need to be for a specific price. That’s what their Coupon and Price Match policy states.
I had the same problem with the .50 cents off. My Walmart at 249 and Spring Cypress would not take these.
Paul, it is really awesome that you do us the service of this list but I have 2 questions: 1) is it possible to have links to the specific stores that you have on here…I only shop 1 or 2 of the stores on your list but it forces me to scroll through every one 2) why does the list repeat itself like 3 times? I thank you for an answer and the great job you do.
I am working on revamping the site it will be available in the near future, which is of course a relative term. Could you give me a bit more detail so I can figure out the issue, I am not sure what you mean by it repeats itself?
I get the sames thing in my emails. The email will be be super long with the list of all the store matchups on there several times (repeating) like walmart will be on there 3 times same info. Hope this helps
I love your Price Match-Up section, but I have a question we can PM the Kroger Mega deals to Walmart? In other words I don’t have to buy 10 items @ Walmart to get the same price it would be at Kroger? I am just a little confused on that, I want to go to Walmart this weekend and do my very first PM shopping trip.
Is the Digiorno that includes the cheese sticks included in the 4.49 when you buy 10 sale?
Hey Paul! Thanks for posting this list. I really appreciate it. My HEB ad says that visine is $6! That’s a crazy difference. I am looking at the ad for 78728. What’s going on?
its a different product. My ad is for Original Visine and yours I think is for long lasting.
Thank you. Which ad do you view?
Priced matched at Walmart to Kroger Mega deal prices for another week: Fuze, San Pelligrino and Perrier at $0.69. Fancy drinks on a cheapo budget! 🙂 Also got 2 liter Dr Pepper at $0.89.
Oh– there is a $1/3 Perrier printable coupon on to sweeten the deal. I got some lime waters today at Walmart. There were B1G1 free coupon pad for Fuze in CVS/Walgreen’s a month back.
I go in Walmart maybe 2 times a year, but I needed a birthday gift for a party my son has tomorrow and it is about 20 minutes closer than Target, so I thought I would check out the freebies and pick them up while I was there. AND, it was a huge hassle. The cashier scrutinized my coupons, and acted like I was taking money out of her pocket! I had FIVE COUPONS!! Seriously? All 5 q’s gave me overage and the cashier actually gave me a lecture on Walmart not being able to stay in business by giving people money back. I politely read to her where Walmart will be paid face value PLUS 0.08 PER COUPON. I had a $3.00/1 for the razors and 4 Cascade q’s. She said I couldn’t use any q’s on trial size…well no where on on the Cascade coupons did it specify a size, or excludes trial size (I know some do) it said ANY Cascade product. She calls over a supervisor and a HUGE scene was made by both ladies, I didn’t need the items that badly but thought it was a little crazy they weren’t following their own coupon policy clearly printed on the little card at the register and I was not leaving there feeling like a criminal! So the supervisor calls a manager who in the end settled the problem BUT informed me that starting the end of October they were no longer accepting coupons AT ALL because they are loosing too much money and their prices are already lowest in town. I was not getting into it with these people but those of you that do shop there regularly may want to consider an alternative store……Summerville, SC Dorchester Rd Walmart
Do you have to have the actual ad or could i just print this out and take it to my wal-mart and they except it to price match? I have never priced matched before so just a little confused on how you do it? Thanks.
As long as the stores are in your area you are not supposed to need the ad. I would try to print them offline at least if you don’t have the ads from the paper. If the stores aren’t in your area then they won’t let you price match them.
I have Food World Supermarket in my area. Can you add price matches for that store also? I am a busy military mom with kids and a full time job. This website is AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much
Did yall pm kroger and get the free Jamba juice smoothie things?? They are free. I got 9 yesterday !!!