I saw a woman do something today at Walmart that I thought was brilliant!
Every time she goes into Walmart and purchases something she adds $5 to a gift card that she carries with her. THIS IS HER CHRISTMAS SAVINGS PLAN! I think it is brilliant. In fact I came home and talked to my wife and we both decided that each of us would carry one. Even if we go in 3-4 times a week, which we do, each time we are going to add $5 to it. We should easily have $720 on each card by December.
So this got me thinking…. I am going to give away one of those cards at the beginning of December to a reader. Sounds like fun to me! Now, I am not sure how much will be on it, $500-$800 is my guesstimate. I will keep a tally on the sidebar, once I figure out how to do it.
Just thought I would give you a heads up, so if you are looking for a way to save up for Christmas you can get started now!
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