The deal with the Houston Chronicle went well last week for them and they are slowly allowing more subscriptions. They have decided that we are allowed to offer just a certain amount each week, so that the carriers and staff can adjust.
You can call 832-510-4013 between the hours of 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM and we can take your order over the phone. You can only pay by credit or debit card over the phone. If you want to pay by cash or check you will have to attend one of our classes. This is the only way to get a multiple subscription offer at a really good price.
* IF you ordered last week in a class, you should have gotten your papers over the weekend. IF you ordered over the phone you will be getting them THIS weekend. Sorry for any confusion, we were under the impression that they would be ALL last weekend, but there were so many they all did not get put in the system in time.
The way a paper works is really interesting if you ever have the chance to talk to someone in the business. Just throwing that out there. There is so much involved that I just had no idea about. The thing that they are scared of is the advertisers don’t like people who get multiple subscriptions, because they like to think that everyone is reading the entire paper each week. When in fact you are not, if you are getting papers because you want the coupons. BUT you can’t just buy the inserts so it is a big circle.
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