Just when you thought school just is finally out and summer is here, Walmart starts rolling out the Back to School Pallets! Personally, I love this time of year! I love trying to get the best deal on ALL the items my kid’s teachers are requesting but I also love stockpiling for my office. I only purchase paper and pens this time of year, unless it’s a FREE or penny ream of paper and that is because I am addicted. Don’t judge, you are too.
Back to School items are not just for school. So if you don’t have anyone getting ready for school that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to check out these deals. If you are a scrapbooker, this is the best time to pick up colored staples. You are working on contact list and want them all organized on index cards? I know sounds weird but they are more than half price during back to school season. So start looking around the house and let’s get the supply game plan together.
In the coming weeks, be on the look out for the I Heart The Mart’s Back to School Price Match List, where we take all the competitors weekly ads and check to see if their’s are lower than Walmart’s. If they are, you will see under that particular item, the store name, the price and the week of the sale.
If your Walmart is not price matching anymore, this list will also help you know the prices in your area.
Here is a sneak peek to the Walmart Back to School list, so far.
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