When you think of Back To School supplies you think of the backpacks, pencils, paper, the normal stuff. I usually forget about the other items needed like Facial Tissues and Ziploc bags. Both these items are on my kid’s school list, I figure if they are on my list they are probably on yours so why not save some money when you pick them up.
Angel Soft Tissue $1.37
$0.75 off Angel Soft Facial Tissue
Total: $0.62
Buy 2 Ziploc Bags $2.08
Use $1.00 off any two Ziploc Brand bags
Total: $1.58!
Buy 2 Ziploc Containors $2.12
Use $1.00 off any two Ziploc brand Containers
Total: $1.62
You can check out all my back to school deals HERE and my back to school VIDEO also!
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