Have you entered our Back to School Giveaway Extravaganza yet? Click on each blogger’s name below to go enter their giveaway.
Remember you can also keep track of which ones you’ve entered by printing off this Back to School Giveaway Extravaganza Check List.
The Giveaway Alliance has also partnered with Ebates to bring you another fabulous Back to School giveaway – Enter to win an iPad2 and $200 Cash! (Ends 7/30/11)
I subscribed
i need to win!!
I subscribed. I am getting 2 little ones ready to go back to school
Paul, I just subscribed. Love your site. I have two middle school students and a high school student prepping for school! summer is too short.
good morning Paul, I just subscribed. Love your site. I have 2 middle school students and a high school student prepping to go back to school! Hope I win!
I subscribe by email.
I “like” you on facebook. I have 11 grandchildren that go to school and I love to help them out.
I would love to win!