I’m so excited about this weeks grocery ads! There’s so many great Price Matching Deals, I can’t possibly fit all them in one list! So please be sure to check your ads for any deals that will help your family. Kroger has their mega event going which is the perfect opportunity to come up with a killer price matching deal. Also, the meat and produce deals available are awesome! You will be able to save tons of money!! So let’s get to it!
I have a question with the match-ups. KMart is having double coupons until the 27th. Will walmart also do this with the Kmart ad? Had to ask. This is something that could really help us couponers out.
I doubt it, but it is definitely worth asking your store manager about.
ok thanks
why be excited about price matching deals?
Most of the grocery stores double or even triple coupons. So why not buy the items at those stores and save more with your coupons???????
I don’t want to travel to 3 or four stores to get the deals I want. you will also find that many time even if they double or triple the price is lower at Walmart. I would rather take 3-4 sales and do them at one store. My time is valuable to me and I will save more money price matching at Walmart.
I live in Bakersfield, CA…and NOBODY double/triples coupons here in SoCal so these price matches help me a lot!