If you are looking for a deal on All You magazine, Amazon currently has one for $34 for 2 years. But when you sign up for Amazon Mom ( you don’t have to be a Mom!) and order, you can get a $10 Amazon gift code after your purchase to use on anything you want. That makes it $1 an issue. Thanks Freebies 4 Mom.
All You $34.00 minus $10.00 Amazon Code = $24.00 for 2 years
Buy at Amazon.com
$10 Amazon code after purchasing (use on your next Amazon order and get free 2-day shipping when you sign-up for Amazon Mom)
2 years, 24 issues
Awesome, thank you so much for this post!!! I had more than enough Amazon gift cards saved up from all these promos over the past few months…been itching to use it, but waiting for the right deal. Been buying the magazine in store, so this works out perfectly!
Coupon, Dollars & Sense sent me over. Great deal. Thanks
I did not get a $10 Amazon gift code…and I signed up for my first diaper shipment in January. Where should I look for this gift code?
I started to worry because I had not received my code yet either. I doubled checked the wording on the magazine deal and it says the code will be emailed out *no later than* March 4th. So it might take a while…but I’ve never had a problem getting my codes, so it’ll be in your inbox eventually.