A couple of days ago Walmart announced it would be bringing back a lot of products they previously carried(8500?) They also clarified that you do not need to bring your store ads for pricematching. I would live by better safe than sorry. Here it is:
Wal-Mart announced it is bringing back thousands of products that were dumped from stores, they say they are ready to roll up their sleeves to win the lowest-price battle with their rivals. “We’re bringing back products and brands [our customers] want,” said Mac Naughton.
After alienating customers by culling too many products from shelves, Wal-Mart is bringing the variety back by adding 8,500 items to stores.
From now on, if customers find a lower advertised price, Wal-Mart promises to match that price at the register in all stores without requiring shoppers to bring in a competitor’s ad as proof.
Where could we print this from. I err on the side of caution too but would like it for “back up” haha.
How would that work without “proof”….I mean people could make up prices couldn’t they? I foresee this statement being revised! Only time will tell!
Perhaps they’ll have local store ads at each register so we don’t have to bring them in? Nonetheless, I’d rather be safe than sorry too and bring my own.
So it wasn’t just my wal-mart that got rid of half of the things I bought?
I love WalMart and love the deals I get there. However, I do not love their employees or how much their employees seem to HATE the wonderful deals I am able to score for me and my family because of the time I spend on my couponing adventures…I forsee the price matching at any register without proof being a HUGE problem as even when I do bring in proof and use a manufacturer coupon to get something cheap or free it is a problem for whoever is checking me out…
I agree! My local WM must only employ the cashiers who are hell bent on making me miserable!! They act as though I am stealing from them, and treat me like a piece of dirt! I hate it! If we had a Target nearby, I would gladly switch over, but we do not. Nor do we have any other large mass merchandise or grocery store. A few mom and pop stores and dollar stores are the only other option, and I don’t find a lot of the things I have to purchase at them, and certainly not a reasonable price!! I think that when instating a new policy such as this, they should be trained, and also review what it means to treat people (esp paying customers) with a little bit of respect!
I’m looking forward to more variety… years ago, they carried every kool-aid flavor there was. Now, you can only get the basic grape, cherry, and the like. Not sure if it includes that particular product, but I’m happy they’re making some changes!
This was actually done on 3/11/11(revision date printed on the policy)… Since then I have gone to The Mart with my LIST of items that are to be price matched; I also have all the flyers with me just in case… I do keep the policy with me at all times as well. The last time I went I had no problems at all… it might have to do with the fact that my list has item, size, store to Price match, price and what page of the ad it is on… may seem like a bit much to some, but makes things a lot easier at the check out for me…
I think The Mart has enough “faith” in their loyal customers to not try to scam them with made up prices… but there will always be “that 1” who spoils it for everyone.
My walmart has never made me bring in an ad in order to price match.
My favorite cashier at walmart has told me that you have not needed an ad for a long long time now. She would get into arguments with some of the cashiers that tried to tell her they did. She has been with walmart for years. I hate when I go in and she’s not there 🙁 From my experience with walmart cashiers-if she isn’t there make sure I have the ad! I’m in the process of making her a nice gift basket with a lot of my free/almost free goodies that I have.
Gosh, it’s about time they brought back all of those items they cut. They lost a lot of my business and that of many of my family members when they “yanked” so many products that we were used to using. I hope they keep up this return to trying to be more “customer friendly”. 🙂
My only complaint about the new price match guarantee- http://walmartstores.com/10563.aspx -is it states they do not honor competitor’s private label price promotions. For years I have taken Albertson’s and Lowe’s ads in and for things like sugar, flour, veggies I have price matched against the store brand. I guess not any more. 🙁 Although I do like the BOGO price match.
I agree with you. Before I was able to match store brand to store brand and get some great deals b/c I didn’t have to travel around to each store just to score their cheap store brand.
My wal-mart has had their competitor ads at every register for a few years now. So if i know that a certains tore has a price, they can look it up. But usually it’s on an item they’ve gotten a lot of peopel in to price match so they don’t have to look it up.
I hope that Wal Mart also teaches it’s cashiers in this new policy, and the updated coupon policy as well. I also think it would be great if they were to put little cameras at all registers, with audio as well as video included, so that the customer being treated like dirt for using these ‘tools’ or coupons, can be seen by upper mgt. The cashiers at the Wal Mart I have to shop at are very cruel and dissect each little coupon or price match as if I was stealing money from their personal pockets!! A deal seeker is unfairly put through the wringer at my local WM….
I have never had to show and ad at Wal-Mart for price matching. But I always make out my list real detailed and have never questioned or doubted.
Yesterday I had to pull out my handy- dandy Wally coupon policy to show them how to do their job! Thanks Paul!
The last few times I’ve shopped at Walmart, I didn’t show ads, just told the cashier how much an item was at a different store, no questions asked, I didn’t see any ads hiding behind the register! I don’t see this lasting long. You can tell them anything! I price matched some cereal last week, told the cashier it was $1.66 at Kroger, she said did you say $1.00 and would have given it to me for that had I not been honest with her and said, no, it is $1.66!
I’m still going to carry around ads, you never know what will happen. I would rather be in control than leave it up to them.
I have noticed the shelves are ‘bare’ at Walmart with fewer choices. I’m glad to see that they have noticed.
I actually saw a copy of this new price matching policy at my local store on the customer service desk. It was just laying there so I took a peak! It does indeed say its the responsibility of the managers to gather the local ads and have them available for cashiers!! I love Walmarts new attitude towards savings! They could win this contest if they would DOUBLE COUPONS!!!
I totally agree! I, like many, have all but written Walmart off b/c of poor customer service, etc. but they would definitely get me back as a customer if they would double coupons up to .60 ( or even .50!) like the local grocery stores do.
Big Lots… they consider a closeout store, do not match price.
Big Lots also DO NOT accept coupons.