It’s time to curl up with a great new (Kindle) book. Amazon Gold Box Deal of the Day is saving on over 40 of the most popular Kindle books for $2.99 or less. They have titles like:
Twilight (The Twilight Saga, Book 1),
Dog Lived (and So Will I),
Five Little Pigs (Hercule Poirot Mysteries)
Say You’re Sorry (Joe O’Loughlin)
Man’s Search for Meaning and so many more. Check out the full list available HERE
Remember that you do not have to have a Kindle to get all these awesome FREE e-books. You can read them on most of the devices that you already have! Go HERE to get the app!
If you are interested in Kindles:
- Kindle Wi-Fi 6″ $69 with special offers and $89 without offers
- Kindle Paper White Touch Screen $119 with offers $139 without offers
- Kindle Keyboard 3G Wi-Fi 6″ $139 with offers $159 without offers
- Kindle Paperwhite 3G + Wi-Fi $179 with offers $199 without offers
- Kindle Fire $159
- Kindle Fire $199
- Kindle Fire HD 8.9 $299
- Kindle Fire HD 8.9 4G $499
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