Swagbucks is the easiest way to earn gift cards on the web, hands down! Last year I paid for most of our Christmas with Amazon gift cards form Swagbucks! You use Swagbucks as a search engine, use it first then try google. You earn bucks for searches that you do, Friday is Mega Swagbuck day and you get more rewarded that day.
Signup now and use coupon code HEARTTHEMART70 for extra swag! Joining Swagbucks has been one of the BEST things I have done to stretch my budget!
Starting at TODAY, Swagbucks is having a Swag Code Extravaganza that they’re calling Camp Swagsabucksaplenty! There are going to be 9 codes in total, and if you get all of them, you’ll have earned 50 Swag Bucks just from codes! Use this schedule so you don’t miss out on any of the fun!
* Which means you will be able to get a Amazon gift card really quick!
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