This is a great package deal on a Kindle Fire and case! But you need to follow the steps below for it to work out.
- First, sign up for Amazon Local (or sign in if you are already a member).
- Then, look under “All Deals” and locate the FREE voucher for 50% select Kindle Fire Accessories – It will automatically link the discount to your account.
- Shop for your Kindle Fire Bundle HERE – $199.00
- Your discount will be automatically checked and applied.
- Make sure you select free standard shipping, that is NOT automatically done.
- Total will come to $144!
You get a 7″ Kindle Fire HD, Case AND a $25 Gift Card for that price! A $229.00 Value.
(Thanks Bargains to Bounty!)
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*Remember that Amazon prices can change without notice. Please verify price before ordering.
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