It is being reported that ALL Walmarts in Utah County will be doubling coupons under $1 on EVERY Tuesday!
What is going on here? The world has gone crazy I tell ya! Looks like they have some competition and are smart enough to keep up with it! Now, if we can get them to do that here in Houston and really give Kroger a headache that would be awesome!
Go HERE for more info.
** Make sure to call if you are worried your store is not doing it. Talk to a CSM as they apparently might not have the word out to the cashiers!
It seems to be isolated. Many of us have called our nearby Walmarts only to be told they know nothing about it. How sad for the rest of us 🙁
YEAH !!!! Thanks for the heads up 🙂
By the way – our Kroger here in Utah (Smiths) has never doubled or tripled. The best that we can get is every once in a while they will take the value of a coupon to $1.00. So if the coupon is worth $.35, it now becomes $1.00. Usually the sale only lasts a few days and the store shelves are cleared because of the dense amount of couponers there are in Utah. Be greatful for what you had!
Just a heads up, this is only for Utah County. Unfortunately the reason they are doing it is to compete with Ridley’s, which is located in Orem. They also won’t be going past a $1.00 in value.
How do we get them to extend that out here in Houston? 🙂
I’m in Utah County. I have confirmed that Orem and Cedar Hills are doubling. Saratoga Springs and Lindon say they have never heard of such a thing.
I AM SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED….I just called Walmart in Saratoga Springs and they said……YES!!!!!!
Oooh fingers crossed for Houston Area! I will be a 100% Wal Mart shopper and never look back at Krogers.
I don’t see Walmarts in Houston having much motivation to double coupons once Kroger doesn’t. They will probably get more business from it regardless and they aren’t exactly hurting right now for money.
We can only hope that this is a test-market to see if this would be worthwhile to extend nationwide. Oh, if only this could be true! I was just shopping at Walmart yesterday and was thinking that I would probably do almost all my shopping there if they doubled coupons. Besides that one thing, they already have the best coupon policy in our town. Crossing my fingers that the couponers in Utah County, Utah will come out in droves to show how GOOD a thing this can be to take nationwide!!
Still having trouble with the coupon overage @ Walmarts in Pasadena, Tx. Fairmont & Shaver Walmarts are not telling cashiers of new coupon policy. I had to take my printed coupon policy with me & have them call a Manager before they give me the hardest time ever time. : ( They simply don’t take my word or even look @ the new policy I have in hand. Then after being told of it by Manager they say (I was never told about it). Thanks
You should call Walmart Corporate Offices if you are having that problem. They need to be educated so they can do their jobs correctly and to correctly serve their customers.
I got to do this today at the American Fork Utah location! Its tricky because I stopped in at customer service and they confirmed it for me and then at the register I went to give them all my coupons and they told me I “did it wrong” they wanted me to tell them before the run in my oranges I had a $0.35 coupon and they would take it out of the price and then take the coupon off in addition. I ended up having to re ring all of my purchase that had under $1 coupons! A bummer but totally worth the savings! Thanks again for helping us out by spreading the word! : )
I live in SLC and it’s about a 30-45 min drive, but I may do it one of these Tuesdays just to check it out!