Hold the phone people!!! Ihave an AMAZING deal on the Houston Chronicle for you and this time I can spell it out!!! This is the only place you can score this deal!!!! Order quick because I am only allowed to offer to a limited number of people.
You can call 832-510-4013 between the hours of 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM and we can take your order over the phone. You can only pay by credit or debit card over the phone. If you want to pay by cash or check you will have to attend one of our classes. This is the only way to get a multiple subscription offer at a really good price.
* IF you ordered last week in a class, you should have gotten your papers over the weekend. IF you ordered over the phone you will be getting them THIS weekend. Sorry for any confusion, we were under the impression that they would be ALL last weekend, but there were so many they all did not get put in the system in time.
So I called a month or so ago and they told me I am maxed out at 5 so i am out of luck. Well about two weeks later 2 of my 5 subscriptions were auto renewed at a much higher price, very frustrating. The remaining three will renew in Sept. Can I do anything to take advantage of this offer? Can i cancel the auto renew and add the three through the deal or is that “canceling”?
Is this for mail order also if you are not in the Houston area?
no, sorry only for home delivery
I want to do this deal but I am wondering if it will still work since you mentioned it’s only for home delivery. My area delivers the houston chronicle to homes I the area with a subscription but we do not live in houston. Do you think I would still get the offer ?
where do you live?
I ordered several months ago and keep having issues I only get four of the five and I still haven’t gotten my
e gift card.
How can I subscribe for only the coupon inserts and not the whole pile of Sunday papers? I saw a post about it several months ago but cannot find it.
There isn’t a legal way that I know of to get inserts only and not the newspaper. We only work through the Sunday Only Subscriptions.
Thank you! I will continue the papers and recycle them!
I’m being charged multiple times for my subscriptions per week and a setup fee of $17.00 instead of the $5.00 you told me. I’m calling them tomorrow to try and fix the problem.
Bueno días, me gustaría saber como puedo recibí newspaper con ustedes, pero soy de new york en albany como hago quiero ahorra dinero
I will check on it, I am not sure if we have it there.
Is this still a valid deal? I signed up and left a message 2 weeks ago but have not heard anything.
yes, its still valid! They didn’t pick up subscriptions last week. This week they are giving out a bigger bonus if you get all 5.
How can I cancel my subscription? I no longer have time to do much couponing and don’t want to waste the money.
Kadi, Call or text (832) 510-4270 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM with any question