So I was looking around for some deals to post and came across Aquafresh coupons, and I see that they actually have a coupon for trial size! I printed it out myself just to make sure that I wasn’t reading it wrong. It is for trial size up to $1.25! I’ve haven’t seen this before, way to go Aquafresh! Trial Sizes usually run about $.97! By the way you will have to register to print these out.
They have more than just the trial size coupon. Here are all of the available coupons to print out:
$1 off Iso-Active Whitening
$.75 off Training Toothpaste
$.50 off Traning Toothbrush
$1 off 2x Enamel Strengthing Action
$1 off Advanced 2x Whitening
$.50 off Extreme Clean Whitening Trial Size
$1 off Extreme Clean
$7 off White Trays or White Trays Pro-Gentle System
Maybe it’s just me but where is the q for the trial size that is up to $1.25? All I see is a $.50 one. Thanks!
I don’t see it either….is there a different link for the $1.25 coupon? Please update. Thanks!
The coupon is worth $.50. The $1.25 is the value of the trial size you can use the coupon with:)
I’m very confused. Which coupon should I print to get the trial size?
I am confused as well!
I think it means that the $0.50 coupon can be used on a trial size toothpaste with a price up to $1.25.