Need some coupons for your back to school supplies? I have looked for coupons until my fingers bled this morning for you to use!
Want to take our $20 a kid school supply challenge? Go HERE to take a look! Make sure to take a look at my Back to School section to not miss any deals HERE.
Back to School Coupons:
$1/2 Five Star Product, exp. 7/31/13 (P&G 07/07/13)
5% off Elmer’s Glue Sticks, School Glue or Glue All via Upromise Deposit
5% off Elmer’s Glue Sticks, School Glue or Glue All (SavingStar Deposit)
$2/1 Bic Mark-It Permanent Market printable (enter sweeps and coupon is offered)
$0.50/1 Duck Brand Packaging Tape printa
$2/$5 Post-It Pop-Up Notes Dispenser prin
$1.50/2 Bic Stationary Products printable
$0.75/1 Zebra Writing Instruments printab
$2/$5 Post-It Pockets printable
$2/$5 Post-It Pockets Purchase printable
$1/$4 Post-It Brand Flags, Tabs, or Pockets Purchase printable
$0.50/1 Scotch Greener Tape printable
$2/$10 Post-It Super Sticky Note Purchase printable
$1/$4 Post-It Full Adhesive Note Purchase printable
$1/$5 Post-It Full Adhesive Note printable
$0.50/1 Scotch Heavy Duty Shipping PackageTape, exp. 8/10/13 (SS 05/12/13 R)
Most of these are no longer available… 🙁